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Everything posted by scotta68

  1. I put a marine hidden antenna in the fairing and didn't lose anything... No more whips and back end is nice and clean.
  2. They're coming... I work at the Dunlop plant in Buffalo and inquired about sizes. They eventually will be replacing the E3.
  3. I bought a cheap set last year and found that the backing plate rusted and didn't allow the pads to retract .... Wore down to nothing in about 4K miles.... Just replaced with the EBC hh last night and will never make that mistake again... Night and day difference
  4. E4 will slowly be replacing the 3.... Still have a lot of 3s out there. Our front has been released already, also front for those who moved to the Strat front tire and the rear should be soon to follow. Bongo, never really plan anything, we just get up and go... We split time between bike and boat and boat usually wins when the sun is out
  5. Elite 4 is on the market, but can seem to find any info for fitment. I work at Dunlop in Buffalo and I'm going to get some info for our bikes.... It's supposed to be replacing the E3 so I would imagine our sizes are in there
  6. Hey Eagle, what was the outcome ? Relay ? I'm dealing with same issue as we speak, just searching for a direction after I go thru all the suggestions in this thread
  7. Going way back here... Did you ever get this done with the pics ? I want to do the same as I want to clean up a few of my add on to the battery
  8. I just put a hidden Boss audio marine antenna in my fairing... Works just as well as the whip and was only $15
  9. Hey Dion, any luck with this yet ? If you have anything made up, I'll take one.
  10. Dj, your switch bypass works flawlessly... Thanks for coming up with such a simple fix !!
  11. I have no power with the key, might get a quick bit if I wiggle the key around. I already have your bypass with the switch on it now. I read a write up about repairing it but if I can find a good price, I will just replace it
  12. Trying to search for prices for a new switch but not finding anything. Who has found the best price and where for the ignition switch ? Thanks
  13. I have the carbs out right now to check the floats and I'm thinking of doing the Ivan's jet kit... Is it worth it or should I do something else ? Any input is appreciated
  14. I ordered the keyless bypass already, so hopefully I'll be moving along shortly. Kinda glad that may be the problem
  15. I've been having an issue with my ignition switch, feels odd when I turn the key and I get nothing but the radio on. If I play with it and get it between accessory and run, I can get everything on. No with this new issue, the bike wouldn't start.... Turns over great but wouldn't start. Pulled rear plugs and no spark. Could the key issue have anything to do with the bike not starting ? I also checked the ignition fuse, was good but swapped for a new one anyway. Waiting for the keyless bypass from Dion as I found no switches on eBay. At a loss here.... Bike was fine 3 days ago when I last rode it
  16. I put the Custom Dynamics in mine... Worth the $$... Very bright ! Didn't pay that much for it tho
  17. It's still in devolopment testing.... Going to be released for 2016 season I've been told... Looks nice
  18. My front was good still so I bought the Elite 2 rear to match.. No sense in tossing a good tire... $95 from Moto superstore, can't beat that. Next year the Elite 4 will be out !
  19. Can I be an electrical dummy for a minute... I need to replace my horns and bought a set of replacements. How did you connect these with the relay in the stock mounting spots ? I know it's a simple process, but when it comes to electrical, some things are beyond my comfort level
  20. Thanks all !!
  21. For all who have purchased online, where are the best prices found ? Thanks
  22. Appreciate all the feedback. The horns are not the Bad Boys, just 2 Wolo auto horns and was looking to mount them in the stock locations. The instructions show how to connect them for a 1 wire power source. With the relay, i should be able to do this ?
  23. Thats what I'm looking for.. Thank you !!
  24. I bought 2 Wolo horns as mine are pretty quiet. I looked at Freebirds write up but I'm not a very skilled auto electrician but can get it done with a little direction. I need to know if there are different relays and which 1 to get, then how to wire the horns. Thanks
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