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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. WHO is the SELLER?? anyone on this or the 'other' site!!!------------take some of the plastic OFF and check fer DRIED grease around the [all valve covers} front and back!!!!!:usa:u will b able to tell if it has recent or many moons ago valve cover leaks--------just my 2 shekels
  2. Tom knows ALL the gr8 roads in the 'hill country' and the BEST Bar-b-que[TEXAS style} to eat!!:thumbsup2::usa::clap2:------Don't miss'em:sun1:
  3. ALLways 'hang back' fer a clear run past'em--------NEVER lollygag beside them--you 2nd gen boys: might take ya'll awhile toooo build up enough speed and pass'em ------seeing that ya'll pulling ALL thay extra weight----carry-on:usa:
  4. ARE THEY bottom-feeders?-----THEY look kinda poorly fed!!!!------they mustabee some of them-there-------------aliens-----strange visitors fron another STATE--who 'cleverly' disguised as VentureRiders has infilterated our ranks--------in the never ending pursuit of LIFE,LIBERTY and BEEEEER:sign outstanding:--------keep up the great undercover work Cindi!!
  5. :clap2::clap2:THAT would b worth a trip down to Punta Gorda--FL. and the price is rite!! ONLY $$$$10--------hey Ruffy-----that would b a great ride fer a M&E ---when I'm down in the 'winter'-----------:thumbsup2::sun1::usa::sign outstanding: WHEN cars were cars!!------------
  6. Hey Alan---------looking forward to seeing ya!----Jrichard-----------have a good:usa::usa: ride up: -------:sun1:
  7. .Pulled both the pos. and neg. cables{both had places that were worn} replaced the neg. and could not get the pos, one off of the starter -------them Japs must have really small hands------was able to wrap the pos. cable> over the yrs both cables had RUBBED against the frame and were causing a short!---------Soooo hopefully the prob. is rectified!!--------THANK you guys fer ya;lls Knowledge and expertise------:usa:MEMORIAL DAY is approaching -------ROLLING THUNDER is headed East to D.C.------Please REMEMBER all of our VETS-------from all wars-----and the ultimate sacrifice THEY made-------carry-on---------
  8. :sign outstanding::usa::clap2::thumbsup2:---those 2 brothers be from NORTH CAROLINA !--------great also done by Ben E King{originaly w/THE DRIFTERS] fron Henderson,N.C.------
  9. What yr. Ford?-------------car or pick-up!
  10. Has anyone done a cross-reference on the starter{solenoid} relay------other than going to the Yamaha dealer------I thunk that on my 92 the starter relay has seen better days!------it only clicks--------the battery is fully charged.
  11. YO, Northwest Chicago Dan-------it was INCOMPLETE???? there were NO photo's of ME!!!!!!:sun1::mo money::usa:-------Jrichard------------C-ya in OBERLIN--
  12. KBAY--------hope that you won't mind:I did a copy and paste and SENT your post to ALL that are on my e-mail list w/instructions fer them to FORWARD!----------and have eyes and ears open-----------this borders on a GRAVE misdeed IMHO---------:usa::usa::sun1:-------------Jrichard--------------------stay alert:stay alive
  13. THE one in NSB is a high-end DQ--------these folks really take care of the place -------I was IMPRESSED,when I spent part of my 'winter'vacation there--------THEY do a large lunch business----------tables under the lighted trees--------- bring ya cameras---------is that the 4th resurrection of the SLY FOX????????------:usa:
  14. also Home Deport,any real 'hardware' store!{ the ole fashion kind ---where if non:sign outstanding::usa::thumbsup2:e of the big boys have it----this one will!!!!!
  15. Anyone who would ride a bus fer 26hrs. DESERVES the PRIZE----------ya done good jarhead-------carry on:clap2::sun1::usa:
  16. HERE is A NOVEL idea!!! TRY a MAP--------the original gps:thumbsup2::usa::clap2:carry on
  17. Just a BIG dam hole!--------thank ya'll fer sharing your vacation------I've enjoyed viewing all of the photo's-------the 'CANYON' is truly magnificent------hope to see use folks in AR-Kansas----in Aug.:usa:
  18. THAT"S one hellofajob:thumbsup2:------I'd even look GOOD on that!---I was very impressed w/ clutch and 'gearshift' reposition-----------Can I ride it???------you will probably eat them 'harley boys alive-------------YA DONE REAL GOOD TIM------:clap2::usa: hope ta see ya in OBERLIN---------- Carry-on:sun1:
  19. Hey Jack------there's a project fer ya!!!-------------only in AMERICA-----------------how many mpc{miles per charge} How's life on the 'left coast'---------CAPITALISM @ it's finest
  20. Jeff,thank you for your service and allegiance to the USA-------am sure it will b a move fer ya!------C ya in OBERLIN-----:usa:---------do the TH's have DQ's in the sand-box????---------may b ya should think franchise! Jrichard
  21. MEMORIAL day wknd.-----------ROLLING THUNDER-------to rem. all the veterans that the gov-ment left behind in that poop hole{ SE asia]-------Lukenbach! wouldn't b crap except fer WAYLON------?????????????:usa:
  22. HEY mon--------------is your wife riding that???????????????-------when I was a kid 'pepto bismo' was that pink color!!!!! muffinman------you and this 'guy' may b kindred spirits?????????-----------watch:sign isnt that spec:sign isnt that spec:sign isnt that spec out where u ride that------I know a whole bunch of 'politically correct people' who hang out @ DUPONT CIRCLE------in d.c.-------all u northern Va. boys-----am sure ya'll know bout DP:sign isnt that spec
  23. BUY a MOTORCYCLE w/a CENTERSTAND and the prob. will b solved!!!!-------------:fiddle::fiddle:
  24. Ya could make a name change!--RAPPAHANNOCK-DUKE ???????? then only the very few would even be able to pronounce it-!!---------Hey you all:was grand to be part of the 'traveling M&E road show' WE B seeing ya'll in Oberlin in June:thumbsup2::usa: Jrichard
  25. HEY COLTRAIN---------------I AM in sterlinga!!! off of Sterling blvd.------------I have a carbtune. if u r interested in checking the integrity of the one u have w/ mine!!
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