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Everything posted by baylensman

  1. I also like the way he showed of getting the ethanol out of gas. get a tanks with a bottom drain pour water into gas agitate let settle then drain off the water ethanol from the bottom of the tank. So take a 5 gallon bucket add 4 gallons of gas (16 quarts) add 8 quarts of water (approx 10% ) drain out 3 quarts of fluid(mixed ethanol and water from the bottom, pretty close to ethanol free. Not practical for cars, but mowers and chain saws and the like?? Around here ethanol free gas is 2 to 3 times the price of pump gas, and technically illegal except for off road vehicles.
  2. The above link is a longish youtube video. I watched a couple of vids by this same guy. Rear world testing (i.e. no inferred data from a lab) HE also does a few on seafood and some other products
  3. I also had that issue. I had to make the hole on the spring side a little larger with a dremel tool. Maybe 3/16 or less just to one side. Also i found if i put a chunk of brick (patio paver thickness) under the stand it also helps with aligning the jack after the adapter goes on. My jack tends to hit the kick stand before it centers under the bike otherwise.
  4. Me? I am a BIKER damn the connotations that some recent movies and media attached to the term. I've been riding since I was 8 years old. I appreciate dirt bikes cruisers tourers boulevard bikes and Crotch rockets, I own a RSV now, but i've owned them all over theist 50 years. I ride wet i ride cold i ride hot I ride in traffic I ride in the country I want to tour the US when I retire from my bike. My old man rode and indian back in chelate 40's and after he lost an arm he had it rigged for all left hand controls and rode some more. My little brother both are bikers. What i don't appreciate are POSERS (yes like in the movie wild hogs) Guys who drop 20 to 30 grand and ride two weekends a year and trailer their bike to daytona and sit at bar all weekend and claim to be bikers!! Now the married guy with 3 kids that has no time right now so the bike is in the garage gathering dust, him I understand i've been there. He'll join us one day don't you worry about that. The guy who doesn't ride as much due to health or wife issues, hi I understand been there done that bought the tee shirt!!
  5. So I may've mentioned before that i'm having issues with my knees that seems to get worse when I ride. Well I rode last Monday and it felt as if i was being stabbed in the knee, i was sure the bike had to go. Well i took it easy last week in the gym and at home. I felt pretty good over the weekend and the weather has been gonzo nice! I mean 75 degree at 5:30 and a deep purple sky with lots of stars before work. So i rode the bike just to see. well i rode three days in a row and no pain!!! Must be some other environmental factor that happened to occur at the same time as my rides over the winter and early spring, causing the knee pain. The other thing going on is i've lost almost 30 pounds since Christmas! I've been working out at least three times a week including a leg routine. I got rid of the Mark8 and traded for an SUV, which isn't so low. So maybe I can ride a few more years! I cant see my self on a trike or a spyder, so the option was a convertible, which won't fit in the driveway! And I'll stick around here and be a pain in the butt
  6. While the tread looks deep enough and the edges of the grooves are sharp enough, it appears as if the tire has only a few miles on it. The previous owner may have installed the tire less than 1 year before he sold it, but that doesn't mean hep on a "new" or just laid up tire at that time. I've seen small shops have 10-12 year old tires just sitting on the shelf and are happy to sell them cheap.From the fine webbing around the grooves i say you have an advanced case of "dry rot" . Also from the out and out destruction of the tire i'm wondering if it was exposed to some chemical reactant that accelerated the rubber separation like that.
  7. Well looking at prices in cycle trader and here, I'm looking at between $3k and $5k as a realistic number on my 07 RSV with 22K miles. Rumble on offered me $3k and will pick up the bike and complete the sale in less than a week. With a few more pictures I may get the price up a bit. I haven't listed the bike yet, not wanting to go thru the endless question texts email and request for more pictures or test rides! I also am not 100% certain i want to sell yet either, my options are to get rid of the tourer and try and get a Boulevard cruiser like a Striker or Raider (even an older warrior if the bike was right) right away or sell and wait till i have time and inclination to ride a lot again then buy (retirement is a 4 years away) The bike isn't eating anything but is costing about $60 for registration and a couple hundred a year for insurance. ( I'm about to shop that around as GEICO keeps creeping up a few dollars every 6 months). Now I could use the Extra$$ right now for a few things, as I just got married and the wife had to leave her job for health issues. But again I'm not hurting for a the few $K either.
  8. Depending on who you talk to and their individual experience it's hard to by a bad new truck it's equally hard to buy a good new truck. Looking at JD power and Kelly and edmunds most new trucks run between 4.4 and 4.8 out of 5 stars on customer satisfaction. I manage a fleet i have chevy van approaching 300,000 miles that still run and aren't rusted ow i've had some maintaience issues with some of them, Have Ford pick ups with similar mileage and similar results, I have 2 dodges in the fleet that spend more than their fare share of time in the shop with No run issues. I also have a bunch of nissan diesel box trucks with over 300,000 miles that are still running strong. Sit in a bunch find the one that feels like a glove or and old comfortable shoe. then start looking at your needs well over 97% of new truck will never goof road will never tow anything larger than a small trailer (jet ski motorcycle) and spend most of their life span being primary transpiration for 1 person. Will a 4 cylinder turbo or small V6 serve you and get you the fuel economy you need? What bells and whistles do you want? Is four wheel drive important, wait for the Jeep, is Infotainment your main deal, get a dodge? Uniquenss is what your after a Susuki or Honda are kind of rare trucks. Plain old rugged truck? cant beet either a Blue oval or a Bowtie with a small V8. That's my two cents as a guy who manages a fleet of over 20 small truck and 40 mid size trucks!
  9. +1 on the Shinko DH tires 9 bikes since i was 16 and this is the first rear that took me over 5K miles (i'm just shy of #300 ). +1 on the thinner than stock front tire. the "wobble" must be unique to the 99 models, as I've had a 96 and an 07 the 96 i replaced the sacrificial skegs on the floor boards before giving it to my son. The somewhat heaver 07 i've only scraped a few times, but the 07 did wobble at about 15K miles. i had to tighten the steering head. As mentioned the difference between too tight just right and too loose is about 3/4 turn all told.
  10. Rewatching the video I saw 1 wheel stand 3 quad bikes, neither of which is legal on florida roads. I saw exactly one visible license plate. I saw multiple left had turns from the center and right lanes multiple illegal u turns.Theres enough to coast the whole group $$$$$$$$. I wish that cops would just start busting every illegal bike they see.
  11. Don't get me wrong I've ridden dirt before for a long time , I like ATVs also and snowmobiles and just about everything with andenginei've every den sat on or in . Guys like this on a public highway should have their bikes taken another legs broken! https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/crime/video-mob-of-motorcyclists-attacks-pregnant-woman-in-broad-daylight/67-b2284384-dbad-4fba-a01c-f9be11c93bf5
  12. So the wife says " honey we need need curtains in the kitchen" Being a considerate man He took her to the local fabric store and let her pick out fabric he then purchased all the rods clips and screw so they'd be new also. total cost around $150.00 A week later the wife says "honey theses drapes are so nice they make the kitchen walls look dingy" Being a considerate husband He took her to the Home improvement store and let here pick a color, he then bought paint primer cleaner brushes tape and rollers to do a good job. Total cost $450.00 Another week goes by and the wife says "Honey the colors in the drape and walls are so pretty I think we need new dishes and glass ware to really show it off" Being a considerate husband he took here to the department store where she picked a pattern. he bought dishes plates cups saucers new flatware serving utensils drinking glasses and accessories. Toal cost was $1500 Another week goes by and the wife says "Honey don't you think a new floor would would help the kitchen" Being a considerate husband, he took her to the home improvement store to pick flooring. He decided it was beyond his skill set so he wanted it installed. total cost $4000 After a few more weeks the wife says "Honey these cabinets are just old and worn out" Being a dutiful husband he went back again to the home improvement store where his wife picked out cabinets. After several week of fitting and measuring the toal bill was $25000. The wife then says " Honey we just must do something about these old appliances" Well two week later all new stainless appliances arrive at a total cost of $9000. After a few weeks the Husband says to his wife " you know honey we spent $40000 on the new curtains" The wife looks at him and says "honey I appreciate all you have done, what can we do for you to make it up" The husband replies "well i think i need new curtains on my motorcycle?"
  13. I've been a member of multiple forums over the years, its the best way to get in contact with folks with the same interests. Many of the forums i've belonged twin the past began slowly then turned into a fun rocking place with lots of good information. My favorite ever was "tom's cats and aero birds" (mid 80 cougar.thunderbird forums) but it like most of the others began to decline as more and more of the cars reached the junk yards or became trailer queens and show cars. I love this group and I hope we stay active even as our bike age. To think my bike was still under factory warranty when i joined this forum! and its now 12 years old!
  14. Talking gas mileage is one of the ways to start a fight in church. I've had 3 different V-4 yama's 86 venture 96 TD and 07 RSV all got consistently between 30-34 MPG. Now having said that, I do most of my riding to and from work (less than 10 miles each way) with some stop and go and a portion of limited access roads (4 miles) Also i do a lot of running around on the bike to and from Home Depot running out for mile ect. I do notice that on the are long distance trip the mileage goes way up i got 40MPG on a speed run(75MPH the entire trip) to daytona with my brother last year. I've also done everything mentioned here. Tires have changed sizes and pressures ( i installed TPS in order to monitor) I upgraded to washable KN filters. Sync the carbs once a year, new plugs, added FLH mufflers. I've even adjusted my riding style by shifting later and keeping the rev's higher ( never go into 5th unless i'm over 55 MPH for more than a few second) While all of this does help throttle response and the engine seems smoother, i've gotten maybe another 1 1/2 MPG average (now getting around 33 MPG) While many people tell you of amazing mileage on other bikes 40 50 60 MPG its not on a carburated 4 cylinder of 1200 or 1300 cc. Something in the 250-600 cc range will get that easily. The only real way to get high MPG on these bikes is long distances at higher revel in higher gears!
  15. Hop over to the fordegeforum.com this seems to be a recurring issue Something about internal shorts in batteries and bad headlight sensor seems to be the most common issue. Also the 16+ volts is a little high, recommended is 15.5 also found this "https://www.amazon.com/Escape-Mercury-Mariner-Diagram-Original/dp/B004T67NF6/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=2010+ford+escape+wiring+diagrams&qid=1551714982&s=gateway&sr=8-1"
  16. Oh you'll have a blast I have an older Celestron with the auto tracking and star finder. Once you set it up and orient it a few times its so easy. Don't know about your model if it has location input or not. mine does but i still had to orient for north and south and there's a chart for adjusting a few degrees off magnetic depending on where you live. Seeing the rings of Saturn or the big spot on Jupiter live is something. If your motor is quick enough you can also catch the space station, theres an app on google play that will give you coordinates for viewings in your area!
  17. Well two weeks in I love the car. Also haven't ridden the bike in the same time frame. rain or dense fog or very cold most of the time. I've noticed that my knees don't ache anymore at night. I'm still going to the gym still sitting at a desk the only big thing is not riding the bike at all. prior to this rode the bike almost every day except when weather was crap. I have to try the bike again (good wether rest of the week) and see if the ache comes back! If so I guess the RSV is going bye bye.
  18. [h=3]ABS Glue[/h]ABS glue is great for welding two ABS parts together, and is better than using other adhesives, even super glue. ABS glue melts the two pieces, fusing them together into one strong piece instead of two glued pieces. ABS Glue Instructions: Pour 50mL of acetone into your container. Measure out 100cm of 3.00mm ABS filament or 8g of ABS scrap. Keep in mind your juice will be the same color as the material you put in. Natural ABS won't affect the color of the mixture, making it an ideal choice to be used when printing with any other filament. Snip the filament into small bits to open more surface area to the acetone and allow it to dissolve quicker. If you're using scraps, try and chop it up as small as you can get it. Drop the ABS into the acetone and mix it in, this can either be done with a mixing stick or closing the lid and occasionally loosening the lid and burping the fumes it gives off. Let the ABS sit in the acetone overnight to ensure all of it dissolves. When fully mixed, your ABS glue should look like and have the consistency of white school glue. [h=3]ABS Slurry[/h]ABS slurry should be used to blend the seam between the two ABS pieces that were glued together. Use it like a filler putty to fill in any gaps between the glued parts or even use it to add more material in places that need to be built up. ABS Slurry Instructions: Pour 50mL of acetone into your container. Measure out 250cm of 3.00mm ABS filament or 20g of ABS scrap. Keep in mind your juice will be the same color as the material you put in. Natural ABS won't affect the color of the mixture, making it an ideal choice to be used when printing with any other filament. Snip the filament into small bits to open more surface area to the acetone and allow it to dissolve quicker. If you're using scraps, try and chop it up as small as you can get it. Drop the ABS into the acetone and mix it in, this can either be done with a mixing stick or closing the lid and occasionally loosening the lid and burping the fumes it gives off. Let the ABS sit in the acetone overnight to ensure all of it dissolves. When fully mixed, your ABS slurry should look like and have the consistency of putty. It should be very goopy.
  19. I personally thinks theres a lot more factors at play in the declining bike market. 1. video games. Kids can do flips and wheelies climb walls and even electrocute the guy next to him playing the game. Falling down don't hurt, a fallen bike weighs a ton but a controller weighs several ounces. we've lost 2 generations worth of young people alone. It sad to see, when is was young almost every kid wanted a bike in there teens even girls. 2. Our generation has been guilty of being over protective, the occasional "aren't those things dangerous " has lead to a whole generation of parents saying NO to a bike in the teen years as an alternative to a car. Also rising insurance rates and excessive liability issues have made a lot of us reluctant to take the financial risk associated with a teen on a bike. Eventhe old dodge of them having the title inter name and their own insurance isn't sufficient insulation from liability to the parents anymore/ 3. the motorcycle culture is portrayed either as all gangs or Asian high speed nonsense. The only other time is for comic relief when they show a big guy on a vespa. Bring back CHIPS for gosh sake show people that guys on bikes aren't all lawbreakers. 4. All the other previously discussed phone video computer issues also contribute
  20. I've seen several comments about knees. Traded in my hot rod for and SUV for that reason, just last week. As soon as the weather stabilizes in few weeks (i'm in Florida) going to try the bike again and see if that's contributing to the knee issue. If so it will go bye bye. I decided along time ago when i can't ride two wheels i'll stick with 4. gonna skip the whole trike thing! Of course dancing with my sweetie twice a month may be part of the problem, but I aint giving that up!! Tequila and Alieve get me through the night.
  21. Well the old Mark VIII was getting a little hard to get in and out of on rainy days. I got a new to me 2008 MKX everyone thats seen it including my mechanic thought it was a new one! So I can ride in style for a few more years. Now if i can just come up with a plausible excuse for needing a new bike........
  22. An older women walked into the pharmacy and asked the druggist for a private consultation. the man walked to the end of the counter and the woman followed She began " I've seen the ads in the magazines and on Tv for those little blue pills that can help a manic the bedroom" He replied " yes man I know what your'e talking about. She asked " Do they really work?" His reply " Yes man, I've used them myself" She asked "Can you get it over the counter" His reply "Only if I take two"
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