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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. for what it's worth, i did a LOT of research on copperheads, a couple of years ago. i had killed one that was 34 inches long, and was curious as to how big they actually get. anything over about 23 to 25 inches long, is a BIG copperhead. there has NEVER been a recorded FATALITY, from a copperhead bite! they WILL make you sicker'n a dog, and you may think you're gonna die, but so far , no deaths recorded. just jt
  2. Does this qualify as an "oopps i dropped it"??? before saying YES, remember that there is a $5.00 "membership charge", for the "I DROPPED MY BIKE CLUB". payable to the group, collected by freebird! lol just jt:stickpoke:
  3. LOL, Buddy rich! i used to watch "Roy Rogers, Gunsmoke , Tex Ritter, and Gene Autry,"ON THE RADIO, as a kid! just jt:superman:
  4. i don't remember ANY of those OLD FOLKS!!!! i don't remember "Nash ramblers", Prince Albert", or Levi Garrett", either! lol. i had my fingers crossed! just jt:crackup:
  5. last time i remember being on the trace, left a bad taste in my mouth, and hurt my wallet! lol i believe it was 1978, 2:a.m., or thereabouts, got a ticket doing 65, in a 55. lol when i got to Shannon, miss. i swore i'd never get on the trace again! that was a lot of years ago. i'd probably LOVE to ride it , now! just jt:2143:
  6. i seem to recall a discussion a couple of years ago, about a "punch mark"indicating a 2nd gear repair. maybe Condor, can dredge up the thread and verify or disprove out theory. just jt
  7. local gas fell to $3.14, yesterday. don't know if it will continue to go down or not, but i ain't complaining. just jt
  8. some folks do just fine, "making payments", others don't have to go that route. just jt
  9. thank you both, very much. i will give it a whirl, and see what happens. just jt
  10. are these jets supposed to screw all the way out of the carbs? mine will turn just a hair past 2 complete revolutions, from a "soft seat", and that is ALL. still trying to make this damn thing IDLE!!! anyone who can help, please JUMP in! just jt:bang head:
  11. on Monday, of this week, gas was $3.59.9, per gallon. yesterday, it was $3.45.9. today it is $3.26.9. why are prices falling so fast, and WHO, determines the "pump price", on a daily basis? just jt
  12. didn't mind taking the test, but i ain't "throwin' my e mail address out there for EVERY, jerk in the world, to play with. i guess my bike will remain an '86 venture! just jt
  13. 6000, members by Christmas????????? anyone want to place their bets, now? :banana: just jt
  14. YEAH, SURE!!! you guys just keep on , keeping on! i can't even get my old P.C, to recognize a "CD burner/ or c.d . player! lol just jt
  15. Shows up fine, on my screen! just jt
  16. i had to replace my starter clutch assembly, a couple of months ago, and BELIEVE me, MINE had a copper washer. don't know why some would and others wouldn't, but i can't make it disappear! lol just jt
  17. SHOOT!!! i thought this was going to be a BEER thread! i still can't believe grown men get PAID exorbitant amounts of $$$$$ , just to play a kid's game!(and other grown men PAY to watch them play) just jt:whistling::whistling:
  18. check out the last page of the "inked for St. Judes", thread! there's your answer! lol just jt:banana:
  19. and NOW you all know why i was "happier than a dead pig in the sunshine. i had p,m,ed brad, and told him i would send the balance, WHATEVER it was, and he informed me that it wasn't necessary. we were extremely close , already. i sure hope those needles are sharp!!! nothing hurts worse than a DULL needle! lol just jt
  20. Michael. the copper washer, that dan spoke of, is for the very bottommost bolt. in reality, is is a "drain plug", which allows the small amount of oil , trapped in the stator housing to be drained out into a container , before you remove the cover.without that copper washer, you will never stop your oil leak. just jt
  21. Marcy, i forgot to mention, it isn't an ENGINE whine. it is the "square cut " gears in the transmission. some have had acceptable results , by changing out the clutch basket, to the "I" model basket. nothing , it seems, completely gets rid of the WHINE. the I basket just changes the noise to a higher r.p.m. range at which it is "least annoying". just jt
  22. there is a "veritable encyclopedia", on here concerning the 2nd gen WHINE! just do a simple search, and you will find ALL the options, including a "goldwing" trade up! lol just jt
  23. REDNECK'S COMING!!! hummed to the tune of "Eli's coming, hide your hearts girls". lol jus jt
  24. thanks, larry. i'll send him a p.m. just jt
  25. Daniel, at one point, there was a thread , here, concerning people who had specialty tools, and different sized "shims", for the valve train". i think it was a "pass around, replace parts" type of deal, but off the top of my head, i can't remember WHO owns the tool, or WHERE it might be. i am sure someone, who don't have "sometimer's" will jump in here and help you out, shortly! just jt
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