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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. just two words. YU-UK!!!! lol just jt
  2. nice lung/spine , shot! not too shabby for a FIRST time! congrats to pupil and teach! just jt
  3. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talk about "wear gear that can easily be seen, for safety"!!! a blind man could HEAR that costume coming from two blocks away! so glad that you all had a great time! thanks , gene! just jt
  4. CATCH 22!!!!!!! how do you get to be a 50+ year old "safe ,EXPERIENCED", driver ,without first being a very fortunate "young and reckless " driver? just jt
  5. since i am one of those who are "incurably addicted " to the site, and read EVERY post in EVERY thread, on a daily basis,i guess my input would not influence anyone ,anyhow. i do , however like the idea of having the ability to show dealers, what we are about. just jt
  6. jess, tell jack we are all proud of him! hope dave , recovers quickly. sounds like a new ladies lair topic! "why my hubby is my hero"!!! lol just jt
  7. the best, safest and cheapest way to visit mexico, is on the discovery channel! never go to mexico, if you don't speak the language, and travel in a LARGE group! corruption starts at the highest levels of govt. and cascades downward!!! ride a bike in mexico? not in this lifetime!!!!! just jt
  8. at present my job takes me about 1 3/4 miles from the house. we are in the process of rebuilding an "air traffic control tower", that was originally started in the late 1940'2, but never outfitted with any equipment. now , the F.A.A., has decided that in order to lure more jet traffic, into our airport, we MUST have a manned ,digitally equipped tower.the pay ain't all that great, but then i don't do anything ,except lift stuff up and let stuff down, with a boom truck! lots of time to sit and eat cookies and drink sodas! lol just jt
  9. HEY ECK!!! i have been to one of your work sites,the Canaveral launch pad! we delivered two custom made "recovery equipment ", trailers there, right after (within one week), of 9-1-1!!!!! talk about tight security!!! i and my cohorts built two of the super huge trailers, that house generators and air conditioning, components, that are now used along side the shuttle when it lands. one pair of trailers, went to vandenburg, and one is in florida. just jt
  10. i am absolutely NOT addicted to this place!!!! i just check in 4 or 5 times a day, to see if all of the "really addicted", folks are still checking in, and to see what is up with charlie and lowell! lol just jt
  11. i guess that's why i couldn't find it, don. thanks. just jt
  12. wow! imagine that! charlie sent me a left side "vent", free of charge!!!!!!about a year ago. soooooo, if you are suddenly missing first gen parts, check out charlie's garage! he is the one that's "filching" them! lol:rotf::rotf: just jt
  13. "starter coil", or "stator coil"??? the latter seems to me to be the culprit. i can't tell you where the stator, is, because i haven't gotten around to "checking " mine yet! it is on my "ROUND-TO-IT" list! someone who is smarter than i, will help US out shortly! lol just jt
  14. we have ,here, in the tech. section, a "PDF", version that you can download. if i'm not mistaken, it was our "main man" juggler, that set it up. let me go look for it. just jt
  15. :rotf::rotf: ole squeezer, has a sense of humor!!!! just jt
  16. joe, look at the bright side! you walked away with a little mud on you,nothing seriously injured., and your " center stand" had a chance to get a good tan! lol welcome to the "OOPS" CLUB. those suckers ARE HEAVY,when in the prone position!!!!!!!!!! just jt
  17. LOL!!!!! YAMAHA , put a light in my trunk 21 years ago!!! just jt
  18. hermann, looks to me , like a Standard,"push in and screw the cap down" type plug.the cap is off, so it should just pull out! don't take my word for that, someone who actually has taken one apart, should jump in here, soon. just jt
  19. it has just been brought to my attention, that ALL chilli's resturants, will donate ALL their proceeds for the day of sept 24, to "St. JUDES" children's hospital. sooooo. if there is a chilli's in your neighborhood, please patronize them on sept 24th. thank you . just jt
  20. chuck, good to hear that there are no "hidden injuries", yet. hoping that there won't be any. we , here, are all relieved, that you got out of this one as well as you did. wish you luck in finding another 1st gen. oh! mean dog says there is one in mississippi! the post is here, today, somewhere. just jt
  21. my '86, is the same! i don't think they were designed to "actually be used". just jt
  22. don, since the prints are copywrited, just forward them on to me. that way i won't have to "beg" for them! lol i certainly would like to see if i have the "smarts", to incorporate an air jack,to make this thing better. just jt
  23. could you maybe have a bad spot on your flywheel/starter gear? just jt
  24. dave, on my '86, it is located "inline" on #2 carb. about three of four inches up from where the vac.tube attaches to the carb. on mine, there is a noticeable "insert", and i believe it is marked with a small white arrow. not sure how an '83 is set up, though.hope this helps. just jt
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