plastiDip------------------outstanding stuff----------recently I was in the 'hill country' Texas------------was heading N. on 336 over the 'cattle guards' I felf my #2 cylender drop out ----------finished the ride>returned to the motel: did the {feel each cyclende} #1-#3 #4 were HOT #2 was warm----------------removed the top cover-------removed top of air breather box-------------took filter out------then was able to watch diaphrams flutter as the throttle was bleeped---3 moved well #2 NO movement!!!!!! removed top of carb{#2] pulled diaphram-------held up-to light SAW small tear----------went the Home-Depot and purchased the plastidip by PERFORMIX-----------{{ in the spray}-------------taped around the black plastic soooo the spray would not get on the plastic Coated BOTH sides of diaphram----------let dry 30 min. resprayed again let dry overnite!-----------CHECK ALL the Diaphrams !!!!!!!!!!-if needed spray'em all: replaced carb. cover ------------synch all carbs, B on your merry way----------PLASTIDIP---a reasonable alternative to the $35-120 fer each one---------Hey the choice is yours :spend:mo money:or the PLASTIDIP----------