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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. ADVANCE auto parts sells the electro-lite battery acid!!!!! usually around $5:usa:-----------follow the instructions-----------
  2. :thumbsup2: OUTSTandING STUFF------------it's made by Performix:sun1: ---------you can also get it @ homedepot and Lowes:clap2:
  3. plastiDip------------------outstanding stuff----------recently I was in the 'hill country' Texas------------was heading N. on 336 over the 'cattle guards' I felf my #2 cylender drop out ----------finished the ride>returned to the motel: did the {feel each cyclende} #1-#3 #4 were HOT #2 was warm----------------removed the top cover-------removed top of air breather box-------------took filter out------then was able to watch diaphrams flutter as the throttle was bleeped---3 moved well #2 NO movement!!!!!! removed top of carb{#2] pulled diaphram-------held up-to light SAW small tear----------went the Home-Depot and purchased the plastidip by PERFORMIX-----------{{ in the spray}-------------taped around the black plastic soooo the spray would not get on the plastic Coated BOTH sides of diaphram----------let dry 30 min. resprayed again let dry overnite!-----------CHECK ALL the Diaphrams !!!!!!!!!!-if needed spray'em all: replaced carb. cover ------------synch all carbs, B on your merry way----------PLASTIDIP---a reasonable alternative to the $35-120 fer each one---------Hey the choice is yours :spend:mo money:or the PLASTIDIP----------
  4. Allan,so sorry to hear of your loss-------My prayers are out for You and family--------------Keep your eye's upon THE LORD anf HE will Bring ya thru----------Jrichard and Patricia
  5. Great info,very easy to comprehend-------------carry-on-----------MERRY CHRISTMAS:clap2: :usa:
  6. The rack that I sold to Skid was an original 'ventureline with V" in very good condition! I have 1 more of the same quality---------so if anyone is interested e-mail me------- it will line-up w/holes that are already drilled. :usa: AMERICA land of THE FREE because of THE BRAVE---------------
  7. :amen: :usa: i GOT 95 -----------FORGOT TO ANSWER THE 1ST ONE---must b 'ole timers'To: Subject: Mine was 65%.....Not too good...lol Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 10:09:41 +0000 GMAC Insurance's 2006 National Drivers Test
  8. It's a napa #156 HEAVYDUTY--------it has a stronger spring------the H.d. is about 11-12 bucks------the other is around 8-------the 12 dollar is the one that uuu want---------
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