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AGrengs last won the day on May 1 2024

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114 Excellent

About AGrengs

  • Birthday 03/28/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Andy Grengs


  • Location
    Chippewa Falls, WI, WI, United States


  • City
    Chippewa Falls, WI


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Venture

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  1. Fried bologna (or fried spam) on seedy toasted bread with miracle whip and american cheese.
  2. These have been sold
  3. I have sold my RSV, so no longer need these. I don't know how much it will cost to ship them, but I'm not looking to make anything off them. The lift adapter has legs, $100. Service manual has additional procedures printed from this and other websites, $30.
  4. I traded my 2008 RSV in toward a 2023 Indian Challenger. I loved my Venture and wish Yamaha had properly updated it to keep me on board.
  5. I have a 2008 RSV with pretty low mileage, so it should run for my lifetime. However, I have been considering replacing it because of its age and a concern I may not be able to keep it running dependably. I have been looking at the Indian Challenger/Pursuit bikes. I can't really afford it, but could maybe get one paid off by the time I retire. I hope not to age out of riding for some time, but I'm aging out of performing a lot of maintenance on them.
  6. Thanks, I've read that before. The longer tabs that the fairing screws pass through at either end of the trim piece are the ones I've tried to repair.
  7. I have repaired it more than once and it continues to come apart, so I was hoping for a better one.
  8. How is the chromed plastic windshield trim piece? Tabs are broke off mine, its just resting in place.
  9. I'd like to see what you do for a keyless gas cap. I find the current setup inconvenient.
  10. Might need to change your handle to Piggy Burner
  11. You should share some pictures of your Honda project with us. I have a '81 CB750C that I'm trying to get to run. Many of us like all bikes.
  12. I go on one long trip each year where my RSV serves me perfectly, but the rest of my riding is all small trips and local. If I could afford a second bike I would like something smaller and easier to throw around as I'm getting older.
  13. I just had a meeting with the group (all cousins) that I go on a trip with each year. This year we're going to NW Arkansas to ride in the Ozarks. Second week of September.
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