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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. GOOD-Luck on the WAY!:thumbsup2::clap2: enjoy the time????????
  2. THE oil GURU's------have SPOKEN!-----------all hail:thumbsup2::usa:
  3. DITTO w/Squidley----let him get it runnin???-----REM. $$$ talks and BS takes a hike!!----a pocket full of 'Ben Franklins'---helps:sign outstanding:
  4. :clap2::thumbsup2::sun1::usa: GR8 piece of work!-------------keep it up:cool10:
  5. WELL said-----this present admin------is a leading force in moving US down the road to 'WHERE DID our FREEDOMS GO??????:usa:
  6. Seafoam has a website---------and from there you can via[the miracle of computers and the net]---there is a video showing ALL the uses of this miracle product!---------or you can call the gov ment ?:usa:
  7. ----Handling and longevity----------[in bad weather,and 18K plus on miles]
  8. Tom----on the #26 photo-----you and Jose,appeared to be doing mighty fine??---------it appears that ya'll had a gr8 gathering-------------- am looking forward to warmer climate in Jan.--------------Thanks fer the picts-------:usa:
  9. I missed it,when it was aired-------thanks for the post------A hoot----
  10. THANK-YOU CANADA: for ALWAYS standing with the USA!-------:clap2::usa::usa:
  11. Bob-----u da man---------I would of phrased it ---HO's-:sun1:----when I was in! we had a few of'em off base???????????
  12. Hey ole goat--------what each person has told is of extreme importance,in the overall way that these 1st Gens. run!-------------SOOOOOOO it is WORTH the $12 ---------that few shekels U pay NOW will come back to ya in greater knowledge of the 84! or may-b you are the millionaire next door????? and love to pay those 'stealer' prices---------
  13. Thanks for your intel on the the FT.Hood situation-----keep the site posted---sooo we can each one of us offer our prayers for the families-------------:usa:
  14. Those are great thoughts,however, I always like to remember the great men and women who are away from their families at these times due to serving our country in the military. I would be interested in joining Venture Rider Forces to say a big Thank You for all that they do. The children are important, but, we all owe our troops. Patricia:2cents:
  15. So if you see an absolutely drop dead beautiful 99 silver RSV with an equally stunning driver STOP HIM...he stole my bike.....-------Ruffy,ya taught Jean how to operate that 99????????-------ya ridin' bi+ch----these days?-------
  16. I think a general rule of thumb is when you rev it and let go if the idle stays high for a short time it's to lean. When revved and it fails below idle for a short time it's to rich. Without an analyzer it's like trying to sync Carbs by ear. Mixture by ear, Turn the mixture screw in until loss of rpm then back out to the highest. Then back in until the idle doesn't change. Do all 4. This setting should be what's called the lean best idle setting. _________________----------stolen from Venturers.org:thumbsup2:----yrs ago------
  17. It is the Ring and pinion gear-----inside the punkin------look it up in the service manual----replace or buy nother punkin!!-------
  18. Bike is loaded,up??????????????? w/stuff or on the trailer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:usa:
  19. Yo Earl----thanks fer doing the layover in {the land of the Messiah and all his holy and wise men across the Potomac??????????] d.c.[district of criminals]----we enjoyed the visit and entertainment-------let us know when we can set-up the trip up into your area---[to do the State College] creamery run!!--:usa: PS did ya find where SteveD's horde of gold and:mo money::mo money: Jrichard
  20. T TThat's more like a WHINE---------red or white!:sign outstanding:
  21. http://venturerider.org/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif How many VR members does it take to change a light bulb? Shamelessly stolen from 1 of the billion places that have this posted.:clap2::sign outstanding:
  22. WESTBORO baptist---a bunch of useless MAGGOTS!!!!!----they protested a fireman that was killed and brought home to Daytona Beach last yr.!----Well the PGR,Legion riders and the great folks of DB---turned out in droves----------PGR and the Legion surrounded the said maggots literally---and each time the said maggots: Moved----PGR and the Legion kept 'em surrounded----w/ help from local DBPD--------said maggots will b taken care of!!! via the great people of that area!!!!!!!:usa:
  23. Glad that use-guys finally made it!------I have a friend in the 'Meyerland' area of Houston-------ya still retaining the same cell#???---------Enjoy the "LONE STAR' state------------:sun1::usa:-----will telly ya in Feb.
  24. Kenny-----been there,done that!!!!!!!!!------all it usually takes is a bit of lookin and makin Men sounds??????
  25. Ya'll have the 'BLESSINGS' of all VR.org----------enjoy:thumbsup2::clap2::sun1: and spend:mo money:
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