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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. Pryor!!! what about ALLLLLLL-them mouths that U [3-hots and a cot] too?:mo money::sun1::usa: great DE-ductions-------------
  2. The venture-line back rest,when it was new went for 189.95:mo money::usa::thumbsup2:if"en u can obtain 'the lot' for $300-------U've DONE GOOD!!!!!
  3. Subject FW: In honor of Veterans Day I hope that I did this correct------------very moving!!!!! Pretty moving " (See attached file: zzzzTerryKelly.wmv) AttachmentsAttachment scanning provided by:http://ads.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/sy/symantec/0301407_antivirus_nodate_79x22.gif http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/space.gif Files: http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/nt/tr14x15_1.gif http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/pim/clip_1.gif zzzzTerryKelly.wmv (3.5MB) Scan and Save to Computer DeleteReplyForwardSpamMove... Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text | Full Headers
  4. :clap2:LIBERALS are always complaining about some-thing---------!!!!!!!!!!!!:usa::usa:
  5. STAY-ALERT---------STAY ALIVE--------keep your point out and your six-covered!!
  6. What does it do! and i know that it is located on the left-side of the 83-93 VR in the fairing-----------does anyone have the part #?? and a PHOTO!!----------------------------- speedometer did a flip-flop and died!!{the needle]
  7. :mo money::mo money::clap2: REM. that famous P.T.BARNUM don't YA???????????:usa: You'll figure it out!!
  8. RickH---------he's on the other site!! and he has done research and has a co. that refurbishes ya'lls 2nd gen stators---------w/more power ==thicker windings,larger wiring---i believe that he supply's 2 gaskets-------he does an exchange-----your old one------fer a "new' one ---------$$$$$$$$$$$$---u will have to check w/him-----buckeyeperformance.com---------do a Google search------u don't c him on here much????????????????:thumbsup2:---------
  9. Jeff. R U doing a get together in Daytona beach!!---------during 'biketoberfest"??????:sun1::usa:----------call me on my cell---------703-489-4625-----------as the library---------now charges $5 to use their comps.-----------we b in the area!!! seen many VR's--------all going the other way!!
  10. when i run any ethonal based fuel,I always add the suggested SEAFOAM-1 oz. per X amount of gal.---------to the full fill-up---- my 2 sheckles worth of info!! non-etholal will always preform better-----------
  11. Lowell------------good talking w/u -------------HOT-PINK --------would most definately B eye catching!!!!!!!!!-----------I'll b in Fl. for 'Biketoberfest"----------------:clap2:adult-beverages-------------------------the road goes on 4-ever
  12. tommy, CHECK your carb diaphrams!!! may B pinholes?------similair thing happened to me checked the carb dia. and they all had holes------------either replace or patch!--------
  13. Somebody SHOULD jump on that!!!----------it's an original 'Ventureline'---------------I've sold 2 myself fer $125+ ship---------go fer it:mo money:
  14. Jeff, how R U and Jean???-----I've seen Webbers many a times : it dooes look a gr8 place to meet-------------OR we could find out--where the MOTORMAN is putting on his 'Ride like a pro' demo's???????:sun1::usa:
  15. That's an affirmative on 'Biketoberfest'---------will b in the area to check out my 'winter' lodging----------am leaving Northern Va. the mon. prior to the 18th---------back up on the 22nd to complete my season! then back south fer the cold months!!!!!!!!!:sun1::usa:-----------44 w past deland over the St.John's bear rite @ the lite--------Jrichard
  16. Jrichard

    New Law

    Red-lite!--------saw this on the Roadstarclinic.com site----- fer all u NC folks-:clap2:Sep-25 12:58 pm To: ALL (1 of 9) 161121.1 So has anyone heard if the law in North Carolina passed to allow us to go through a red light if it will not change for a motorcycle. Thought I heard it passed but not sure when it will take affect. http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=opt Options http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=5&iconName=pReply To: ALL Advertisement Ads by Google Exhaust Ringtone Send this complimentary ringtone to your phone right now! BestRingDownloads.com Vance and Hines Exhausts for Metric Cruisers available at low prices! www.OneStopMoto.com/ Mustang Seats-On Sale Free Shipping on all seats Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha www.MotorcycleOnlineStore.com Ledrie USA, Inc., European made quality motorcycle accessories for your Metric cruiser www.ledrieusa.com From: Cappy da Pukka (billfpaxton) http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=1&iconName=0 Sep-25 5:07 pm To: Gramps77 (2 of 9) 161121.2 in reply to 161121.1 It looks like it goes into effect the 1st of December 2007 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA SESSION 2007 SESSION LAW 2007-260 SENATE BILL 1359 AN ACT to allow the operator of a motorcycle to proceed through an intersection controlled by a traffic signal only if the traffic signal uses an inductive loop vehicle sensor that activates the traffic signal and the inductive loop fails to detect the motorcycle and activate the traffic signal. The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: SECTION 1. G.S. 20-158 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: "§ 20-158. Vehicle control signs and signals. … (e) Defense. – It shall be a defense to a violation of sub-subdivision (b)(2)a. of this section if the operator of a motorcycle, as defined in G.S. 20-4.01(27)d., shows all of the following: (1) The operator brought the motorcycle to a complete stop at the intersection or stop bar where a steady red light was being emitted in the direction of the operator. (2) The intersection is controlled by a vehicle actuated traffic signal using an inductive loop to activate the traffic signal. (3) No other vehicle that was entitled to have the right-of-way under applicable law was sitting at, traveling through, or approaching the intersection. (4) No pedestrians were attempting to cross at or near the intersection. (5) The motorcycle operator who received the citation waited a minimum of three minutes at the intersection or stop bar where the steady red light was being emitted in the direction of the operator before entering the intersection." SECTION 2. This act becomes effective December 1, 2007, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 12th day of July, 2007. s/ Beverly E. Perdue President of the Senate s/ Joe Hackney Speaker of the House of Representatives s/ Michael F. Easley Governor Approved 9:00 p.m. this 23rd day of July, 2007 Cappy http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=opt Options http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=5&iconName=pReply From: greenhell07
  17. I have 1 extra:size [L]---Vogel 07---color [wine,burgandy--'tail of the dragon' tee shirt-------never been worn!!!!------------ looking to trade for a 07 Ft.collins-----------International Venture rider rally tee shirt--size [L]---------gray or black----------------e-mail me
  18. Joan (this is no joke) I received this e-mail this morn. VERY INTERESTING ......... This is interesting. When you get the web site up, click on the state. Then the next window is a listing of all the cities in that state. Click on your city and there are the speed traps listed. SPEED TRAPS - NO JOKE...CHECK IT OUT! http://www.speedtrap.org/speedtraps/stetlist.asp
  19. Hey Brad,Lonna where R you'all going to b in N.C.?????????
  20. Well worth the $$$$$----------------1-Head&Eyes 2-Friction Zone 3 rear Brake------------where your head&eyes look the bike will GO!--Friction zone is that spot WHERE the bike is barely moving,and you can Rev. the motor!!--------rear brake controls your speed: NEVER apply the FRONT brake OR it WILL pull u to the STREET:thumbsup2:----------IT B WORKS!!!
  21. Advance auto sell the fram------6002 round oil filter fer $4---------
  22. Hey Jack, I'll look when I finally RETURN fron the Ft. Collins gathering-------am at Brad&Lannas in MI.----enjoying the "BLUE h2o's of Lake Huron?????????????????????????:mo money::mo money: Dig deep into those 'shekels' U got buried in those 'coffee cans"-------:usa:----j.R.
  23. On my 92 VR-------they are for helmet holder! Locks were in that spot?--------R the locks still there--------
  24. THE PRICE is RITE-----------------------------free--------keep me in the circle!!:usa:----put your motor in the 92 frame!!
  25. hey Yammer------I still have the frame,sub-frame,2 rims( but no rotors)swing-arm, a pair of OEM mufflers,and a clear title. Ya interested?????--------the price is right: FREE--------- I b located in the dulles airport area. there may b other stuff------an cleaning out!------------------Jrichard:thumbsup2:
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