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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. Ya Know how to READ a map?????????------the original GPS:fiddle::usa:
  2. :usa:--------BUMP
  3. OUTSTANDING---carry on:usa::usa:
  4. Prayers and thoughts go out to his family----------THE VR. org family has lost a great rider and friend
  5. Don,----I'll take a "M" or 'L'---------in white,white or any variation of white?------------cash is still King-----
  6. Hey Johnnycruiser---------------Check Pinwall cycle parts in Ohio------they have whole carbs for 83-85-------in the 260.00 range!!
  7. Justin seems to have a great foundation of youth and health, but, mostly a family and here and extended family to pray for him. Richard and I will keep our prayers active for his continued recovery. Keep looking to our good lord.
  8. Bob, I have the Left handle bar switch,go to 1st Gen. classifieds-----audio control-------all the buttons are intact!------$50 --I pay s&h----------Jrichard:santa:
  9. Patricia here, Richard and I have said and will continue to say many prayers for Larry's recovery. We don't wish accidents on anyone, but, it's somehow worse when it happens to someone we know and care about. Joyce don't forget the importance of taking care of yourself so you can better assist Larry upon his (hopefully soon) return to your home castle of comforts.
  10. LARRY we B prayin fer ya!!!!-------------shuda had your aid on?????------------Jrichard & Patricia
  11. You ole dog, you have become quite articulate in your Sr. yrs.!------hope that all is well w/ya--------keep those Po-lit-a kal ----emails coming?-------am looking @96-99 Kawasaki zg1200------going back to the touring rigs!------:usa:--throw the bums out after Halloween--------GOD save THE REPUBLIC--
  12. Am re-posting my 1st Gen.Parts and acc.-------- Classifieds on page 2 ---------=NEED to clean all of these LEFT-OVER parts:----------------from projects gone-bye:group cheers::usa:
  13. BOBO----------Jer.30:7 For I will restore health unto thee,and I will HEAL thee of ALL thy wounds,saith the LORD!----------I spoke w/Yahweh this day and HE told me {that HE has it all under control] and for you to keep your eyes riveted on HIM-------------------and HE also said that {if u can't run w/the big dogs] stay on the porch! and He will send a rep. from the 'scooter store'----to have u fitted for a Power chair?????--------SHALOM:thumbsup2::usa:
  14. friesman---------I have a ss from my 92 VR----------but airmail to your country would b $$$$$$$$$$$$$-------------------w/the shoulder-bolt----------------ya coming to the good ole USA??-----------------------------------ALSO------a Virago ss will work-----------happened to me in Daytona Beach yrs. ago------------------------salvage yard for mc------check'em on your TRIP----------------------:usa::usa:
  15. Taters----------ya still have birthdays!-------believing that ya have a wonderful day------------------C use guys in July:clap2::usa:
  16. Kim,:usa:that's WHAT rainsuits WERE designed for:thumbsup2: Leave on Thur. and U will not get wet on the pilgrimage to OBERLIN!
  17. Rickster----WE live bout 35 mi. S. of Fredrick, in sterling,Va.-------who is coming w/ya???------I am 2 mi. N. of Dulles airport------Jrichard
  18. These are the types of folks we may be mingling with. http://external.ak.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQA_BLOHayu8KF4C&w=130&h=130&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi4.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FokM-iuuEAtQ%2Fhqdefault.jpg[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okM-iuuEAtQ&sns=fb]A Buffalo Christmas Version 2[/ame] www.youtube.com
  19. Earl, you are a class act gem! This post was quite nice to watch indeed. Richard and I viewed this last evening and I am still thinkin bout it. I believe the gift of giving is truely the gift that keeps on giving. I too must be reminded, as do many of us, that when we give from our hearts.....thenafter, the way it is received isn't our responsibility. Our intentions are the key. Thanks for taking your time to post this. God Bless you. Patricia:santa:
  20. Thom--------ya 'ole dog' u-----------believing that u have a bunch more----------------we will cross paths during the 'winter'-----somewhere??
  21. Patricia and I will b praying for Dano,for a HEALING recovery and all bodily functions to b returned to a normal condition!---------Jrichard
  22. Bout time for u to start SSI at your advanced yrs.??------Have a great birthday-Yammer!---------:clap2:--
  23. N.C.[pork Q w/slaw,boiled taters,corn sticks,sweetened ice tea,----from Bill's or Parkers in Wilson,finger lickin GOOD:thumbsup2::usa:-------ps w/a side of livers and guzzards thrown in for desert!
  24. Prayers going up-that all is well with Ponch------Please keep US informed-----------------------Jrichard
  25. David--------pinwall has 3: 1200 pumpkins------fer 69.95+s&h -don't know if the 1200 rear will fit your 91 or not:group cheers:-----consult w/the higher VR powers!!!!!--------------
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