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Everything posted by dragerman

  1. Yes, Plastex is great stuff. I've repaired several things over the years that I would have been hard pressed fix without it. Good job on the shoes. That’s a nice large bottle of product where did you get it?
  2. Hey guys, thanks for all the warm welcomes! I hope you’re all doing well. That’s such a nice offer Abdul, thank you... does that mean we’ll be on a date? What will the miss’s say? Hi Andy, you're not too far at all. Next time you're down Chippawa way give me a shout and we can grab a coffee, I'll do the same. I've been trying to catch up on some of the reading and get back in the groove... it feels a bit like rehab (in a good way)! Yes, I have my sites on the meet & greet http://www.venturerider.org/forum/ca...&day=2012-3-24 and am going to make best efforts to get out. The only thing better then getting together with good friends is getting together with good friends AND good food! By the way this weather is going it might even be nice enough to ride!
  3. From Tim Horton’s coffee cups to ‘RED’ bikes go faster (and make no mistake it ‘is’ the ‘RED’ bikes) you folks are the best. I've gone through and continue manage very difficult times and have been away from this site for some time now. My absence has not been by choice but rather it’s been necessary for me to focus my energy elsewhere. Sadly, nor have I been riding but I hope that will change this spring. I can see that things here are still going strong and that sense of kinship, a family of sorts, is still among you all. As equally admirable and most refreshing, you haven’t lost your sense of humor and are as informative as usual! Laughter is the best medicine and friendship the gift of life! Thanks Abdul for your concern and thank you Don for restoring my membership. Hello to all of you I’m glad to be back! Charlie
  4. Here’ an idea for the garage door opener... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39028 ... perhaps with some modifications you can make it hold your glasses, house keys, drinks, etc.
  5. dragerman

    screen name

    My handle was given to me in my younger days. Once I had completed my qualifying exams and skill tests in underground mine rescue, my instructor congratulated me and called me a Dragerman. I didn’t know it at the time but underground mine rescue personal were traditionally called Dragerman. It comes from the Drager BG174 which is a closed circuit oxygen re-breather breathing apparatus which is one of our primary pieces of equipment. Little did I know that this experience would mold the rest of my life.
  6. Just a thought but do you suppose my Ex would be happy if I sent them ‘her’ information? You know, kinda like kiss and make up!
  7. I agree. Plastex is great stuff and works particular well on these types of cracks because it’s so thin. It has the viscosity of acetone so it will wick into the tightest of cracks. The kits also come with black, white and clear filler if required. The solvent itself is clear. I’m familiar with other glues and this stuff is so very handy to have around and has a great shelf life.
  8. Glad to hear that you got squared away with a new helmet, sounds like you got a good deal. How’s your new trailer working out for you?
  9. You're the man Don. I figure you just have to hook up the one linky thingy to the other linky thingy and everything will work fine, or am I making it sound over complicated. The fact of the matter is that I just sit here on the other side of the screen and everything works fine... the reality is that I know it’s not that simple. I fully appreciate ‘all’ your efforts Don and by all means keep my suggestion as a rainy day project. This surly is a user friendly site with a lot of friendly users, it’s hard to improve on an already good thing!
  10. ... is there any way that you could put a direct link to the ‘new’ members public profile when you post the “Welcome” message? That way if they don’t post a reply to the welcome message we could still learn a little about who’s coming on board by clicking on the link. It would save having to do a manual search through the Community members list... or am I just getting lazy? (you don't have to answer to the "lazy" part )
  11. Sometimes it’s as simple as turning a “switch on” ,,, Right Becky... hehehe, ... Hey Bongobobny how’s the pressure washer working? (Sorry Becky, I couldn’t resist) I think we've all done the 'kill switch' thing!
  12. Got my fuel pump changed (warranty) on Tuesday... so far so good.
  13. I've been having similar issues and now have a fuel pump on order, it’s an 06 so it is still covered under warranty.
  14. Oops, my bad! I guess great minds think alike!!
  15. No more brownies for you ! !
  16. See Rob, you’ve opened the door now everyone wants to play! We’ve got the bikes, muffins, Kool Aide and now the ‘brownies’ ( ) ... besides some icing for the ‘muffin’ and a few tunes who could ask for anything more!!
  17. Cool!
  18. ... well there’s no muffin like a “mini muffin” of course!
  19. ... did somebody mention muffins ?!?!?
  20. …and hence the difference between a ‘Grandmother’ clock and a ‘Grandfather’ clock... a Grandfather clock goes “Tick”, Talk, Tick, Talk”, and a Grandmother clock goes “Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk…..”
  21. I modified a set of Sanyo noise reduction headset speakers to fit in my 3/4 helmet and use ear buds for the 1/2 helmet... clear crisp sound and I don't have to crank the volume. Works for me!
  22. Hi Mark... It seems I have the same thing going on right now with my 06 Venture. My bike stopped on me yesterday (this is about the third time now) and sounded like it was only running on one or two cylinders. The only way I could keep it running was with 'full' choke, as soon as I touched the throttle it would die. I've changed the plugs and fuel filter as suggested by many but that obviously was not the problem. At this point I'm suspecting the fuel pump. Like you, it eventually (after many attempts) started running and seemed to run fine. I made a trip to the Dragon last fall with no problems and yesterday I couldn't get out of the yard. I've got to get to the heart of the matter because one of these times I won't be so lucky to get it going again!
  23. I installed my balancing kit last weekend and know the little plastic piece you’re talking about. I dropped mine while trying to install it and it took me a while to find it. I would suggest you take the plastic piece off the other side, put it in a zip-lock bag and go to a plumbing store and try to match it. Look for the inserts that are designed to go ‘into’ the ends of the ¼ in plastic waterline, they look the same as your sleeve and might work. It’s the ‘inside’ diameter of your plastic sleeve that you have to match. In fact if you could find something close enough you might be able to tool it by hand to make it fit. The sleeve is there to prevent the hose from the balancing kit from expanding and slipping off (like a hose clamp). So as long as you can achieve that you should be able to make something work. The instructions suggest a drop of dish soap on the “outside” of the hose to help the sleeve push in place. But don’t get any soap ‘in’ the hose or it may slip off. The line doesn’t have much pressure so if you wanted you could always take a strand of copper wire, wrap it twice around the hose and give it a twist. If all else fails you can reinstall the valve stems into the forks until you find (or make) a sleeve. At least it wont leave you stuck. It doesn't sound like you enough oil to be too concerned with.
  24. Hey Dan it’s always nice to hear that a VentureRider is coming our way. As it’s been mentioned here you couldn’t have picked a better weekend to come... but then again every day is a great day, it’s the good people you meet along the way that make it special. No shortage of good people at the VentureIn and should you be able to go I’d be glad to ride up together. That goes for anyone else who will be riding through to Carl’s that day. I’m just about two miles and a nice ride along the river from the falls. I’ll be around that weekend (except for the VentureIn), let me know when you’ll be arriving and once you get checked in. I’d be more then happy to assist you anyway I can. Ride safe my friend. Charlie
  25. Here's one I like...
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