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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. very nice calendar, squeeze!!! merry Christmas to you and your loved ones , from us. just jt
  2. Kevin. thank you very much. you have succeeded in "putting into words", what EVERYONE here , has been trying to say for ages! very good description, about "physics". just jt
  3. i guess, because i am NOT a "biker", i have learned to love the linked breaks, on a first gen. i don't compete. i don't speed. i don't get upset, when someone turns in front of me, 'cause i "knew that they were going to do that!" i can't get all excited about "front wheel stands, sliding EITHER wheel, or spinning the back one"! so i guess, me and "granpagak", are a "matched pair"! in my humble opinion, all breaking systems, on bikes, are adequate, if you ride them like you "bought them" instead of "ride 'em like ya stole 'em!" lol no offense intended toward anyone!(even the one who "jumps in front of the bus") just jt
  4. same reason, that drive up A.T.M,s have "braille" on the keypads. some BLIND person , might drive up and need to make a withdrawal! lol just jt
  5. no sir! chicken don't taste ANYTHING like rattlesnake. in fact, buzz tails have a more "fish" like taste in my book. just jt
  6. be my luck, i'd get under it, and one of the pumpers would stall out. down it would come! right on top of me! is this what they call tax dollars being well spent??????????????????????????? lol just jt
  7. wow! it's almost Christmas, and i haven't even started my shopping!!!! oh well! i guess i can do it twice!, next year! lol just jt
  8. i got the same e mail, a couple of weeks ago. that guy is ONE lucky individual! just jt
  9. you got off easy , this time art! winter is still young. the same post , in 30 or 45 days, will get a vigilante committee, organized by those who are "snowed in"!!! lol ride safe and ride often, my friend. Texas is made for riding! just jt
  10. don't pay 'em any attention, charlie! you did good! please tell the "missus, and hope" merry christmas from me. love ya like a brother! i'm gonna treat ya like one too! DO IT, cause i said so! just jt
  11. UNGHHHHH. just set the hook in anther mullet! lol i knew you couldn't resist that "bait!!! "i love it when a plan comes together"!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS rick!!! ride safe and stay healthy!!!!!! just jt
  12. ron. i swear i didn't put these guys up to this! they did it all by themselves. did make me laugh though! something about the name "Nelson" and the first initial "R", they just can't stay away from them "Hardleys"!!! oh well , if freebird can live with it, i guess i can too! lol just jt
  13. i had my winter, last Monday morning. low 30 degrees with 30 mile winds. tuesday , low 59, high 70! whew! i'm glad that's over with! just jt
  14. speaking from experience! the very WORST gift you can give your wife, is a card with CASH, in it! you get called all kind of ugly names , for not being sensitive enough to "know what she really wanted". yeah! like i have been a practicing physic for my whole life! if a woman wants something specific, why don't they just come right out and tell us??????? oh , and don't go the EXPENSIVE perfume route either!!! don't ask me how i know that! just jt
  15. not if your name is "hipshot"!!! lol i agree with the majority. let don, or a tribunal, attempt to settle this dispute. i too have been "taken to the cleaners", by a member, who by the way, has NEVER signed back in here, since. just kt
  16. froze here, last night. gonna do it again, tonight. i am ready for July! just jt
  17. is the exhaust collector box absolutely necessary, for a specific reason? can i run dual 2 into 1 exhausts, and still be safe , as far as back drafts,burnt valves, are concerned? i really want to do away with that blasted , rattling box! just jt
  18. beautiful painting. should be easy to spot in a parking lot! i couldn't keep that bike around here, for two days, even under lock and key! it would wind up "south of the border", before the mufflers cooled off! just jt.
  19. now let me see. - - - - - - what is the old saying?????????? simple games for the simple minded, or something ,to that effect! lol no inferring that anyone here fits that category, though! lol just jt
  20. LOL !!! randy ! it does my heart good, to see that you are YOUNGER, than your son, and grandson! younger at heart, anyhow! wish i could afford to play with the kinds of toys you come up with! jusat jt
  21. OR--------. you could bring it over here, and i'll be glad to rebuild them for you!!!! you know only one of us has any "wrench sense". mamma said so! lol just jt
  22. man! that is a weird one. have you dismantled and cleaned the "proportioning valve"? that would be my next move. it would appear, that you are not getting the fluid release that is required. i.e. pressure is being held in the lines somewhere. just a thought. just jt
  23. sorry , gerald. i can't see my riding a "unicycle", let alone a motorized version! just jt
  24. i am by no means an "authority", but - - - i think it all began, when parents started calling their "offspring", KIDS!!!! instead of "children"!!!!! kids, are baby goats! just my humble opinion. check google, for dates! just jt
  25. brad! i have had one day off in the past 21 days! you guessed it, it was a Sunday! i'm gonna take off, a half day , tomorrow, if it "hairlips the pope", and send you a money order!!!! i mean it this time! lol just jt
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