I have a 1983 Venture XVZ 1200 with 52,000 miles on it. Last year for no reason it would loose power and die without warning. I took it to two separate mechanics but by the time they were able to look at it the darn thing started and ran fine. They attempted to replicate the problem but without success. I did a little research and figured it was some sort of vapor lock. I checked the roller valve on the right side of the bike and found it was stuck. I replaced it in December 2012 and it ran flawlessly since. Last weekend I was riding in the IBA SS 1K and after 100 milesin the middle of the night it just quit! I had just fueled two miles and 5 minutes earlier when it stopped. Again it sounded like a vapor lock. It simply lost power and died! I opened the fuel cap, no excess pressure. I checked the roller valve and it was functioning like new. I ended up running the battery down trying to restart it. The night was cool and clear. I spent 7 hours on the side of the road waiting for assistance. The following morning after a jump start and a small squirt of starting fluid the bike fired and ran like there was no problem. I can no longer trust the bike on out of town trips which really bums me out! Has anyone ever experienced a similar problem? I'm not a mechanic, more like a parts changer if you know what I mean. Any help would be appreciated.