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Everything posted by dragerman

  1. We're all winners just for being here!
  2. There’s always the 2008 International Rally! Come-on up to Canada we’d love to meet ya!!
  3. Thank You Carl and Marca… … for hosting such a great meat and greet! It was a tremendous pleasure to meet with you once again and now your wonderful family. Outside of your hospitality the other outstanding thing was the spirit of friendship among all those who attended. Even though many of us were meeting for the first time there was comfortable air of contentment and a genuine interest in each other. A special thanks also to all the group leaders, it was a great relaxing ride and you got us there safe! It was an absolute pleasure! PS The food was great and I thought the ‘First Gen’s’ did a pretty good job to keep up!!! Charlie
  4. I think the plan is to push the price of fuel up so high that people will have no choice but to “buy” alternate fuel vehicles. Imagine what that will do to our hydro.
  5. I don't like looking through a windshield on a motorcycle. Sure it keeps you from getting beat’n up buy the wind but as conditions worsen so does the visibility. The way I look at it is that driving in the rain has enough challenges without having to worry about being able to see where you’re going (and yes, I use Pexus on my windshield & riding glasses). Last fall I drove four hours on the highway, in traffic, steady rain with overcast and dark skies. Night came early on account of the weather and even though I was well dressed and everything was running fine the challenge was visibility. The biggest problem was the dirty road spray collecting on the inside of my windshield and the glair caused by lights. I’ve since cut 4 ½ inches off my stock shield and can now see the road over the shield from about 25ft in front of the bike. I can deal with the water on my face in other ways. Whatever you do ride safe.
  6. It was good to finally meet you too Sonny, Rob (onerider) and I took our time going back and enjoyed the ride. That’s a nice little spot... I’m sure we’ll be stopping there again. Keep in touch… guess I’ll see you next weekend at Carl’s. Don’t worry about taking us from our work cuz we were just going to wash the bike anyways. Like I said “if the bike dirty I’ve bin to busy ride’n”. Perhaps when you see Carl next week you could ask him for any leads on a ‘grazer’ for your back yard... it’ll keep your yard trimmed and fertilized and give ya more ride’n time!
  7. I’ve had a similar problem to this where the radio controls would work intermittingly and the display would fade in and out. It seemed like a bad connection so I spit the fairing located the connecter for the radio controls. Then I separated the connector, sprayed each side with contact cleaner then blew the ends dry with compressed air. To take the radio connectors apart you have to slide the rubber covering back and look for a little tab. Press the tab and it will allow you to pull apart the connector. Before I put it back together I pressed some Dielectric Grease in the female end... I haven’t had a problem since. While I was at it I did all the other connectors as well.
  8. Last week I cut 4 inches off the top of my windshield. I made a template of the stock windshield on a piece of bristle-board. From that I traced my new pattern and cut it from the bristle-board. I then used painters’ removable masking tape and covered the windshield about 3 inches each side of where I was going to cut. After that was done I taped the template to the windshield, traced the cut line on the tape then removed the template. I had other work to do in the fairing so I took the windshield off to cut it. I strongly recommend investing in the proper blade for cutting plastic, it works extremely well in a jigsaw and when you take your time with the cut there is little cleanup to do. When I finished with the cut all that was required was a good flat file to round the edge. I imagine a palm sander with very fine grit works well too. I took my time and am very pleased with how the job turned out.
  9. An engine needs three things to run... spark, fuel and oxygen. I would suggest you start from the basics. The first thing to do is to find the problem cylinder(s). If you don’t know which one it is try reading the plugs, check for fuel and spark eg; if there is a wet or fouled plug that may be a sign that it’s not firing or it's getting too much fuel. If the matter is not obvious use a process of elimination to narrow the problem down. Sometimes we can over look simple things (don’t ask me how I know). Exhaust wouldn’t be my first guess unless you suspect a leak at the gasket or the system is plugged. Once you’ve established the basics and get it running tune the settings. There’s not always an easy answer and it becomes a matter of trial and error, so it helps to start from the basics.
  10. Congratulations! Well done... a good example of ‘labour of love’. Nice white wall’s, what brand of tires??
  11. Good idea on the media thing. Fill them in with the facts, they may even suggest something. Have them film the bike with the ticket then have them follow you in and film while talking to the authorities. Up our way after three tickets they can tow. The good thing here in Toronto is MC parking on the streets is free, we’re also allowed to use the HOV lanes. In these economic and environmental times MC riding should be encouraged. I too have a disability but haven’t applied for a permit. There are many people that can’t get their head around the idea that people with disabilities can ride a motorcycle. Good luck with your tickets. Please keep us informed.
  12. I too wear the soft yellow plugs, I find that it enhances the hearing by cutting out the background noise. I’ve also gone to a ¾ helmet but usually wear it when on the road as opposed to around town.
  13. I once had a small utility engine that totally lost compression. When I opened it up to see what the matter was it was quite obvious... there was a hole about the size of a dime through the top center of the piston. When I showed it to a friend (who is a mechanic) the first thing he said is that the plug is too hot. I checked the specs and sure enough the plug in the engine was much hotter then what was recommended. My experience is that the color of a well used plug will tell you how well your engine is burning fuel. If you check most mechanical books under sparkplugs they usually have pictures and descriptions of various sparkplug conditions. It’s always good to know how to read a plug. Accordingly, when you remove plugs keep track of where each plug came from in case the color is off on one. I’m currently running iridium plugs but will switch back to platinum next change, I think they’re a great plug and certainly a better bang for my buck$
  14. Fix it the Canadian way ... Find some beaver and let them go up-creek, before you know it things will dry up and wala! No more wet feet! Eat a beaver, save a tree!
  15. .... I'm running stock pipes but had the radio cranked!!
  16. It will be interesting to see how well the beads work through the life of the tire, if they wear more evenly. I just came back from my first long trip (900mi) and felt a fair bit of vibration. With 11k miles I suspect it may be coming from the ‘stock Brigs’... one thing for sure they sure have a terrible howl coming from them.
  17. When I bought my antenna it came with a six foot extension cable. There must be a part number for it, try calling a radio supply store. Also, I was wondering since the cable is a USB cable a computer or electronics store should have one that will work.
  18. That’s awesome Scotty well done … now how long before the bikes on the road???
  19. Yes, this is a single engine aircraft departing from the Toronto Island Airport. The control tower can be seen between the antennas of the bike... I’ve cropped the picture to give you a better view.
  20. I’ve been thinking about this one. In respect of the tough winter a lot of us had and the fact that there’s still some snow around I’d like to see a SNOWMAN!! Yup you heard me right... and to make it as fair as possible it can be made from artificial snow but must be about 12 inches tall or at least as tall as your helmet, so get your bike and helmet in the picture. Be creative, if you have an indoor ice rink around that gets scraped and cleaned once and a while, live near the mountains, have a big snow bank that hasn’t completely melted yet or perhaps a snow cone machine, see if you can scratch up enough to make a snowman! ... keep your cool, it can’t be any harder then when I was digging in the snow to find a ‘wild cactus’. Hopefully if anyone hasn’t shoveled out their bikes yet this might get them motivated.
  21. Here it is folks...
  22. I agree with Gary all except for one thing... it's a 27% discount! Safety and comfort first (that includes good riding gear)... spend the rest on fuel!
  23. I like the Fibro Concept myself. Great looking unit, well made, good balance, lots of room and very stylish! … now if only I could afford one. http://www.fibroconcept.com/en/
  24. I just wanted to extend my compliments to you Don for the great work you do and for all your efforts in maintaining this first class forum. I particularly appreciate your skill, tact, wisdom and levelheaded approach in moderating this site. You seem to chime in at the right time with care and consideration to all while encouraging and maintaining respectful freedom of expression and opinion. Your efforts undoubtedly foster the sense of family, respect and kindred spirit by way of example and have not gone unnoticed. I thank you my friend and look forward to meeting you some day, perhaps at the 08 rally if not sooner. Cheers to you Don! Charlie
  25. dragerman

    First Ride

    Sure is good to get out, pulled mine from the barn last week and felt like I was in heaven! If I’m not mistaken the cruse only work above certain speeds and in the upper gears. I’m not sure what the particulars are, unfortunately my manual is in the shop and I don’t remember off hand but check it. For the steering if you haven’t already I would suggest checking the fork, rear shock and tire (front and back) pressures along with the steering head. Also look at the tire condition and check for any cupping... did I mention keep your hands on the wheel?? Ride safe my friend, many good days ahead!
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