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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. "big fella with a white goat-ee". my son said he visited briefly with a v.r. member a couple of weeks ago, in the APPLE COMPUTER store, in willow-brook mall. james said he was wearing a G.W. vest, but claimed to own a venture and a Harley, also. was it anyone that i might know? just jt
  2. on Tuesday Oct 12 , my mom had a severe stroke.she is now in a therapy/rehab facility, ,that is almost as good as a 5 star hotel! the "it's official", part is that i RETIRED so that i could be here at my sister,s home to help out with all that is going on. i can't say i don't miss going to work, but i do miss the "visiting with the guys " part. coming to ya live from Danbury Texas. just jt
  3. glad to see you guys FINALLY made it to the general vicinity of God's country.of course you already know that Houston has been removed from the roster, as it no longer qualifies as part of God's Country! lol welcome home , kids! just jt
  4. don, leave the durned computer at home, and enjoy the WHOLE weekend! whatever problems that come up will still be there on Monday! just jt p.s.i found my password!lol just jt
  5. 'bout the only solution that i can think of , that you haven't tried, would be to weld a 1/4 inch bolt into/onto the existing bolt . then you might be able to get a socket on it that way. it may be that others here have an easier solution. good luck. just jt
  6. any idea HOW SOON? we need to have a little time to set up a "moving in party"!!!! oh and congrats to you both on the "gift"! oddly enough, not ONE person as i recall, mentioned to you that you should send a FAMILY THANK YOU, to Ron's wife and family! so from all of us . THANK YOU ! just jt
  7. MAN THANKS for the link , Sarges. i am now wondering if two of those would be heavy duty enough for a "voyager conversion", type application. just jt
  8. :sign yeah that:i e is FULL of malware type junk that I don't want. i never open anything without firefox. just jt:backinmyday:
  9. i think you need to talk with a member here, who goes by the name of "beer thirty". if i 'm not mistaken, he built the "beer cart" from scratch, using styro-foam looking stuff for molds. just jt
  10. OH WELL, better you than me! heat index is going to be 105 or more today. sorry! just jt:D
  11. i have read EVERY post in this thread, and not one person thought to mention SAFETY! if you trailer your bike long distances, you are FAR less likely to become a "cager got me" statistic.the more time you spend in the saddle, the higher your chances of getting"nailed", or "struck by a critter". just my observation. just jt
  12. i could reweld the broken piece, no problem. what i need to know, is will a 2 into 1 , on each side work. i have an entire fabricating shop at my disposal. i want to do it in stainless, and be done with it. just jt
  13. today , i finally got around to taking the rear wheel off of my '86 to have new "elite III's put on.in the process of removing the muffler, i broke one of the exhaust collector "outflow tubes" off.my question now is, can i just fabricate a pair of 2into 1, manifolds/collectors, to replace the 20 plus year old piece of hardware? is there a REASON that all four cylinders must empty into a single box? thanks to any and all who respond. just jt
  14. Mini. you've got a dead shot to ground, somewhere in that circuit.after you get EVERYTHING unplugged, try installing a new fuse.if it holds, then plug a lamp into each receptile , one at a time, until you find the culprit. hope that helps, just jt
  15. LAST time i saw "Willie Live", was at a family reunion, in Uvalde Texas! bad part about it , was HE didn't even know he was there! talk about a "bus load" of WASTED people! lol just jt
  16. has anyone here ever had any dealings with an "xs 850" Yamaha?are they worth restoring, just for around town riding? just jt
  17. http://www.brewracingframes.com/id75.htm - if you only read ONE post today, make it this one. we use this stuff like water, EVERY DAY!, it's a miracle no one in our shop has been killed by phosgene gas. just jt
  18. paul. if i read this right, you are running TWO inline fuel filters? if that is the case, then your are not getting correct fuel pressure to your floats due to TOO much resistance. don't ask me how i know that. hope this helps. just jt
  19. me too! just jt
  20. IF we are gonna INCLUDE honda's, then i think my c b 900 custom should be in the runnin'. no offense meant brother! you did a fine restoration job. lol just jt
  21. you guys "smirk" now, but YOU paid the six grand! v a says that ya'll ALL owe it to me! lol just jt
  22. why didn't ya just" slave" your son's hard drive to the office p c to begin with? would have saved a lot of work, on your part. just jt
  23. mine also are behind the ear. they communicate with each other!!!!! turn one "off", they both go "off", or vise versa. OH! and they do have a MUTE, position , too! lol just jt
  24. $6K and two new hearing aids, later! my keyboard actually makes noises when i type. my hard drive makes a sound ,i never knew that! i thought they were silent! i guess i might even start watching T.V. again, now that i can hear it. just jt
  25. i have a "color matched" trailer that came with my '86, complete with YAMAHA logos. i found out, after MANY HOURS of searching, it was made by a guy who called his trailers "SMITTY-BUILT". haven't been able to find out ANY more info on the guy, or the trailer. just jt
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