TAKE it easy----and do a total heal!!!!-----------------GLAD that u r progressing along----------------I will b in FLA. in JAN.---------100 mi. N of Tampa-----------will keep my eyes and ears open fer a M&R------------Jrichard
Ta-TAS---------just returned from Daytona beach--------you all will FIT in perfect w/ the 'trailer queen' crowd!!! at all the rallys---------also a glove like fit w/the 'condo commandos'---Geritol raiders--------shuffle board Seniors---------------OOH-RAH-----------u all have ARRIVEN----------sunshine and Great days just 'watching the weather fly by----Carry-on-------ya done well---------how long is the pay ment fer????--------------Time to MOVE SOUTH-----------------wish I was in the land of cotton------ya know the tune!!!:usa:
NEVER FEAR--------------will hold the 'banner' high fer ya-----------will consume an 'adult beverage' and REMEMBER--your sacrifice and undying commitment to WORK--------------keep workin---SOOO more can receive the fruits of your labor------------------------PSS REM: WNY rally:325:
NOT the news that,I expected to hear-------------Prayers for Black owls family--------------and MANY THANKS for his service to OUR NATION----during the Vietnam war------------Carry-on Brother!
July ----towards the end of-----------usually it is HOT in the SOUTH-----and us'ens like to travel NORTH--------during the months of July-Aug---------IT B COOLER to travel------------WHAT THINK YE???
BIKETOBERFEST " 16----------Oct.13-16th-------------new model Venture?????----------also I will b 'offering' Land in Lk.O ca choe bee-----------------------come one come all!!!
WATCH OUT holly weird and HERE"S the 'ole Mich a gander hillbilly"--------I knowed that ya had it in ya-------that was awesome hoe down music-------- really enjoyed that production-----great work carry-on
GREAT Words of business wisdom from ALL who responded!!!!--------------NOV.8th--------------the day of GLOOM or GREAT JUBLATION----------people Tend to hold on to there hard earned $$$$$$$$$-------prior 2 and after an ELECTION:-----for the first 6 months after the DC festivities-------------thus saith!!!
hey ya 'ole hippy'--------that the best that high dollar camera CAN do----------only 3 photo's????-----------and what 'bout some names!!1-------------ya'll have a gr8 time-----
THOUGHT that ya'll would b at 'DREAM CRUISE'-----today????-------------them boys at the crossing-------B lookin fer the 'ole long-haired' hippy types!!!---------if you gonna make time --ya know the best route would b the 'toll rd.' them Ohio secondary rds. r in need of WORK-------------------------any way c ya'll in Chaffee--------------Shalom---------
Do a craigslist search----------------for the state of WI.------------I believe that a fellow from the Venturers.org site years ago rebuilt an 89 venture------and called it a VentureSS-------it is fer sale for 3500 obo------------search Yamaha venture royale------------there is a write up of what he did to it------on the ;other' Venture site!!!!
Hey BOBO--------what about the 'Falls zip line'--------saw a promo on it--ya zip out on the AMER. side and end-up near the original power plant???-------not fer the faint of heart-----OR better have a LARGE insurance policy !!!!
DRUMROLL PLEASE----------here it is FREELEEN--------------------not to difficult to figure out---------U R on the hook NOW brother!-----------------THUS SAITH
Cowpuc---------------g r 8 looking machine-------KEEP IT THAT WAY----------------ya made it to the big house----I know that u and Tip will enjoy many hrs. of ridin on that beauty ----------looking forward to seeing ya'll at some event---Jrichard--------
I have a 94 Voyager!!-----does that count??????-------------------------WEATHER is WARM here in Wildwood, FL.------------------------75+--------whats your weather!--------------Naw --I really don't care to know---------------CARRY=on