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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. same here. a sleeper, is one that looks sorta normal, catches you sleeping/napping, and "waxs your a$$,when you challenge it!!!lol i have seen quite a few "sleeper" street rods! just jt
  2. your ball socket, has paint on the inside. not making contact with the ball! pull the trailer around the block a few times, and your problems should go away. maybe. just jt:confused24:
  3. i'll play your silly game, curtis! what in the world does WOT, represent? wide open throttle, maybe? just jt:confused24:
  4. damn jack! you're tellin' your age , now! i haven't heard "money, marbles, or chalk", mentioned in the same sentence, in MANY years! lol just jt
  5. i caught it , right away, but i was too late to call your hand! i surely would like to see someone, who is capable of "picking one up and shaking it"!!! lol just jt
  6. somewhere, on the net, just the other day, i saw "steering kits for metric bikes" the kit consisted of a new steering head /w bearings, that increased the "rake" of the front end.. i'll see if i can locate the page again. i think it was on a "lehman trike " webpage. just jt.
  7. mike , on a first gen, the clutch bleeder is on the lower left side.about 4 inches above where the shifter shaft comes out of the housing, there is a small(about 1 1/2") black rubber cover. pull the cover up, and the bleeder is right there. just jt
  8. hey squeeze! man i was just clowning around. i understood "perfectly well", what you were saying. sorry if i sounded like i was making fun of your english. i assure you i was not. man if i had to join a primarily German group, they would never hear a peep out of me. i couldn't even say hello! just jt
  9. my '86 has that same fork brace. so that IS an after market brace? just jt
  10. i,m watchin' this one, too! seems to be a common problem, with 1st gen.s that have been left "setting up", for a while. just jt
  11. so THAT'S what squeeze said! i thought that was what he meant! lol just jt
  12. ryder, that is one of the best "parts for sale", displays that i have ever seen ,here! very well done! just jt
  13. adam. i am glad you asked that question. i have been wondering the same thing. both my brothers ride kz1000 police specials. both will easily pull away from a dead stop,with out turning the throttle AT ALL! mine seems to be very sluggish ,on the take off, also. just jt
  14. after you have used a torque wrench , for a few years, you arrive at a point, where you don't really need one. nuts and bolts can be tightened by "feel" just as close as you can get them with a torque wrench. spark plug settings, are usually not THAT critical. just jt
  15. ALL 1st gens have the four "blade type" fuses. i believe. they are in a black plastic box, with a rubber "holder ", on the back that slides down over a flat bar. i do believe it is underneath the glass fuse holder, to the right, and behind the battery. it IS standard O.E.M.. just jt
  16. on my '86, there are three fuse connections up front. one is the main fuse, one is a group of tubular glass fuses, the third, is the group of fuses that you have pictured.like stated earlier, under the lid,you should see what each one is for. i.e. FAN ,CB ,AUDIO, whatever. just jt
  17. jeremy, around here, the "blue beast", is sort of a "revered benchmark".from what i can gather from some of the old timers() she was the "baddest of the bad",first gens! someone around here has pics of the blue wonder, but i haven't seen any lately! did you read that? YAMMER DAN!!!!!? just jt
  18. Steve. the only way to make the "knob", easy to turn, is to not seat it really tight. then you have a leaky petcock. to answer your question, NO, it doesn't turn any easier, after i took it all apart, and cleaned everything. i just set mine on reserve, and left it. as long as your gas gage works, and your mind is "in gear", there isn't any reason for running out of gas. lol just jt
  19. CORRECTION my bad! yes. there are TWO "micro nylon" tubular screens,on the petcock assembly. when you said "screen", my mind looked for a FLAT mesh screen, and i answered NO. back to the tubular screens.one is about 31/2 inches long,that is for the "on" setting. the other ,is about 1 1/2 inches long, and it is for the "reserve " setting. sorry to have posted bad info. just jt
  20. no sir. not that i have seen, and i had mine completely apart. just jt
  21. i might be wrong, as far as your year model goes, but on my '86, one key does it all!i would remove the ign. and take it to a locksmith. have him re-key it, or make a key that will work ,just like the original. just jt
  22. i don't think you "offended" anyone. we were merely "nitpicking" your pics!lol no reason to stop throwing up here, though!i i enjoy looking at trikes and such, a lot more ,lately, than i did when they were considered "old folks bikes"! lol just jt
  23. the bumper hitch looks "homemade" to me. maybe an Afterthought just jt
  24. i think the most common terminology, is "cross hatch". this means to sand in one direction only, then sand the opposite direction only.this method gives you 13.7 million little "x"s, to insure a good scuffed surface! lol hopes that explanation helped. just jt
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