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Everything posted by Oldodge

  1. That made me laugh out loud. Thanks Eck!
  2. I have just started my second year here and finished up my first full riding season with the RSV. I love the machine, and this site is part of that experience. I have joined a couple other forums for various interests. All of them are free sites, if they weren't I would drop all but one of them in a minute because I don't feel I really "belong" there. This forum is the best bargain in motorcycling, hands down. I have not met one member in person, but I feel I have gotten to know many, and I feel like I do 'belong" here. Thank you Freebird and family for bringing us all together and making me feel so welcome. Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. That 32 has me drooling!
  4. I worked on getting ready for winter. I adjusted the brakes on my '41 Dodge, filled her up and added fuel stabilizer. Took it for a ride to get good fuel in the carburetor. Topped off the Venture with fuel and stabilizer and ran it till it ran out of fuel. Then I opened the petcock and ran it with stabilized fuel. Also plugged in the battery tender. Then I got the snow blower out of storage. Did some preventative maintenance on it and my little Kawasaki generator. I fired them up and ran them for a while because I hear there is a "Fool" throwing snow our way. "That ain't workin", that's playin!
  5. Very nice Puc. Thank you for sharing.
  6. When they fix that leak I bet you can top it off with Seafoam! Seriously, take care and we will be praying for you. I know you have a great support system at home too.
  7. That white stuff landed here this evening. :mad:
  8. Not for me! I have enough trouble figuring out if I am coming or going as it is!
  9. Yes it is there now.
  10. Mine has: What's New: Forum: classifieds: Chat: PhotoPlog No mention of "Articles" ??????
  11. Sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  12. I lubed the hub and swapped the brake pads side for side in the caliper. Inner pad was worn much more than the outer. First impression of the E3 is positive but I will know more when I get the new front on as well. Also used 2 ounces of Dyna beads in the rear tire. A first for me.
  13. I am curious too. How many miles did they last? I just put an E3 rear on my 2013. I got just over 11,100 mi. on the original 404. Front will be changed out this winter. I will use it up this fall. Maybe another 1k at most. Front tire didn't seem to have very deep tread even when new.
  14. Nice bike.
  15. I run 40 rear and 38 front on my D404 tires. I do not understand how someone can consider anyone a friend and then mess with their motorcycle.
  16. My wife's Dad has one and I use it for his garden and snow removal. Great machines! Congratulations!
  17. Rainsuit, jacket, several pairs of gloves, shield for my open face helmet and a credit card.
  18. All from the day I bought the RSV.
  19. PMS = Post Motorcycle Season I presume? I think I suffer from that as well.
  20. I love the solitude, the attention to detail riding demands, and the feeling of being part of the machine.
  21. Hard to see in pic but 9.75" to top of dark and 15.5" to top of clear from top of chrome.
  22. I bought a new 2013 a year ago. I looked at all the brand lineups and the RSV won. The Victory was a close second.
  23. You either get it or you don't. I don't get a lot of things people post. But this one ------ Proud to say I do!
  24. I am about 5'8". I look thru the clear part, I can almost see over it without leaving the seat if I stretch, and I look well over the tinted part when the upper is removed. In rain and fog I use just the bottom and hunch over a tad. I keep thinking about trimming the top to see over it as that is what I have always done. But, since I can remove it when I need to, I have left it tall for maximum protection.
  25. Congrats Puc and Tippy! My wife and I just celebrated 34 years as well on 9/6/14.
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