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Everything posted by Stealthblade

  1. I believe the HF dolly is too short for the RSV.
  2. I got mine from Dennis Kirk $126 for the front and $154 for the rear Well, actually, I did some computer work for a guy and he bought them for me as payment.
  3. I'm taking her out Saturday. Going to be 39 here
  4. Now ya done it midnight.
  5. Bruce Springsteen Live: 75 to 85 was the album for me. Thunder Road was the song when I hit 16 in '85 and my first car was a very impressive Dodge Aries K 2 door. That car had a stick shift and nothing else. Manual steering, manual brakes, manual door locks, manual windows, NO A/C, and surprisingly since it was a stick, no tach. It even went faster than others due to the TURBO stickers I bought and stuck on the side. Believe it or not, I beat an automatic Mustang 5.0 through 3 gears in it once. Silly 'Stang just spun the tires. Thunder Road all the way The only version of this song I will listen to is this one. Bob
  6. @StarFan If you get a minute, I would like some more information on your highway peg setup. Thanks Bob
  7. And this is when she likes it best of all. Bob
  8. I did that with a c instead of C and it figured it out.
  9. @Chaharly it does not appear to be case sensitive. Bob
  10. I think this could be quite useful. Nice addition, @freebird! Bob
  11. 65 degrees? Try 39
  12. Puc, We're 6 1/2 hours away from 2 days that you have not given us anything to read. I'm gonna have to call a counselor. Bob
  13. I can make you one with Pandora, if you'd like. I started a station there and the first song was "16 Candles" by The Crests. Second song was " All I have to do is dream" by the Everly Brothers Third song was "At the Hop" by Flash Cadillac and The Continental Kids Lemme know Bob
  14. There's plenty of scotch. We usually keep a bottle of Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban, some Johnny Walker Black, and once in a blue moon, The Balvenie comes out. There's also some Jack Daniel's Single Barrel whiskey, if you know where to look. Have fun Bob
  15. Well, it starts like this... My buddy and I have been working on his Valkyrie over at his garage this winter. We changed his timing belts and fixed a minor radiator leak. While wiping up the coolant mess, I found a mess of oil on the outside of the oil pan and pipes on the shifter side. We narrowed it down to a shifter seal linkage bolt seal, and his parts came in last week. Here's where fate comes in. He says to me.... it's too bad your shed ( where I keep my 2001 RSV ) isn't heated, or we could work on your bike too. You should bring it over here. Mind you, we have had over 19 inches of snow in this area, so I responded with "there's not a chance in hell I can get my bike out of the shed". Turns out, Mother Nature and my buddy John had other ideas. Last Saturday was a balmy 39 degrees around here, so he met me in my driveway to make a path through the snow. Now that that was done, time to melt the snow on the cement pad next to my shed and back her out. The next part was the hardest of the day, traversing that sopping wet ground to the asphalt of the driveway. Got stuck as soon as we got off the slope from the pad to the grass. Couple times rocking it fore and aft and I got her moved about 5 feet towards victory. The next 7 times I got stuck ( in 60 feet distance ), he pushed from the back as I let the clutch out ever so slowly. The back end kept trying to swing to the left no matter how hard he was trying to force against it. Every time I stalled it, there were laughs and talk of "maybe we shouldn't have done this". Well, after about 5 stalls, we finally made it to the driveway and I took a couple minutes to relax after that ordeal. Then it was time to get out on the roads, which were as pristine as a salt covered, mostly wet road in February could be here in Illinois. Finally, after about an hour and a half of digging out and salting and scraping the pad, we were at our destination. About 2 miles from my house and a 5 minute ride, but it felt really good to be on the bike again. Now she's sitting next to her "sister from another mister" The plans for the rest of the winter into early spring are to mount and balance my new Elite 3's, change the coolant, plugs, carbtune, drink some good scotch, change oil, rear pads, re-lube everything, drink some good scotch, re-tighten everything, tap out a couple holes the PO buggered up so my light bar hangs correctly, clean and polish every thing, drink some good scotch, maybe help my buddy with his bike in his nice warm garage. All of Puc's riding stories got me motivated enough to do this, so I blame him. Have fun, Bob
  16. Puc, the problem with you is.... If one was to follow this entire thread to it's ("are we on route 6, or was it 95... anyway...") ultimate end, It one was to understand how you crafted each post in a specific way to tell a specific story, If one was then to imagine going on that ride, Well, you have done what you set out to do. You live your life and ride your ride, and that is pretty damn inspiring to me. I keep going back and reading from the start, even though I know how the story goes so far, but it's how you tell it. **SPOILER ALERT** You didn't have to post the video of the late night water bottle fiasco, but you did. Because that is you. Because you did it. Because you wanted to share. Your reckless abandonment of normal creature comforts... My grandfather used to say that 'roughing it' was "staying in a hotel that didn't have a ballroom"... And he lived in Muskegon almost all his life. Puc, the problem with you is... You are pretty damn inspiring, I gots ta tell ya. Bob
  17. She was also a wonderful hostess waiting with endless camping opportunities to any weary traveler with a tent who dared to travel the gravel road veins that fed into the paved road arteries as they brought human life into her out stretched arms.. Puc, I just love this sentence. Thank you so much for everything you are. Bob
  18. Very nice bike. Looks like the 01's are taking over
  19. If it's able to be viewed by 'anyone', might be a good place to ask the currently... 83 guests... to give us a shot and sign up.
  20. It was on, refresh and it was gone... da boss is always on da job. For your next trick, mebbe insert pics of your bike in random posts. That would cause an uproar for shore.
  21. Puc, You warned us you were going to tell tales of the 2014 adventures. You warned us again and again. Thank you for doing it in the dead of winter...to give us all hope. Thank God you are only in Missouri right now, lots of us snow-belters need to see how it plays out. Anxiously waiting your next update. Bob
  22. I just put in a request on FB
  23. Please don't lose the song from Erlon Olivera. That would be wrong.
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