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Everything posted by dragerman

  1. I’ve never had a flat tire while driving and was wondering from those of you who have, how did the bike handled? Front, rear, did you loose all the air, how fast you were going, stopping, that sort of thing. Hopefully it will only be something that I read about!
  2. Has anyone here installed Yamaha’s Tri Bar headlight on a 2nd Gen venture? If so do you like it? Can you change the bulb without splitting the faring? Any brighter? What about the Tri Bar passing lamps, are they much better then the stock driving lamps (guess it wouldn’t take much to beat them)? Wondering??
  3. Yes’ I’ve been watching the numbers for some time now and they’ve been climbing in a feverish way. It would be interesting to see what the enrolment looks like on a graph spread over the years. My hat is off to the organizers and members of this site. Well done everyone! Charlie
  4. Very interesting, I too would be interested in knowing how you make out with the antenna. Here’s one for you, try doing a Google search for ‘XM promo code’. Looks like there may be some deals there too... every little bit helps! Good luck!
  5. Hey Freebird, what grade Mobil One do you use?
  6. Hum-m, I wonder how difficult it would be to install a temperature gauge?
  7. I would be interested in the driver back rest, I'll send you a PM
  8. Just wanted to say that I recently made a visit to Kelly’s in Hamilton (Ontario) and was very pleased with their service. A fellow rider who has done business with them suggested them to me. I also met another venture rider who didn’t know about this site (can you imagine that!), he also spoke well of Kelly’s. I talked with Kelly a fair bit and found him very courteous and helpful, he also seemed confident of his staff. The young girl at the parts counter was not only very helpful but also seemed to know her stuff and was very pleasant. They haven’t done any servicing on my bike yet but I’d be willing to give them a try. After doing some business, asking some questions and getting advice, I felt very pleased with my visit and drove away feeling very satisfied. We don’t live in a perfect world so it’s nice to see someone do the best they can. He also gave a discount for club members.
  9. Hum-m, that’s interesting, thanks. I’ll pay more attention when I'm stop at a light or in traffic (and turn the radio down), perhaps even try the idle thing and see what happens. The dealer suggested putting a piece of cardboard in front of the rad and letting it run for a bit but I didn’t want to do that if the bike had a problem. Given what everyone is saying I feel better about trying that. I think it says something about this site when a person has to check with his brothers and sisters over what someone else says. Does this mean that on top of everything else that we have a “COOL” bike!
  10. Sunday I was out for a ride with another couple, I was on my 06 Venture they were 2 up on a RSTD. It was sunny and 24 degrees Celsius. We rode for a good hour before stopping and when we did I could hear a noise coming from his bike. I asked him what the noise was and he said the cooling fan. It then occurred to me that I have never heard my fan come on and it got me wondering. So today I checked the fuse and it was ok, so I asked a Yamaha service manager and he told me that’s not unusual and that it takes a lot before the fan comes on. I’m wondering what other 2nd gen riders experience with your bikes, do you hear your cooling fan kick in and what’s the temperature around the engine like when it does? Does it make a difference when you ride 2up? When you stop after a run is your fan running? Perhaps I should test my thermostat and temperature sensor??
  11. It’s good to see prices coming down a little. I’ve been watching this site for the Garmin GXM 30 XM Smart Antenna, they have a good price on that as well. Although after spending that much on a GPS one would think the antenna should be included.
  12. I was once where you are now and now I own a Venture! It meets my needs and suits my riding style. At 6’1” and 215+ lbs I also find it very comfortable to ride. I feel confident with it’s reliability and find fantastic support on this site… some of them even seem to know a thing or two about the bike! I find the Venture economical, stylish and accommodating with ample power (get a Red one, they go faster!). What sold me is all the above, the positive feedback and a 75-mile test ride. The thought of another bike doesn’t even cross my mind now and I feel I have something worth investing in. The down side has nothing to do with the bike but rather the service. Someone had said ‘Yamaha is now what Harley Davidson use to be’... lets just say I find that a very interesting observation! I’m very happy with my ride! Good luck!
  13. Interesting comments. I like the idea of a ‘News Letter’ or ‘Fact Sheet’ but not at the expense of our current social structure. At the rate our membership is growing perhaps there’s room for a monthly notice, it may serve as a good summary. What about a 12-month test run followed by a review and we could reassess at that time.
  14. Dirty job but someone’s got to do it. I admire your courage and wish I were closer to give you a hand! Really!
  15. ... that's what i love about you folks!
  16. I positioned the light as far to the rear (near the locks) as I could, almost on the round. The Velcro seems to compensate for the slight curvature in the lid. The light is relatively clear of the storage but one will still need to take some care in packing a full load. Good point. Yes, from good ideas come better ideas... that’s one of the reasons for putting it out there. I don’t usually hide from a brain storm, even if it means getting a little wet!
  17. Have a great trip, ride safe.. looks like the weather will be in your favor!
  18. Try the double sided 3M exterior tape, it’s the same tape used to affix decals like the Star decal on the Venture tank. I’ve used it to (among other things) hold the centerpiece on my boats steering wheel... that was 6 years ago and it’s still there.
  19. The Venture is a new addition and I'm still learning... nor did I see your post
  20. It happened to me just the other day. So tonight I checked the tire preasure the rear tire was down by 5 lbs. Haven't had it back out yet but tomorrow I'll check if it does it again.
  21. The other night I was rummaging through the trunk on my Venture looking for one of my gloves. All the while I was thinking how nice it would be to have a trunk light... well today I installed one. I went into Costco (Price Club) and picked up a package of Wireless LED Puck Lights, 4 in a pack for $14. Batteries included. They have a peal and stick Velcro back and installed in a minute. The light also has a sensor that if I want I can set it to come on automatically when I open the trunk lid... or I can just turn it on manually by touching the top of the light itself. I’m not sure how well the peal and stick will stay attached to the trunk lid on a warm day but time will tell. If it falls down I’ll put on some 3M two sided tape, that will keep it in place. I do have a small flashlight that I carry but this is so much nicer. Works great!
  22. I was thinking of heading up to New Liskeard myself only I'd like to leave a little earler... perhaps Thursday.
  23. Guess the snow tires are on hold??
  24. Makes a lot of sense. I don’t have the DVD but I’ve read the book ‘Proficient Motorcycling’... there’s information available now that I don’t remember seeing when I learned to ride (mid 70’s). But then again I didn’t look either. We just hopped on our dirt bikes and away we went, the lesson came from experience... and some of them left bruises! What I’ve learned as I got older (or perhaps just a little wiser) is that there’s a science to riding on two wheels and that this information is well understood. Reading the book has been very helpful and I do plan on getting the DVD. At least these lessons won’t leave marks!
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