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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. hey don. i spoke up for three, and my name isn't on the list. postal money order leaving here, monday morning. just jt
  2. SQUID!!! looking you in the eye, AINT'T EVER going to be easy! lol:stirthepot: just jt
  3. mike you ought t think about moving down here , to a more "tropical" climate! i hate to see ya get cold and "uncomfortable", just so you can help charlie out! just jt
  4. CHARLIE! that ain't the "dark side", that's the "back side"! lol it's a "V-2, air cooled, belt driven ,SHAKER"!!!! you can have it, i don't like it! just jt
  5. OH , DANG, RICK ! i think i liked my "mental picture" of ya better, than the real thing!lol just kidding. glad you brought this up! now i got to see if i have a pic of me, somewhere. just jt
  6. hipshot


    dan, thank you for being BIG enough to say it wasn't quite right. most people would have left , in a huff, never to return. just jt
  7. hey kit. nice windshield! look out , though. there's some "yo-yo", sneaking up behind you. i can see him in the rear view mirrors! lol just jt
  8. swifty. i don't see anything humorous , about your ordeal. i did virtually the same thing, loading mine into a trailer, that was obviously NOT designed to haul motorcycles. the back tire, WILL spin large planks (2"x12")"s, backwards at a high rate of speed,before you can say "damit"! these brown "86's, seem to be the worst. lol just jt
  9. chris. on my 86, the pressure holds, until i elect to change it, key on acc., start, or off! when i let the bike sit for a few days, and start it up, the pressure builds up to whatever it was set at, to replace what might have leaked out. if yours is different, then MINE must be screwed up. just jt
  10. CONGRATULATIONS, JESSIE!!! now you can ask, "which one", when your girlfriends ask"do you remember your first time"???? lol just jt:whistling:
  11. dave! ya just HAD to do it with a 1st gen, didn't ya!!!! redneck , will NEVER let you live that one down! just jt
  12. RIGHT ON , man!!!! i can see where the tach, and iso grips, will add LOADS of low end and mid range torque! just kidding! keep us posted on all the "other" mods that you do! just jt
  13. if yours, is like a first gen, and they ALL are, it will "gracefully lay over on the engine guards and saddlebag guards", OR it will fall COMPLETELY over, and break up some plastic and mirrors. it all depends on how much time you have , to "slow her down", before the fall. i read this in a book somewhere i think, or maybe it really happened! plastic is easy to repair, but mirrors are expensive. just jt
  14. ken, it all depends on what kind of finish/life expectancy, you are looking for. for the "toughest" paint , go with the "epoxy kit", for the "cheapest " way, go with the $15.00 paint. know this , though. with the cheap paint, you will have to repaint a LOT more often, than with the epoxy. just jt
  15. judging from all the fire plugs, in yard, i would suspect he is afraid that one of the neighbors, might "torch his caddy"!!! lol just jt
  16. ok. todd, and j.b. and i , all have the 1986 "hershey bar" royales. brown sugar, mocha, go-rilla, don't matter what you call them. i am curious as to HOW MANY,members own a "brown , '86! if you are one of us, speak up, please! just jt
  17. ok. peggy! i'll play your silly game. WHY doesn't "VR CHAT " show up on my side bar??? i can't find it anywhere! just jt
  18. ditto , to what all the others have said! man, i know you "hit them prayer bones" as soon as you were able! i don't understand, why yamaha doesn't do a "brake recall" on ALL of the second gens, and fix what's wrong! just jt
  19. dang!!!!! ya see buddy!? i was right! we shoulda switched the state highway signs, not the san antonio street signs! lol just jt
  20. hey "T", would you translate that into english???? just jt
  21. how many of you "old timers", can still fit into your "dress uniforms"??? for the record, I CAN!!! just jt
  22. peggy, i'll have to check my schedule, to see if i have an opening. i'll have my people, call your people, and set it all up. who is bringing the beer? just jt
  23. Heather! don't pay any attention to the people who don't like tatoos! i don't have any, and don't want any, but that's just me! i think yours looks GREAT!!! i should really show , when you are rolling down the road! oh , i forgot to ask, how many miles have ya logged in the "side car"? just jt
  24. ME TOO CHARLIE! actually, my brood , except for my "thrown away son", will all be here, for t-day. Christmas, is too far in the future , to plan on anything. seems that EVERYONE , remembers the season, but damn few of us remember"the reason". just jt
  25. i am currently working on a "F.A.A." project for out local county airport. in the contract, it states "ALL materials, tools, labor, WILL be AMERICAN"!!! no exceptions! yeah , right. all of the local and some statewide suppliers, deal with only imported stock. we were forced to use steel from china, re bar, made in mexico, electrical components, made in japan, and china, and wire made in mexico. it seems , that NOTHING, is made here at home , anymore. just jt
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