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Everything posted by dragerman

  1. So what’s the problem they gave you the solution! ... Change your helmet!!:rotf::rotf:How pathetic is that!
  2. Well this has been quite an interesting and entertaining thread, my compliments to all the contributors! I’ve just changed my ‘magic plugs’ or what I call ‘designer plugs’ and here is what ‘I’ have found (dare I mention), mind you I’m not as scientific as V-Goose. When I first installed the iridium plugs the bike ran well as expected with new plugs. I didn’t notice any difference in performance... likely because I changed plugs before the old ones started to fail and still looked good. Nor did I realize any improvement in fuel consumption. I have now pulled the iridium plugs and after 20,000 miles was quite surprised to see so much wear on the electrodes, the gap had gone from 0.85mm to 0.95mm. At $14.69 (including 13%tax) per plug, that’s $58.76 CDN for a set of 4 plugs I don’t feel that I’ve got my moneys worth. To be honest I had expected to get more life from these plugs. I’ve decided to replace the iridium plugs as opposed to re-gapping them and think that the Bosh Platinum give me a good bang for my buck. Charlie - who may just buy himself a drink with the money I've saved on plugs!
  3. I think Dalton Timmies uses 'Road Wings'. They were the least expensive that I found but I still think I'm paying too much, $898. for full coverage with clean record. That quote just came in and is up $50. from last year with no claim. I asked why my rates went up and they said it's because of what they've had to pay out (funny that the rates never go down for the same reason). I don't like that I have to pay two full insurances for two vehicles when I'm listed as the only driver and can only drive one vehicle at a time!
  4. Did someone say moon?
  5. Oops, guess I spelled it wrong... it's Dyna Beads which is short for... Dynamic Balancing Beads Longer tire life, no vibration! For trucks, RV's and motorcycles www.innovativebalancing.com I've used them a few times now and like them very much.
  6. Yes Don and thank you, this was not something that I just jumped into. In fact I have a new MC tire on a spare rim that I can change over any time should I change my mind. Although I’m not an aggressive driver the handling feels just fine and I feel very comfortable.
  7. A door on a roof! ... sounds silly at first but actually makes a lot of sense, just wish I’d of thought of it first!
  8. Well it’s official, I went for my first ride tonight on a 165/80/15 Kumho PowerStar and I was not disappointed. It was just a short run (about 60 mi.) on familiar roads so as to compare the handling. The tire was pressured up to 40psi with 2oz of Dino Beads... it felt great. I bought the tire from the good folks up at ‘OK Tire’ in Stony Creek Ontario for $75. CDN Installed (I brought in the wheel off the bike). They had a bit of a time seating the tire to the rim and had to use an air-blaster to make it catch but said that they’ve had tougher jobs. I’m not sure how much pressure it took to seat the bead but it was up there. They’re great people to deal with and said they would do it again. They did a great job and I give them two thumbs up! Thanks to all those who have posted their comments and opinions (pro’s & con’s) on CT’s, it has all been interesting reading. I value all your opinions and have been reading with interest for well over a year. Now if I can only find an economical way to make it a White Wall, I like what 'eagleeye' has done with his tire!
  9. This is the one time update for 2009 and the price is in Canadian dollars. I bought it on sale at the spring motorcycle show to replace my 2006 version. I paid a bit more then that for it and just want to recover some loss. GARMIN was pretty good with their service and replaced my GPS, when I received the new unit it came with the 2009 maps. The new unit is working great.
  10. Besides the versatile design I like the fact that it’s made aluminum, light weight, has a low center of gravity and nice rims..... Put a wheel chock on it and it can be used to tow a Harley .....
  11. Just wondering if anyone has seen the POD-IUM LUGG trailer and if so what your thoughts were? http://www.costco.ca/Browse/Product.aspx?Prodid=10308815&lang=en-CA
  12. Just placed an ad for a new GARMIN 2009 Map Update. The package is sealed, has never been opened and comes with an Authorization Code. I bought this to upgrade my ZUMO 550 but got a new one that already has the upgrade. First $80 takes it.
  13. Great little cars but check your insurance rates. A lot of these vehicles are expensive to insure as a result of their high repair costs. On an insurance scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the highest) some Mazda’s rate 1. Improvements have been made on some newer models but even with a clean driving record some rates can be very high. If cost is a consideration it’s worth checking out.
  14. Glad to see you made it back ok, although we didn’t get the rain down here it later became evident to me that you’d be riding right into a big weather system. I took comfort in knowing that you’re a skilled rider with good sense... and now good rubber! I enjoyed your visit, be safe! PS. Have an eye for those ‘gockers’, that scoots a real head turner!
  15. I'm interested but first need some measurements. Will send a PM.
  16. Yup on the Baldwin.
  17. Hey Sonny... I was so blown away by what you’ve done with your bike that I failed to mention what a great job you did of posting and all the great pic’s, well done and very interesting!
  18. Awsome! ... Angels and Demons, that’s right out there! Given your background it looks personalized with the cards, nice touch... anyone for a little Poker! I’ll bet you’re happy just to be ride’n again... congrats on the new scoot. Can’t wait to see it up close.
  19. I’ve had a similar experience just a few weeks ago. The bike stalled, I pulled over and it didn’t want to run unless I applied full choke... then it was everything the bike could do to maintain an idle. I kept it going as long as I could then all of a sudden after two/three minutes like that it cleared up. It seemed like a fuel problem and my thoughts were that the floats got stuck, I got a little water in the tank or something along that line. I run some Sea Foam through and haven’t had a problem since... still not 100% sure what happened but the bike seems to be running fine now.
  20. Perhaps you’re not pushing the right buttons?
  21. It takes some doing but works like a charm! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXgC5keQGtw]YouTube - Autoswitch Motorcycle Garage Door Opener[/ame]
  22. Lol... did he have his long face on?... I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen him smile , the poor boy is overworking himself . Some of those northern folks can be pretty hard on their ATV’s, he keeps fix’n them and they keep break’n them... I don’t think he’s get’n enough ride’n time in .
  23. Now that's what I call fishing!! ... I'm on my way!
  24. Hey Gary, if you’re fishing Pickerel try using a small/med Go Getter with either a worm or a minnow on it then fish off the bottom with patients. Pike is a no brainer, 4” silver Williams Wobbler with a leader... set your drag, keep it moving and hang onto your rod... but it’s our little secret ok! Here are the Go Getters I’m talking about: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_77753_100010000_100000000_100010000_100-10-0 If your arms get sore from hauling in the big ones (I know what it’s like, we would have to fish for an hour just to make enough room to put the boat in!) slip down the road towards Charlton and go visit the Hill’s Lake Fish Hatchery. It’s an impressive facility and the fish are in various stages of growth, from fries on up to breeders [nomedia= ] [/FON"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia] . Ask for Ron Ward (I believe he’s still the manager there), we use to dive together. He’ll be happy to show you around.
  25. Hey Gary, I was up in Elk Lake just last month visiting my mom while attending the New Liskeard Motorcycle Reunion. You’re right about the flies... you’ve gotta put your helmet on before you go outside to keep those pesky little black-flies from getting in your hair. Nothing worse then having something walking around inside your skidlid while you’re trying to ride! If you stop in at the local Yamaha dealer/gas bar Elk Lake Work’n’Play say hi to Brother Rob. Good luck with the fishing!
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