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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. Gary, i'm going right now , into my prayer mode. i am so sorry to hear this tragic news. i will pray for strength for you, your family, and especially your father. just jt
  2. OH MAMMA!!!!!!! lol that "bandstand, is IT!!!!! got to love innovative minds! have ya ever eaten "rabbit hash? has ANYONE here ever eaten "rabbit hash? it ain't bad, when you are hungry! lol just jt:cool10:
  3. EfishingC, recently posted a picture, of Lowell's bike. the front end, looked pretty sad. charlie said "wildhair", would tell us all about it in another post. WELL, i'm still waiting! what is the story , Lowell? i hope you are alright, and heading home, to "batten down the hatches".the misses can't do it all by her self. just jt:confused07:
  4. LOL BOB, if you are that big, and have trouble putting it on the c.s..think about MY problems , at 5'10" and 130# soaking wet! i have had to use the assistance of a floor jack, under the trailer hitch! lol just jt:rotf::rotf:
  5. CONGRATS POLEDAR! hope you two are happy together , for many ,many years! p.s. does this explain why you "splurged" to get muffinman a "venture rider bell?
  6. I'd like to see him do that trick , with my '86! he would have more to say, than"ta da"! lol:no-no-no: just jt
  7. Every one of them is a "class act", but the royale, is by far, the prettiest. i too love the color! i like it SO much, that i'd be willing to take it off your hands, for - - , OH, say $15.00. that's all i can allot to bikes at the moment! lol just jt:whistling:
  8. Gary. i see the "pig", made it too! not a very big one, but i guess it'll make ONE meal! keep 'em all drunked up, and nobody will notice! lol have a WONDERFUL , SAFE , weekend. just jt:fingers-crossed-emo:cool10:
  9. masterfully written , J.B.! you know the old saying. any excuse is better than none at all. just jt
  10. prayer being said for BIG BOB.! hope you can keep us up to date on Bob's condition. just jt
  11. Thom. what do you know about this set-up? was it custom built, or an aftermarket manifold. i sure like the idea of ONE carb. not so much for power, but for ease of service as opposed to four. just jt
  12. OUTSTANDING! i was beginning to wonder if anybody remembered! i had planned for two weeks, on being there, but LIFE, caused me to change my plans. looks like everyone had a great visit, and i'm SURE that Don H. was surprised. thanks guys, for checking in on my "brother". just jt
  13. Lyle. you're retired??????? how in the world did i miss THAT ONE?????? congrats, old man! just jt
  14. MAN! now that would be ONE BIG SNOWFLAKE!!! lol :rotf: love ya brad! just jt
  15. LOL boy! if you two, "ain't a pair to draw to"! rick, i 'd be happy to have it.(the diaphragm) that is. just jt
  16. jack! you ain't gonna believe it, but i actually LOOKED at a can of "plasti-dip", last week. stood there and stared at it for 10 minutes wondering if it would work or not.it is at my work shop, and will NEVER be used for anything, so i might as well "appropriate it, " when i go back in , on Tuesday. lol just jt
  17. i totally agree! you didn't damage your bike! THEY did! go after them , and MAKE them make it right again. just jt
  18. yours don't count, Wizzzz. you are a "darksider"! lol just jt:dancefool:
  19. i totally agree with what you did , and what you just said. they looked "different ", to me too. at any rate, looks like i am gonna have to "splurge" on a set of oem's here pretty quick. OUCH! just jt
  20. Jack. you can't see it in the picture, but the rubber part, DOES have a "tab", on it. might not be as large as the ones that the guy was selling on e bay a couple of weeks back, but it's there! thanks for the info on the lock tite. just jt
  21. i think i have located the source of the malady.the WHOLE diaphragm assembly came "from together to apart"!!!! now i need to know what type of adhesive to use to reassemble the derned thing. just jt:starz:
  22. gonna do that LATER this afternoon, when it cools down a little. can't see the urgency in working on a hot motor, when it is above 90* , outdoors! lol just jt
  23. as everyone knows, these mkII's won't run worth a tinker's dam, without the air filter in place. mine will run JUST long enough , without the "enrichment lever at about 1/2, to see that the #4 diaphragm doesn't move when you turn the throttle.then it dies. need troubleshooting help on this one. i had the diaphragms all out a few months ago, and did the "liquid tape " repair on a few small cracks and pinholes. question is WHY is #4 the only one that doesn't dance? it isn't "frozen up", as i can move it manually. any help would be greatly appreciated. just jt:confused07:
  24. Brad, i looked at about eleven-teen "forums", and got twelve-teen different answers. the consensus, seemed to be "get all of them as close as possible"!lol just jt
  25. a friend just acquired an 1100 kawasaki. it is in desperate need of a carb sync. can anyone tell me the procedure, and WHICH carb is #1? thanks in advance. just jt:scratchchin:
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