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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Oak Ridge, TN, United States


  • City
    Oak Ridge


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 Venture Royale
  1. Figures... this is more than likely my problem then... now I start the quest to find a gasket then that can be overnighted. thank you Fliyinfool and everyone with your advice and tips... this is the first motorcycle I have owned (not rode lol) and being a Paramedic, the human body mechanics is my forte not auto/motorcycle mechanics. All your tips and advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. Okay so I have narrowed down where the click is coming from and it's the starter relay to the left of the battery if you sitting on it, it seems to be getting good power. Battery tests at 12.6 Called yahama who stated that the click normally means that that relay is working but to use a screw driver and attempt to jump the connections and start, the only thing we got out of the was a arch. So wont be doing that again. I've attempted to trace the ground which appears to be solid but I was unable to trace completely with out removing one full side of plastics. Is there a work around to this? Could the non start be coming from something else? Note that we can push (bump) start and ride or idol until we shut it off and seems to be shifting perfectly....
  3. So we got the shifter back into place and everything works fine save no electric start. Starts fine if bump or push starts... So I'm assuming that by the way you discribed it the starter is actually inside that sator cover? Or is inside the smaller cover just behind it
  4. Reposted in correct forum okay so Im having an issue with my 86 VR. My brother has had the same model for about a year now, I found one that littlery matches his 86 VR down to the same paint scheme. The only difference in the two is mine has foot boards and a heal toe shifter where his has the standard pegs and toe shifter. Well Friday the small edge of the generator/sator cover where the shifter connects broke completely off leaving me stuck in first gear. We got it home and started our quest and was lucky to find the cover some 1.5 hours away. We went and picked it up and got it home replaced it on the motorcycle. However we have apparently done something wrong. it would seem that the gears are shifting backwards (pull up on the tow and the gear goes down, on the indicator) we can also not get the bike to turn over. Press the start button and there's a click and what sounds like a brief whine from the old tube fuse box... not completely sure where it is coming from however. Also the heel tow shifter doesn't seem to be very secure even though we went over everything no missing spacers, nuts, bolts, washers... and everything is tight. Anything that you can suggest would be greatly appreciated. I have pics if needed.... thanks guys.
  5. Oh? Thought that the 86-93 was 2nd gen.... Ill repost over there unless a mod can transfer the thread
  6. okay so Im having an issue with my 86 VR. My brother has had the same model for about a year now, I found one that littlery matches his 86 VR down to the same paint scheme. The only difference in the two is mine has foot boards and a heal toe shifter where his has the standard pegs and toe shifter. Well Friday the small edge of the generator/sator cover where the shifter connects broke completely off leaving me stuck in first gear. We got it home and started our quest and was lucky to find the cover some 1.5 hours away. We went and picked it up and got it home replaced it on the motorcycle. However we have apparently done something wrong. it would seem that the gears are shifting backwards (pull up on the tow and the gear goes down, on the indicator) we can also not get the bike to turn over. Press the start button and there's a click and what sounds like a brief whine from the old tube fuse box... not completely sure where it is coming from however. Also the heel tow shifter doesn't seem to be very secure even though we went over everything no missing spacers, nuts, bolts, washers... and everything is tight. Anything that you can suggest would be greatly appreciated. I have pics if needed.... thanks guys.
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