So if not all bikes came with cables and mic's what good is the CB?
On idle, my RPM seems a bit high, on my 96 there was an obviouse knurled knob that allowed adjustment of idle speed, can't seem to find anything similar on this bike.
I see some articles about v-max rears. has anyone tried going the other way? (taller) gear set. I don't know about the rest of you, but my bike loaded with me and my girl friend, has more than enough UUUMMPHH at 60MPH for at least another gear if not two. As many, if not all interstates allow 75mph and don't ticket till way north of 85 in most cases, RPM is still way higher than it needs to be for cruzing with traffic. As I proved to my doubting son yesterday when we were riding that first gear is low enough that the front tire can be lifted from a rolling start of around 10 MPH. So are there any custom gear sets for transmission or rear end? I'd like to spread the gears a bit and have a little less overlap.