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Everything posted by Jrichard

  1. THAT COLOR COMBO_____is hard to find-----ya better get a can and do the 'PRESIDENTAL SOLUTION' work??
  2. where ever Lowell goes------- THERE HE IS
  3. THOSE dipsticks came on the old XS 1100---in the tool kit!!! ya interested???????? -I have one 15$
  4. GOOGLE-it ----------Mid-Atlantic Police motorcycle rodeo in CulpeperVa.:usa:
  5. I saw THE muffinman install these @ Skid IN---------on hdhtr VR ----it looked MUCH easier than the old style gaskets!!!!!-------am I missin something here???????
  6. The Mid-Atlantic Police rodeo is taking place this yr. in Culpeper Va.------@Waugh ent.----- Sept.17-19------sat. is the main compete day---------starts at 08 or0900 hrs--------if'em ya ain't never been: ya outta attend!----------these LEO's really man-handle those machines----We b there:thumbsup2::usa:
  7. Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Johnson City TN Weird signal light problem. A while back I replaced my signal light unit on the handlebar because mine was the kind where you push the lever down to cancel and I wanted to kind you push in. Since I have had this one, I have had a strange issue. When I turn the signal on, it works and cancels in the correct amout of time and it will manually cancel when I push the button in. The problem is I can go a distance after I use it and it cancels and sometimes when I come to a stop, it will start blinking again. I have to manually push it in to cancel. This is frustrating as there have been several times I have come to an intersection and it will start blinking, for in the last way it was used. This has had people cross in front of me because they think I am turning. Has anyone else experienced this problem or have any suggestions? RandyA----------its a NEW to U safety feature!-----keeps those cagers guessing????
  8. Purchase a st[sport touring] machine ---it will force ya to SIT-UP straight!!-------on all touring and cruisers-----U tend to SLUMP----and it will put pressure on the lower back----------if ur overweight[loose it]---outta shape [join a gym] and work on those BACK muscles!!:usa:----carry-on
  9. You paid 42 thousand fer a chevy???????????? they saw your WHITE arse coming????????:mo money::mo money:PT Barnum------ya know what he said?????--------------------------------- :fiddle::fiddle:
  10. Try -------twobrotheretires.com-------------They r located close to atlanta---------they ship nation wide--------------their $$ is reasonable--------they r venders on the ST site!!!--------U can either tele them or e-mail-----:usa:
  11. Do the STATE COLLEGE run-------they have their own Creamery[bERKEY]-------real ice-cream-----and only $2.75----fer a heaping DOUBLE scoop---------ya won't be disappointed!! ---ps also home of the Nitteny Lions?????? ya know PENN STATE-----they TEACH a course on ICE CREAM making!-----a quaint area-----stopped to induldge: ----
  12. The first turn you can eat out or in-------there is plenty of shade--------there will b vendors there as well!-----------OH! they ALSO have gr8 'adult libations' toooo-------and Nascar stuff----from days gone by--------------just my observations----I am sure they also have a web site---------------------and I don't know if they raise $$$$ as most establishments do-----during the event??????
  13. Ya got an address on a1a------------------:sun1:
  14. Hey Jeff------let's do someplace ----that has an outdoor bar ------what bout the FIRST TURN in S Daytona????------------------we b there!!!!!-------------
  15. It's the your friend Canadian gov-en ment!-----------some one has to PAY for ALL that Gov-Ment HELP!!!!----------------------:mo money::mo money: Move to USA------save $$$$$$$$
  16. 12 dollars is a very snall amount: in contrast to the bennies?????????? wait until those folks have to:mo money: for a 'stealer repair'----then the 12 will b reasonable to'em:sign isnt that spec:sign isnt that spec:usa:
  17. WILSON,NC---------who do ya know there?????------Bill's or parkers bar-b-que-----GR8 places to feast on the PIG-----:thumbsup2::usa:
  18. George:That was COLD--------------- g
  19. SPIRITED ride??????????----------ya stopping at adult-libation places!----------is that similar to PRESIDENTAL solutions---:sign isnt that specor is it a mystery---
  20. AMEN---:thumbsup2:
  21. Lowell----glad that I was not there!-----will see ya in the 'winter'----when ALL are bemoaning the cold and Can not ride!!!!------they just go out in the 'GARAGE' and WISH fer warmer days!!!!!!?????------------------it was gr8 that ya had a house full-------C ya on the ROAD----:sun1::usa::usa:
  22. Idea---once is enough-----LOCATIONS abound----STAY ALERT fer NEW places-------HUB was a gr8 place to rest,socialize and 'indulge'--------FOOD was so-so at best.
  23. Jrichard

    Road Rage

    DIMES work extremely WELL:-----lead fishing[triangler-shaped] will smash on the front glass real gooooood-----------WE B KNOWINGS---------:usa:
  24. GREAT FIND LEWIS :clap2::clap2::thumbsup2::cool10::usa::usa:Will pass it on!
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