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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. trans plants, or transient Texans, who don't understand that almost ALL Texas highways, have a PAVED shoulder to pull over on, to let traffic pass!!!!! locals that "haul A$$" to get around you, just to turn off 100 yards in front of you! people like US who have nothing better to do, than sit around and complain! lol just jt
  2. they turned out really nice, Jack. glad you found a "cheaper solution". just jt
  3. i've never found a glove that will keep my hands warm. i think when you have restricted circulation to start with, anything less than "heated gloves" is a waste. but then i haven't been on EITHER of my bikes in over two years. just jt
  4. i'm still curious. IS there a company that prints a mkII service manual. running back and forth to a p c is a "royale" pain. just jt
  5. Eck. i seriously believe you are mistaken! there are multitudes of NELSONS that are distantly related to Willey. and we also go back to "Lord Byron Nelson". before that it's all English and IRISH, blood. just jt
  6. i agree with what DON, said! but i can't remember which one said it!!! lol just jt
  7. Norm . i would check FUSES first, then trace the wiring forward from the compressor. unplug and re plug every connection a few times to brighten up the contacts. my money is on the fuse not making good contact or it is burned. i've been wrong plenty of times in the past. just jt
  8. seaking. i believe the "microscopic hole" that Jack is talking about is actually a" FLUID RETURN " orifice,which allows fluid BACK into the reservoir when the clutch handle is released. just jt
  9. WOW. a two year old PROFESSIONAL!!!! watch closely and learn well, buddy. lol just jt
  10. Buddy.i too am sorry for your loss. it's never easy to find a way to TYPE what's in your heart. knee mail sent for you and your loved ones. just jt
  11. Don. you might NOT want to dig too deep into the NELSON ancestry.could get very scary! lol just jt
  12. Now that's what i call a near perfect Halloween costume!!! just jt
  13. NOW ya got it, Thom! lol just jt:happy65:
  14. not in 1928! just jt
  15. Actually , Thom, she's talking to her stock broker about "NEXT YEAR"! he's telling her BUY,BUY, BUY!!!! lol just jt
  16. i tried the stuffed toys thing with my German Shepherd. he wouldn't have anything to do with any of them. then he found a piece of radiator hose, about 16 inches long. BEST DOG TOY ever made. just jt
  17. as i understand it, on the '99 and up models, there is a "transmission whine", AND a "chirp". i understand the "square cut gears" causing the whine, but WHERE is the chirp coming from? is it maybe the final drive not set correctly with relation to the rear wheel pins? can the rear wheel installation be altered to get rid of the chirp? like maybe in the wrong position in lining up the pins? just curious, i don't know squat about these new fangled bikes. just jt
  18. don, you ain't any better with "paint schemes", than those Jap engineers! you could have made it SILVER with purple highlights!lol i was gonna say the "rake angle", looked different, and the engine was blacked out, like a C B 900 Honda, but someone beat me to it! just jt:icon_smile_question
  19. hipshot

    screen name

    mine goes WAY back to the mid '70's. back then EVERYBODY had to have a C. B. radio, and a "handle". all the cool ones were taken, so i settled for a (then) popular comic strip character, from Stan Lynde's "Rick O' Shay" comic strip. Rick was a town marshal, and "Hipshot Percussion", was a gunslinger/bum, sidekick. i am probably the only human alive, who remembers that! Been using it for a LOT of years lol just jt:backinmyday:
  20. hipshot


    right now, here on the gulf coast, it's 88* heat index -96*. gonna get down to 63* tonight. YEP! Old Man winter is almost here! just jt
  21. I've often wondered what people in the "FROZEN NORTH", do for entertainment during winter months! now i know. just jt:smile5:
  22. i like it!!! just about my size, too. just jt
  23. congrats, froggy! i sincerely hope this is just the beginning for the two of you! just jt
  24. hipshot


    Don, ya ought to tape a nickle to the barrel of that glock and throw it away! that way if someone finds it, they can say "LOOK i found a nickle." just kidding, of course. you did very well considering all of your excuses! lol just jt
  25. jack.if it were me, and i REALLY wanted those tips off, i'd get them very hot with a heat gun. after they are warmed up, stick 'em in a bucket of cool water. do this a few times, and they should be a lot easier to remove.the water will have a sleight boiling effect, to help get the oxidation from around the tips. or maybe not. just jt:080402gudl_prv:
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