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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. CURIOUS thing. not one of us has seen a "prototype", of this bell, and Don , has us all clamoring for them! no wonder he is in an, "outside sales/ field rep,", position. probably makes a lot of money, too! maybe even 3 or 4 bucks an hour! lol just jt
  2. rattlesnake (ron) came by my house , this afternoon.seems one of his group, got called in on an emergency work related detail. they are scheduled to leave out early in the morning.weather, should be great, but i wouldn't fight those crowds, for all the tea in china! i live about two blocks off the main , north /south, route to Houston -Galveston area. nothing but a solid stream of bikers , all afternoon , and still i hear the rumbling of the harleys as they roll on, north. just jt
  3. i don't know enough , about this to have an opinion , one way or the other. i try , very hard, to keep this a "motorcycle" oriented, forum. politics, and humans, just don't mix. just jt
  4. don. i want three bells. i will put a postal money order in the mail, before the week's end. just jt
  5. here here! i totally agree, gerald! i know college grads, that can't tell you where to look to check their engine oil level. don't know how to change a flat tire, or even where to find a spare tire! it is terribly sad, that "WE " did everything for our kids, and wound up doing more harm than good. just jt
  6. JAY , when i saw the title to your post, i was going to suggest "E-HARMONY .COM".! LOL NOW , I'M GLAD I READ THE ENTIRE POST! :confused24: just jt
  7. welcome to "OUR HOUSE" , herb. thanks for the heads up! where in the he11, is "ALEDO, TEXAS"? never heard of that one before. glad, though, that you aren't bashful, about jumping in to help. just jt
  8. if he was cordial, and friendly, then he couldn't possibly be related to "redneck"!!!! we all know , that mike is a cantankerous old fart, who hasn't realized , that he is an OLD FART!!! :stirthepot: just jt
  9. sorry i can't help ya , mike, but i WILL pay particular attention to the replies. i am also interested in this upgrade. just jt
  10. don't want to hijack ,this thread, but i have some questions regarding "led" lights. ?1- will leds function , on a full 12 volt circuit, or will that burn them up? ?2must they be run on a separate fused/circuit breaker, circuit? and finally. do they reduce the amount of "draw" on your battery enough to extend the battery's life? just jt
  11. then, on the other hand, gerald. there are some who have no children, outlived their children, or for what ever reason, don't figure that they should leave anything to their children. some of these people live in huge ,expensive , PAID FOR homes and condos. for those people, it sometimes becomes a life saver,especially if they were "taken in and bankrupted", by con artists, who especially love to prey on elderly people. then there are those , who put all their "retirement funds,401k's etc, into companies like "ENRON", and lost everything. for these folks, reverse mortgages are a lifesaver. not being argumentative, here, but i know a couple of couples, that have fallen prey to the likes of the "enron" group. just jt
  12. working these 60 hour weeks, leaves virtually NO time to work on my bike. i may be forced into retirement, so that i will have time to do my "trike conversion". bottom line is, without the WAGES the PROJECT slows WAY down. i'm tired of working for "the man" anyhow!i am thinking, end of the year, i am gonna hang up my hard hat! AGAIN!! just jt
  13. thank you , mike. i knew i could count on you to help a fellow member out! lol just jt
  14. i'm gonna go from scratch. i read somewhere, that most trike builders, use a 7 1/2 inch ford ranger rear end. i am thinking "METRIC FOR A METRIC DRIVE SHAFT"maybe a mazda, or toyota. i am working without a net, here, so if anyone has any constructive comments, please join in. just jt! p.s. i guess that leaves you out, redneck!! lol:stirthepot: just jt
  15. finally!!!!!! another member with a sense of humor! thanks for being you, bradt. just jt
  16. don. i'm gonna trike my '86. i just ain't hoss enough to handle it , at parking lot speed , anymore. just jt
  17. i fully intend to start from scratch, and build a trike. i cannot find any blueprints/plans/ anywhere on the internet, but how hard can it be to fabricate and weld up a suitable framework? just jt
  18. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING!!!! some of us, don't really care about "costs", 'cause we can't afford anything , anyhow! just jt
  19. parroting what "redneck " said! god speed my friend. know that we are ALL pulling for ya. rest easy, take your time, heal right,both inside and out. post as often as ya can. thanks for the message relay, there jeff!glad to hear that gary is talking and eating. just jt
  20. works fine for me , dan. i think you've just been "blackballed". after all, there is some awfully "ADULT" language, being used in there, that you probably shouldn't be exposed to! lol just jt
  21. hipshot


    did anyone bother to call pittbull, and try to get to the bottom of this? sure seems strange, that he would "bail", without any warning. just jt
  22. "SHADY LADY"???????? WHAT IS THE DEAL , DAN? NOT EVEN one BLUE PART ON HER? next year, you and i have some catching up to do, mileage wise. hell , i might even ride up and spend the day with "redneck". but then i'd have do do like the tiger done,only with my eyes. they'd need washing out. lol just jt
  23. lynn. that THING, might be fun to ride, around town, but it looks like "death eatin' a cracker"! it don't do anything for me. as others have said though, the "street warriors", will probably fall head over heels , in love with it. just jt
  24. don't know about "the END of a long hot summer", but it has cooled down to the high 70's low 80's ,here. didn't ride ONE FOOT this summer. doing a lot of tlc, that previous owners, never knew about. if i hadn't poked my nose in here, i wouldn't have known about them either. lol just jt
  25. THREE CHEERS for you , ramona!!!! i don't know why no one ever thought of this before, but your "welcome" to passersby, make perfect sense to me! thanks. just jt
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