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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. so now we know!!!!!!!!!!!! the majority of the WHINING, is coming from the owners!!!!, not from the square cut gears in the tranny! lol:stirthepot: just jt
  2. squeeze. the meaning of the "impersonater" term, implies that he is trying to look like a late 1970's celebrity, later turned congressman,(i think). the duo of "sonny and cher", was popular here,in the usa, for a long time. google should tell you WAY more than you ever wanted to know about this guy! lol:rotf: just jt
  3. you didn't give a breed , or description, of your dog! if it is a germanshephard dog, then ALL must be forgiven! lol sorry, bud, but i don't have a spare seat. just a ton of sympathy! just jt
  4. hipshot

    Sad News

    Christy. you know that if you ,or your family need anything, WE, as a family, are here for you all! all you have to do , is sign in!we'll be here to talk, listen, encourage, what ever is needed!!!! just jt
  5. pete, this used to happen to me a lot, years ago! hasn't happened in a long time though! come to think of it, it hasn't happened since i quit drinking the hard stuff! lol just jt:whistling:
  6. mike , my first impression of jack's new toy, was "is that an ajax"??? i have set and listend to them for hours on end,(in a deer blind), down around Cotula, never did go up and get a close look at one though. so enlighten me, if you will. is that an ajax? just jt
  7. first you have to explain , to us , "do it your selfers", where exactly the damper rod adjustment is. if it is the allen head insert, at the very top of the forks, it is a 17 .m.m. an 11/16 sae bolt head is just a very little bit too large. 21/32, bolt head will fit .good luck finding one, if i am referring to the correct insert. just jt
  8. WHAT A CROCK! lol you didn't even mention "cookies and milk"! just jt
  9. i understand. oh well, you could have done a LOT worse! just take a look at that old "rattletrap "that redneck puts around on! lol :stirthepot: just jt
  10. steve!, you've been HAD!!!!! you have the best bike, best color, best year model, and you want to exchange it for THAT?????????? what is the number for 911??? this boy needs help! lol just jt
  11. rick. those links go to another forum. venturer's .org or something like that. that's why you can't open them. lol got to pay your annual dues, to read those posts! just jt
  12. hey bud, you got e mail! lol just jt
  13. ok, i'll play your silly game!!!!! what in the world is a "rhubarb???? i always thought it was just another name , for a "disagreement"! just jt
  14. sounds to me like yamaha, is playing the old "supply and demand", game! since we don't have a "non-riding" season, i guess they figure that they can "jack you up" anytime of the year! there don't seem to be too many dealers, with a large inventory of '07's ,anywhere in the states! now , maybe you'll get smart, and get a first gen! lol just jt
  15. NO, thom, not me!!!!!!!!! yamaha only made ONE touring bike. that's a 1st gen! maybe someone i know! lol just jt
  16. boy, you asked for that one!!!!!! now tell 'em! just jt
  17. gary. what ca we do ,to helpout? you know , if you have a need - - - . we will try to fill it! sorry about the missus, and her cancer. mine went through the same thing, about 10 years ago. now she can mow the yard, without a shirt on. my prayers are proffered , for you and the wife! just jt
  18. looking at those photos, it became quite obvious, why swifty was able to maintain control. he was riding a BROWN '86!. a 2nd gen of any color, would have lost it! :stirthepot: just jt
  19. some one in our family, not of the masculine persuasion, sings a "siren song" , something about "come over to the dark side, we have milk and cookies"!!!!! sadly, i am afraid, one of our group, has fallen prey to your , promises! now you have to produce the promised deserts! lol just jt
  20. some one in our family, not of the masculine persuasion, sings a "siren song" , something about "come over to the dark side, we have milk and cookies"!!!!! sadly, i am afraid, one of our group, has fallen prey to your , promises! now you have to produce the promised deserts!@ lol just jt
  21. eck, what can i say? I LOVE YOU SUBTLETY!!!!! you are th man! lol just jt
  22. actually, bud, this one went WAY over budget!!! cost me $1.80, for hardware to make a tool to recompress front forks, back up into the triple tree!!!!!! i pulled the steering head bearing, NO GREASE!!!! just some faint semblance of a brownish , waxy , looking film! washed it out , repacked the bearing, better than brand new! just jt
  23. i stand corrected! i don't think the small "drop" achieved by removing the plastic spacer, would equate into much of a difference ,in slow speed handling. i might just try it though. thanks bikernut! just jt
  24. well THOM, since you asked - - - - - the "CLASS" ,air valve is directly below the tree, on both forks. it is apparently "pressed on", and then , the air line and bleeder line, are tapped and threaded, into the fork. without changing over to 2nd gen cheapy forks, you cannot alter the height of your first gen, front end. soooo, now i'll go with the "10 speed" smaller front avon tire! lol just jt
  25. mike you are still "as full of s#!T as a tomcat"! lol just jt
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