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Everything posted by hydraulicman

  1. I am riding a Vision, it also shifted hard but smooth out at about 2500 miles. I have not trouble with backfireing. At the 500 mile service I was aloud to watch and all they did was change the oil, pulled the plugs to see if it was burning OK. Then charge alot of money about the same a Yamaha did when I bought the RSV.
  2. I put that in my favorites, Thanks
  3. I would like to see the schematic for the ignition bypass if you have one.
  4. I have one and it will broadcast to the FM radio on the bike. The problem is that you end up having to change FM station as you travel to keep a weak station, as you friend may know the FM signal is very weak and you have to find the right channel. I just plug mine into the AUX port and listen to the SD card that way and you still get the voice instructions from the GPS.
  5. I have found some at Home Depot and Lowes to fit my Gen 2
  6. Here in Denton we are OK, but in South Dallas and the Mid Cities there has been some damage. I have not heard on and Deaths, but there have been some hurt.
  7. Thanks for the help. I normaly run Dunlop E3, but had a tire go bad on vacation and the only thing I could get quick was the 404. I did not realize that the dealer put on a rear tire until I saw it starting to cup and I did some investigation. I plan to call the dealer in the morning and let them know what they did and see if they want to help with the problem, but I do not think they will do anything. The dealer is C & C Sports in Brighton, MI. I will post what they have to say.
  8. I had a tire installed on the front wheel while on vacation last year. The dealer installed a Dunlop 404 rear tire on the front. I did not notice that it was a rear tire untill this past weekend. It is my understanding that a rear tire will work on the front but needs to be mounted with the rotation arrow backwards. My question is can I remove the wheel and turn the wheel and tire around so that the tire rotation is correct. Or does the wheel only mounts one way. Thanks for the help.
  9. My GPS shows the same inaccuracies you are talking about. The speedometers are off on all the Yamaha bikes.
  10. This sounds like a good idea, but I bought speed bleeders as well as the collector bag and nothing could be cleaner or simpler.
  11. Have you looked at consumercelluar? I do not have the service, but I believe they us the ATT network. http://www.consumercellular.com/Info/Plans
  12. That is great, very creative.
  13. But they all work for the GOVERNMENT.
  14. I did not see anyone ask about front fork air pressure. I run "0" in my forks and can tell in about 2 miles if the pressure has built. What I notice is that the bike tries to pull one way or the other. If I stop and release the air pressue that has built up, the bike goes back to normal handling. My thought is if the air pressue is not the same, would it not cause the front wheel to tilt as in a turn?
  15. I have some Harley mufflers if your interested.
  16. I am not real happy with Medicare, however it is not that bad. I am paying about 500.00 per month for medicare, type F and D for my wife and I. Where I worked last the company paid the medical 100%, but the job before that, 8 years ago I was paying 250.00 per month for just myself and that was just 30 to 40% of the total cost.
  17. Very good, I will try to remember this the next time I am dumped on.
  18. Love it:big-grin-emoticon:
  19. It has been my understanding that the swivel hitch on a trailer allows the trailer to turn over if it hits something and not take the bike and rider with it.
  20. Carl, what time can I call you in the morning. I am in Indianapolis tonight and will leave here around 8:00 AM. I am thinking about having front and back replaced do to having 14500 miles on them. I would want to do Elite 3's. I will call in the morning to see what this might cost and posible drop the bike off tomorrow morning and then pick it up Wednesday???? Let me know.
  21. I am on my way to Highland MI to visit my brother and have my RSV on a trailer. Yesterday I noticed a dimple in the front tire. Its about dime size and 1/16th deep. The tires have about 14500 miles on them and I believe I could get another 3000 out of them, but do to the dimple I feel the front tires should be replaced. Does anyone know of a good shop in the Highland MI area that I can call. I know that nothing will be open until Tuesday. Any help will be great.
  22. Some good memories, I remembered all 25. My mother had a ringer washing machine, that was back when washing was an all day job.
  23. Great music as well.
  24. That is GREAT
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