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Everything posted by dragerman

  1. Perhaps we should take the question outside this forum; http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/mythbusters/talk/talk.html
  2. Hello Gary, we haven’t met yet and I don’t post that often but I do keep up on the daily posts. Seems strange to say but I’m particularly happy to hear you’re up and riding. You’ve come a long way and I look up to you for the respect you have among our members and for how you’ve managed your challenges over the past year. Whatever you’re doing keep it up, you are an inspiration and I thank you for that.
  3. Now there’s a hairy ride… sorry about the scoot but glad to hear you’re alright.
  4. That’s great! Now if I can only find one for the front I can get a set of studded snow tires and ride all year!!
  5. ... Thats what me thinks!
  6. This is Yamahas top of the line bike and it should appear as such with more standard equipment/upgrades eg; Chrome forks, brake and clutch leavers Crystal lens headlight LED lighting Heavier charging system Temp and oil gauges Fuel injection ABS Brakes … and last but not least What’s with the CASSETTE DECK!!???
  7. That’s because it's a secret!
  8. ... time for a group hug!
  9. That’s the problem when you mix metric with standard… either something gets stripped or you can’t get the nuts off! Guess anything is possible with the right tool and lubrication. If what you’re saying is true there’s one thing for certain, the bikes were without rubber (and perhaps too much high octane fuel)!
  10. This guys prices are quite good but I'm not sure what the shipping costs are like; http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/
  11. That’s it! ... Foil underwear! Think of it… it wouldn’t matter who’s bike you’re riding you’ll always be protected! That’s a GREAT idea, it would even provide protection while driving a car. The motto can be... “Protection, You can with Alcan”
  12. dragerman


    Like dipping water from the well isn’t it?? ... Heck, if one stores their beer there to chill they’d even cut down on their flush water wouldn’t they!!
  13. Because you should buy one for her first! (that way she'll want you to get one too so you can ride together) Why didn't I think of that!
  14. Is that the engine you picked up off ebay... looks pretty good!
  15. There’s no doubt that we live in an information age. The challenge is no longer to ‘get’ information but rather to get ‘good’ or ‘correct’ information.
  16. ... aaawh, thats like a breath of fresh air. It won't be long now. I also think the "T"Shirts are pretty cool.
  17. ... awesome. Makes me want to hop on the bike and ride (but I'm afraid I'll get stuck in the snow)!
  18. … Quite frankly I think their ALL great, if I had my way I’d have one of each color! Trouble is that we’re up to our ears in snow and there is more on the way! Doesn’t matter what color it is “I aint ride’n anyways!!!”
  19. The only thing better then a Black Venture is... a Black Venture with a Cherry on top! Black Cherry Rules!
  20. Yes I must admit, the only thing better then a Black Venture is a Black Venture with a cherry on top! Black Cherry Rules!
  21. Thanks for the come back. I’ve call and talked with the folks down at speed city, sounds like they know what they’re doing down there and do good work. They also have an exchange program that would allow me to swap out my parts. I’ll be doing local price comparisons. Good work Tartan Terror. I would like to see a full side shot of your ride, looks real sweet. Nice touch with the badge... it’s tastefully done. I have a few years with the service myself and know its something to be proud of. Cheers to you my friend! Now correct me if I’m wrong but the ‘midnight’ does not have chrome leaver assemblies for the clutch and break, what’s with Yamaha... seems like they didn’t finish the job they started. Now, they did a good job with the midnight Road Star... it's full chrome. Do you think their leaver assemblies are the same and will work on the Venture??
  22. Here's the link... it shouldn't be too hard to spot!! http://www.chooseyouritem.com/jokes/wfhm.html The only thing missing are the afterburners!
  23. I'll be ordering a couple sets from this fellow this week. He seems to have a great product and so far has been a pleasure to deal with! http://www.edsets.com/index.php
  24. Eventually this guy will come to a “Stop” just ask this fellow (that’s if he can still talk)…
  25. I’ve been thinking I would like to eventually chrome the front-end of my 06 Black Cherry… forks, clutch and break etc. Has anyone done this and how did you do it? Did you send your parts in to be chromed (if so are you happy with how it turned out) or did you trade in your stock parts for aftermarket? Any tips, suggestions or cautions... I value your thoughts, ideas and opinions. P.S. I’m looking forward meeting many of you at the 2008 Rally in Kitchener, Cheers!
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