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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. i decided to "lower" the front end on my '86, yesterday!!!!! WRONG!!!!!!! cannot be done!now i have the rest of today, to re-install all of the parts that i had to remove, to find this out! just jt
  2. carl's right ! knackered, means "wore out" in english!lol not sure about a "cutting". i was thinking along the lines of "mowed /unmowed , fields! just jt
  3. GOD bless ya dan! you , deserve a another, REAL bike! just jt
  4. christmas stamp, is old news. if you really want to see how far beneath civilization, these people are, do a "goolgle" on "stoned to death"! i cannot believe that these "upright walking " hominoids, can even feed themselves!too barbaric to even watch! just jt
  5. older and ? by all means, buy it! then you will have a bike , that is worthy of following ALL of the first gens, that you encounter! lol just jt
  6. i , for one, really love the looks of your bike! simplicity, and power! congrats on the '08 front page! just jt
  7. dan. if ya bought this "meskinized" bike, i hope you will have the decency to have it repainted, at least! it will take ya a month to figure out ,what does what! lose the "pinstriping,", and about half the "chrome", and you have a superb looking bike! oh , and did i say congrats, to MRS. YAMMER D.!!!!!!!!? SHE WILL LOVE HER NEW RIDE, IF YOU DON'T TRY TO SCARE HER TO DEATH , ON HER FIRST RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :stirthepot: just jt
  8. HEY CHARLIE check this one out! save don some trouble!lol :stirthepot: just jt
  9. hell, he didn't have control of that bike!!!! he was just fighting to keep from dropping it is front of so many witnesses! he did make it look a lot easier, than it really is though!lol just jt
  10. dang, don!!!! tow pack has lots of TRAINING WHEEL set ups! want me to send charlie , their link????????? lol:stirthepot::stirthepot::whistling: just jt
  11. ya just HAD to let the "cat out-o-th bag", didn't ya ,mike??????? :rotf::whistling: just jt
  12. i hate to be the bearer of bad news, DT, but "dual language", should not be a factor! everything we buy, sell, or think about here, is in a dual language , format! english and MEXICAN!!!!!!!!! just jt
  13. yesterday afternoon, i was heading into town,about 5 miles, and saw 5 brand new bikes! all were from the same dealership.all had paper tags. ONE was a yamaha(blue/black 07). all the rest were all black ,and were BIG, suzuki boulevards. what i figured from that, is "you can't sell something you don't have to show!" i think it is ridiculous, that a dealer,can only order/take delivery on a predetermined # of a certain model, based on the population of the area,which he serves!!!!!!!!! yamaha, is committing suicide, while suzuki is PROSPERING!!! just jt
  14. well, bill, -------, i recon we'll just have to wait ,'till saturday for the pics! right? oh, by the way! congrats in advance! just jt
  15. ken, i am not certain, but i think that trailer is a "SMITTY BUILT". it looks awfully close to the one that i have behind my '86.i could be wrong here, but that would be the FIRST TIME!!!!!not. :whistling: just jt
  16. hey "doc". how hard is it to get into the "import/export business", down under???? sounds to me like you could make a GOOD living, just importing and selling used ventures and parts! oh and as for the bike - - - - decide which one has the best fit, for you,like squid said, and THEN buy the one that makes your co-pilot happy! lol. good luck . just jt
  17. jack, can we say "LATINO-IZED" on here? that is one that looks like it came right out of "the barrio". i'm like you, though, i don't know where anyone could ADD any more "safety chrome or lights". funny thing is , i like it! just jt
  18. matt. one way of looking at it, that no one else has suggested. when you compare your scoot, to your '73 chevy p/u., is ANYBODY building more of them????? i don't know of anyone who is. so - - - -restore them both! just take your time, and do it! i hate to see a GREAT machine, parted out, just because "REDNECK" is afraid of their speed! just jt
  19. steve. occasionally a set of driver's floorboards shows up on e-bay. not that it would help you much,cause they go for BIG $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!! i have been thinking of fabricating a set, from 1/2 inch aluminum plate.just to see if i can do it. just jt
  20. WOW!!!! '86er got a '29 chevy! maybe! lol just jt
  21. john, i am fairly certain, that you can remove the luggage lock, take it to a locksmith, and have a duplicate key made, providing the same key ,locks and unlocks both. on my '86, one key does it all. just jt
  22. or rather , has anyone been keeping a running tally,on the number of downed/injured riders , that we have accumulated this past year? seems to me , that we have had an inordinate amount of "hit by a left turning cager",stories since the server crash. just jt
  23. at least a misdemeanor, to charge a man $14.00, for a haircut with a hole in the top!!!!!!! . just jt
  24. jim, ditto what all the rest of the family has said. man, i am getting really paranoid, about even finishing up the "extended maintenance"on my bike. when finished, i will be expected to RIDE it again! don't know if it's worth the risks anymore! just jt
  25. hey rooster! if your shindig is gonna be international, then you need more than JUST a canadian flag!!!! and a maple leaf! i like the # 2 version, but you need to add an american flag, and maybe a german flag and ABSOLUTELY a texas flag! just jt
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