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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. steve. is this for the '07 owners, or for all of the 2 gens? if it is for ALL 2nd gen owners, this will be a SHORT thread! lol just jt
  2. thanks , don,! i knew you could stir the pot, if you were "motivated" enough! lol just jt for don:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:
  3. actually, rick, you are partially correct. before Texas became a state, in these united states, it was a "Mexican state". it might surprise some , to know just how large Texas was, when it became a REPUBLIC!!! as a "free and sovereign nation", Texas took in most of Oklahoma, Arizona , parts of Colorado, Utah, and Idaho! then, the U.S.govt. started chopping parts off of it, to make more states. broader tax base , i guess!lol just jt
  4. JACK , you left out the most IMPORTANT one!!! first gens, will outrun, out perform, outshine, ANY second gen! lol:stirthepot::stirthepot: just jt
  5. FINALLY ,steve, another member, within "shouting distance!!!!!" hope we can ride somewhere together, soon. just jt
  6. ok , brad! you finally talked me into a set! will send out a postal money order friday! lol my arm is sore, from all the TWISTING!!! lol:stirthepot: just jt
  7. "ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS" or so it says on their coins! just jt
  8. gene! do you remember watching that episode, on t.v.? i do! the three stooges, were one of my favorites! just jt
  9. ok boomer. i joined up! does that mean i won't smoke anymore???? lol, just kidding. i hope i can help someone, or be helped by someone, whichever the case may be at a given time. thanks to both you and your brother, for thinking of the rest of us! just jt
  10. dan, if this is a private joke, please continue, V.I.A. of a PM! lol otherwise, tell us what this is all about! just jt
  11. i hear ya , bill. i sound like a box of cereal, myself!!!!!! snap! crackle, pop!(rice crispies) lol just jt
  12. do a goolge, on sonic boom pictures! just jt
  13. as i understand it , randy. it is not illegal to break the sound barrier, "over international waters", but, it is illegal to break the sound barrier, over the "continental ", united states. i don't know when the law was enacted, but it has been a long time! just jt
  14. wow, dan! you are just TONS of help!same as always! lol just jt
  15. shoot, cliff! a military "I.D." is a passport! lots of folks, wished that were not the case, back in the late '60s-early '70's! just jt
  16. curt. i have not visited your site, ever, but i respect the way you conduct yourself , at "our house". a gentleman, is always, a gentleman! i would hope , that you , have as much going for you , "over there, " as we have "over here! just jt
  17. DON! you didn't have to say that! i was getting all "cranked up" to learn how to use a NEW machine, and now this! lol just jt:(
  18. NONE of your kids, have ever heard a jet , break the sound barrier! just jt
  19. FALCO. anyone heard from him, lately? anyone want to post a picture , showing where they sewed their patches on? i still have both of mine in my vest pocket. can't seem to decide which place would be right! just jt
  20. BOY!!! now that was COLD!!! i was just getting ready to bundle up and go outside, to check on this "ribbon cable" thing, for ya! NOT! good to see you haven't froze to death, up there! now that you have "broke" the '85, you might as well spend a little time , hanging around here!!!! just jt
  21. my son, works at an apple store , in the "woodlands", houston area. he told me HE sold $30,000.00, worth , on friday. by himself. says the store , typically does $400,000.oo worth between thanksgiving day, and the following monday. gonna get me a heck of a deal on an "iMAC pro! - - - - - - - - someday! lol just jt
  22. mike , i totally agree with all you have said! if you travel "out of our country", you MUST show a passport, wherever your destination takes you. we should be just as "courteous" as the rest of the free world! just jt
  23. mike , check out our "classifieds", section. couple of really nice 1st gens, there. just jt
  24. you are correct, buddy! most of "mexico", is in the united states! now, some of the real estate, is still south of the border! lol just jt
  25. lee, i believe that a lot of people have used "pre 2006" road king pipes on their 1gens. i know that i read that on here somewhere, and i intend to give them a try. just jt
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