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Everything posted by Stealthblade

  1. Myself and my buddy with a Valkyrie are interested. Bob
  2. Puc, that was beautiful, thank you.
  3. I bought Carbon_One's bracket and wiring harness. I could not possibly be happier. I love this horn, though I have yet to use it in anger. I do, however, toot it to the wife when I go out riding... She loves it too Only time I used it where it helped was on a residential street, taking a corner and my buddy up front had his cell phone drop out of his pocket on the road. I beeped it a couple times and he stopped straight away. Was probably 75 yards ahead of me ( and probably playing music in his helmet ) Carbon_One's kit makes the install easier than pulling over for fuel.
  4. I got into this fun later in life. My very first bike was a 2001 Venture I bought at age 44. I love the hell out of this thing. Here's mine and a buddy's Valkyrie in Clinton Wisconsin, seemed like a pretty sweet spot to take a picture.
  5. Thought some of you might know or could relate to this video. For the others, enjoy John Prine and Iris Dement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5axlwCBXC8
  6. Hell Yeah. I haven't written mine yet, but Rick Butler did his magic on my seat over the winter. I took mine out for about 100 miles last weekend and it was an amazing difference. Was about 3 hours total, with an installation ride, a cell phone drop out of a pocket, some tooling around because I just redid the rear end and installed a Hagon shock and the leveling links, and was basically just testing it out, and then a nice run along the river south then north. The pain from last year was gone. Not even a trace. I will give a full recount when I take it on a 6 hour run to Anton's Saloon in New Diggings, WI. Much love to Rick Butler.
  7. Yep, looks like this I got a 2-pronged barbecue grill cleaner, looks like a "Y". Bent one of the prongs out of the way and used that to clean the holes. Blow em out with air and grease and you're good to go.
  8. The hub pins are held on the spline by a snap ring. Good idea to take that apart and look at them, they just might look like this, which is bad. Polish em up with some emery cloth and scotch-brite pads. Also a good idea to clean out the holes they go into. Grease the pins, slide em up and down in their holes a couple times to make sure there's grease in there too.
  9. I'm in the same boat. Got my seat a couple months back, but I don't feel like sitting in 30 degree weather to test it. Not like there's anywhere to ride right now... but soon.
  10. And make sure you flip the air cleaner cover over, sounds tougher that way.
  11. 'Round here, ya gots to get a permit for a new water heater. Village inspections and the works. If you fly under the radar and dispose of it yourself... ( recycle yard is 1/4 miles away ), well, then nobody is the wiser. I think it's $35 for the permit ( which, by the way, allows them to scrutinize "anything that is visibly non-compliant" ) and then the water heater has to be installed by a licensed operator. That's just too much interference and greed for my liking. I'll do it myself.
  12. Dag nabbit Puc... I think there's something in my eye. Wonderful story, thanks for sharing.
  13. Hiya cowpuc. My name is Bob and I'm a lurker. Only had the Venture for 6 months now, with two-thirds of them snowy or too cold/rainy, but I put 1300 miles on her so far. I have gone back and read just about everything posted by a poster posting a post, and I can say that has been the best $12.00 that I have ever spent. I'm happy to hang back and find out more about this amazing motorcycle, and I enjoy the sense of family that is here. You get a feeling like you belong here just by having "close enough to" the pertinent make and model. I have been to other sites, but this one feels like home. I visit the site 3-4 times a day, looking for nuggets that apply to me, but if not, there's always a good story to read. The knowledge base of the members of this site is overwhelming. When a guy comes asking about a doodad under the fairing by "that hose over there", someone quickly comes back with the info on how to remove and replace it. Then another comes with an AutoZone replacement part number. Then a civil debate on which is the correct one to do. Top notch members abound in this forum. I am guilty of having followed a LOT of advice from members of this forum. I have Larry's Lift adapter, Stebel horn bracket and crash bar braces installed on my bike and I could not be happier. Rick Butler is going to receive my seat for transformation as soon as I stop being lazy about sending it... (it's in a box at work ready to ship, just haven't done it yet) To all who post, I salute you. There are many like me who reap what you have sown. Thank you all Bob
  14. I wanna come over there and drool in your garage for a while.
  15. Keep 'em coming, Puc.... You engage the masses.
  16. I see your concern about waterproof zippers, raise you my belief that fleece reflective safety under liner placed outside the jacket is not waterproof, and call out someone to try this jacket out because I really like the concept.
  17. Eck, Also, the removable is fleece. I bet that is awesome in the rain.
  18. I would like to hear more about the materials. They say " High quality soft leather with contrasting white stitching" I want to know more about the leather, they should be able to list standards. Also, I cannot find a review that does not match word for word from their own site. I'm quite interested in this jacket, but I need more reviews. If they have revolutionized the market, they will send a sample to every major motorcycle review site to prove that.
  19. From an '06, lots of nice stuff. http://stores.ebay.com/PinWall-Cycle-Parts-Inc/Venture-Royal-Star-/_i.html?_fsub=3669171014&_sc=1=&_sop=10=&_sid=12458664=&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322= Click to sort by Newly Listed...
  20. Agreed on the motion sensor lights. I have them on 2 sconces by the front and back doors, and 3 on the driveway side of the house. Halogen bulbs sure do light up the night. Also great for the winter months when my wife gets home from work after dark. Also, range is great. The side lights show a path to my shed in the back yard about 80 feet away.
  21. Just pulled my seat off today. Will be talking to you next week about sending it down.
  22. Thought we might have a nice fall like last year, but it doesn't seem to be in the cards. Probably put the bike in stasis this weekend though I have been dreading the thought. Hope to see you after the white stuff.
  23. The video called it the "Goldwing Valkyrie" I closed the ad before it finished.
  24. eusa1, my buddies and I usually ride from Elgin to Savanna through Byron. Maybe I can talk them into turning south to Dixon. Besides 'Clawed', you may be my closest neighbor... would be nice to meet up. Bob
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