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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. CASH is still King!:mo money:
  2. Hey Gary ----thank you for that remembrance of that day----------Last Sunday they did a "Rattle the runway" at Dulles--and then on to The Pentagon for some time to reflect!------Thanks again ---jrichard:clap2::usa::usa:
  3. Monty-------we wantin' to go w/ya'll---and I am sure that there r 'some' also!!!!:usa:
  4. JAY and Jeannie-------thanks for the gr8 gathering----was an absolute pleasure to b at your home: your hospitality is only exceeded by ya'lls willingness to host this event!-----lookin foeward to the WDC-------------I am back in good graces w/the VR powers that b-----:usa:
  5. ASHE-francisco is a gr8 upcoming area------w/the eclectic shops and all the other things to do------the artsy crowd has gone in and transformed the city---to a profitable place!------gr8 riding also----------good place to start again and ALSO keep prayin'-----:usa:
  6. Rember-------------$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ speaks Loudly and BS takes a hike!@!!!!----Nothing BUT 65 Ben Franklins
  7. MANY more yrs. to come!--------congratulations-----to you all:clap2: C ya'll on the road again-------------Jrichard
  8. Brakepad-------ya done good -------away from the hustle and bustle of South FL>---------now Closer to the H2O-------not far from the 'rolling' hills of Central Fl. much better riding-----------:usa:
  9. KAREN------your 1st LONG trip-----on the 'honda'---------:sun:we b lookin' fer ya!
  10. Another YEAR OLDER,andWISER:group cheers::mo money:may ya have a bunch more!
  11. 14th-17th works fer Patricia and myself!----------21st-24th is the WNY 'gathering'
  12. The power of prayer in numbers is with you and your family Jeff and Leslie. I am definitely joining this prayer chain and want you to smile as we all continue to pray for you. Keep your spirits high as you can by concentrating on the good. Patricia
  13. Hey BOBO----------------bohica-----------bo-he ka----------translation????------------bend over here it comes again!----------I'm from the gov-ment, and I b here to hep ya---------------Carry on:group cheers:
  14. Gary-------gr8 to see ya'll back on the site-------believing that all is well!-------KEEP those politically not correct e-mails coming my way-------------------------Numbers6:24-26:santa::usa:
  15. MY Heart is bleeding!:fiddle:snow and sleet in NVA..........70 degrees-------------Ruff------'someone has to suffer' lookin forward to getting to The Land of the 'condo commandos and Geritol raiders----------carry-on:group cheers::usa:
  16. just rolled -up I-95 ---fr0m the land of the 'Condo Commandos-------and Geritol Raiders-------was gr8 seeing Ruffy and Jean{Keep up the good work] plenty of KALE and PBR--------had a wonderful gathering in Pa---Hookie---------resort was well gr8---------Pahookie??????????????? left alot to b desired?????------mostly sugar-cane employees{the far reaches of AFFLUENT Palm Beach]----I see where they dump their refuse!!!????------good to put names to faces------enjoyed the afternoon beer chat w/Gez,Tom and Russ-----aalso Karen-----who was learned in the fine art of pickin-up a 'Roadstar'-----allways good to get the tha land of eternal sunshine [esp. this time of the yr.------------when the rest of the ridin folks r puttin-up fer the 'WINTER'------SHALOM-------keep working:I may b able to collect on that social insecurity---- yeah rite???:usa:----CARRY-ON:clap2:
  17. CASH--------that soft,warm green stuff!---------the winner COULD purchase:what his heart desires-------------I've never purchased tickets fer a trailer!-------------cash would b a great motovator??????????:mo money::usa:
  18. We b coming S. from Daytona beach!
  19. StanG----------motorcycle salvaged yard{PINWALL cycle parts in OHIO]aaaa750-1100 Virago stand will work!:usa:
  20. Condolences to you and family----Steve will b missed.
  21. AMEN!----thus sayeth The Boss------
  22. Sent ya an e-mail-----
  23. I saw this on the Voyager XII site, a great read 'bout K&N filters??? http://www.knfilters.com/news/news.aspx?id=4619
  24. That photo was from the Chestnut mountain resort High def. securty camera!--------of some 'questionable charactor' doing UNAUTHORIZED work on 'said motor-sickle????????????????:mo money:
  25. Glad that u and Karen maid it back to the land of the 'condo commandos and geritol raiders--------------we b still in the Upper pennisular od Mi.-------doing the Lk. Superior tour-------dodgeing the 'liquid sunshine'------------:usa:Jrichard and Patricia
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