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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. Earl,what a pisser!----believing that u-b all rite------if"n ya need anything -ya know the #-----------thanks again for the call and concern---Re: Wilkes Barre------distributor was shot!
  2. BELATED birthday wish------------may ya have a bunch more:clap2::usa: and receive:mo money:------ Jrichard
  3. John-believing that all will go well: Praying that your surgery will not b complicated:and the recovery time short!-----enjoy the R&R------
  4. Thanks Craig:clap2::usa:
  5. Hey man:---------I"ll give ya 10 "Ben Franklins" fer the ST-------they will EAT those "Ventures" alive and spit em ouT :clap2::clap2::thumbsup2::usa:???????????you 2 "yammer dan"---------put your $$$$$ where ya mouth is???????????????????-------them YamaMamas-------r still dealing w/that 'ole technology"------____I can take that ST "VENTURE'----to well over 100 in 2nd gear!!!!!!:mo money:
  6. That looks to me; like a bit MUCH of JACK BLACK!!!!!----------had that slobbering look before--------- carry-on!:usa::usa:
  7. Jrichard


    Hey,Big Tom -----u r from NY!!!!:usa:
  8. SilvrT------thanks for the 'moments in History'-------was gr8--------sent it to all my e-mail peop0le!!!!!!!:usa:
  9. Earl is a pretty good white feller!!:usa:------he b know'in a thing or two 'bout them ther 1st gens.--------carry-on!!
  10. David----glad that all worked out for the best----will b praying for the both of ya'll------------------------
  11. :usa::usa:Dale--glad to c you r still 'among the livin'------------looking forward to c ing ya and some event ---and shooting the breeze!-------Jrichard:group cheers:
  12. Lewis; Patricia and I have ya'll in our prayers to THE MOST HIGH-----believing that all will b made right-------:usa:jrichard
  13. You 'ole dog u':clap2: may u have a bunch mo------Send that gift?? up 95 to 'your cousin cross the river'
  14. Bobby----mid-70's here in 'ALAMO' city!!!!!-------:usa:-------
  15. Great clip------could not listen--------there is no audio @the public library,here in San Antonio-----------67 in SA---:usa:
  16. Another great moment in America. Enjoy. Hot Video: Marine Stuns Crowd at Tea Party | The FOX Nation www.thefoxnation.com Patricia:usa:
  17. Michigan - God's Country Aug 12 - Moved to Michigan. It is so beautiful here. The hills are so serene and beautiful. Can hardly wait to see snow cover them. God's country...I love it here. Oct 14 - Michigan is the most beautiful place. The leaves are turning all different colors, I love the shades of red and orange. I went for a ride through the beautiful country side and spotted some deer, they are so graceful certainly they are the most peaceful animals on earth. This must be paradise Michigan, I love it here. Nov 11 - Deer season will start soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such an elegant creature. The very symbol of peace and tranquillity. Hope it will snow soon...I love it here. Dec 2 - It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed in white, it looks like a post card. We went outside and cleaned the snow off of the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight, (I won) and when the snowplow came by, we had to shovel the driveway out again. What a beautiful place. Mother nature in perfect harmony... I love Michigan. Dec 12 - More snow last night. I love it. The snowplow did his trick again (that rascal). Winter wonderland... I love it here. Dec 19 - More snow last night. Couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work this time. I'm exhausted from shoveling. F-ing snowplow... Dec 22 - More of the white s____ fell last night. I've got blisters on my hands from all this f-ing shoveling. I think the snow plow man hides around the corner and waits till I'm done shoveling my driveway...a_ _ hole! Dec 25 - "White Christmas" my busted a$$! More friggin snow. If I ever get my hands on that son-of-a-b@#$% who drives that snow plow, I swear I'll castrate that dumb bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt this f@#$%^ ice. Dec 28 - More white s@#$ fell last night. Been inside since Christmas Day, except for shoveling out the driveway after "Snow Plow Harry" comes by, prick...g_ _-d_ _ _ car is behind a ton of snow. The weatherman said to expect another 10 inches of s@#$ tonight. Do you know how many shovels of snow 10 inches is? Jan 1 - Happy F@#$%^$ New Year. The weatherman was wrong (again.) We didn't get 10" last night, we got 34", stupid a_ _ weatherman anyway. At this rate it won't melt before the 4th of July. The snow plow got stuck up the road and the s@#$head had the balls to come to the door and asked to borrow my shovel. After I told him I've broken 6 shovels already, shoveling all the sh@# he pushed into my driveway, I broke the last one over his f@#$%$ head. Jan 4 - Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get food, on the way back a g@#d@#$ deer ran in front of me. I hit the bastard and tore my car all to hell. Did $3,000 in damages. Those f@#$%^$ beasts should be killed. Wish the hunters had killed all of them last November. May 3 - Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing rotted out from all the f@#$%^$ salt they keep dumping all over the road. Car looks like a piece of s@#$. May 10 - Moved back to Virginia, I can't imagine why anyone in their right f@#$%^$ mind would ever want to live in this g@#-forsaken place called Michigan. Please note, although no boardcode and smiley buttons are shown, they are still useable
  18. Jack------that was gr8-----the music--from 'Somewhere over the rainbow'--to "What a Wonderful World'----ya done goood!---:usa: gr8 ridin photo's:sign outstanding:
  19. I'll b speakin w/the MAN upstairs-----on behalf of your better half{she has to put up w/ya???????]------during your recuperation --------Believing that all goes well------
  20. To ALL Vets---------------Many thanks for your service and allegiance to your respective country---for 'stepping up' and answering the call to serve--------:usa: God save us
  21. Gerald---------happy 29th to you and 'Mo'----------enjoy the tour-------and many more to follow!----------:clap2::usa:---Love use guys
  22. What----no cassette!----------------hopefully they will have one to DEMO in Daytona next wk.-------------mid-80's all wk.:usa:
  23. Found this funny video on another site. Enjoy! http://sorisomail.com/partilha/83108.html
  24. Skid----many congratulations on your new position!------:clap2:and retirement is drawing near---:usa:
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