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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. gonna try to post a link.http://gordsaluminumpolish.com/index.html. this stuff is the "cat's meow", for aluminum, chrome, LEXAN, and most other polishing jobs. i don't know this fella , gord, but i have used his product, and it DOES work. just thought i'd throw this up for whomever might be interested. just jt:happy34:
  2. WELCOME to my "stompin grounds, thom! rockport is just about 55 miles south of me, i think. got a brother, (bisquit) in Corpus christi, and another one in refugio, (rattlesnake). if ya need a riding partner, let one of them know! oh by the way, they both just got a year older. Don , on the 9th, and Ron , on the 10th! just jt
  3. pics of "donor car" coming soon! lol just jt
  4. And it would have the WHINE, like yours!!!!!! although i would NEVER think of painting mine "BABY blue". lol just jt:crackup::stickpoke:
  5. $2.71, here. down $.69 in two days! Cheaper gas, SURE DOES SMELL BAD, when burning! i guess they are blending in "restaurant waste oil", now! just jt
  6. you're gonna love this one "redneck"!!!!! i am thinking about trikeing my '86, using a 1951 HENRY J rearend! that way , i can have it BOTH WAYS!!!! i get to keep my first gen, and have the WHINE of the second gens!!!!!!! lol :crackup: just jt
  7. Dan , i tried to tell ya to go easy on the new guys! you know that most of them , got their job, because they are related to someone higher up the ladder than you are! lol just jt
  8. every nut, bolt screw, washer ,bearing, etc. on these bikes, is JAPANESE/METRIC! so WHY were you surprised to find a METRIC spark plug?????:icon_smile_question:icon_smile_question lol just jt:duck:
  9. i bought gas, today, for $2.82, per gallon! sure does stink, when it burns , though! i don't know what they have added to it, but it ain't the same gas i got a year ago. just jt:dancefool::puzzled:
  10. i sure am glad, that i have been a "poor working stiff", all my life! i have NEVER had to worry about WHERE my money is, HOW much interest my money ain't accruing, Who is going to take care of my investments, or HOW my money is being spent. if i get any flack, from collectors, i just tell them to back off, "or i won't even put your name in the hat next month". just jt:backinmyday::rasberry::rasberry::crackup:
  11. OK! you win that argument , HANDS DOWN!!!! but i'll get you on the next one! lol :confused24: just jt
  12. Froggy! does gene throw in a package of raisin bran for free with each order, or do you get one in each bag, or do you have to order those separately? lol just jt:confused24:
  13. Carlos. it's kind of like the "gauchos", from the pampas! if you are a gaucho, it is because you were BORN one. if you are a gaucho, you hang around with other gauchos, because you all have a lot in common. The gauchos, "meet and eat" at their " corrientes", much the same as we gather at meets and eats , here. i came to this site, looking for info on my bike, and NOW, my bike, has very little to do with WHY i stay here. i have found that this is one of the few places, where a person can be themselves. here, you can be honest, and open about any thing, and laugh as often as you like. this is the only place i have found, where i can put names to faces of some TOTAL strangers, that i haven't had the pleasure of meeting in person, and still i feel like i have known them forever! hope this explains how and why, we are family! just jt:backinmyday:
  14. i would also wrap the plug a couple of wraps, with YELLOW Teflon tape. it is made for "natural gas connections", and is just a little bit thicker than regular plumbing Teflon tape. then i would check into mabey a helicoil and a new crush washer. hope you find a fix. just jt
  15. SPEAK for yourself, white man! me and the irregulars, are gonna take advantage of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don, i hope you remember to leave the cell phones at home, too! you guys deserve at least a couple of weeks off - - - oh well, mabey one! just jt lol:dancefool::stirthepot:
  16. Poor girl! if it ain't one thing , it's another! prayers for Nancy continue, her dad and mom, are now added! just jt
  17. check with "squidley". brad will know, if anyone , does! just jt
  18. Yes , Dan. skid is your huckelberry! he ain't FAST enough to say NO!. lol just jt
  19. Ben, you did a heck of a job! really looks nice. now all you have to do, is create a "force field", to keep cages away from you! one can NEVER let their guard down, when riding! just jt:happy34:
  20. can anyone tell me, at what R.P.M., the idle circuit drops off and the main carb circuit takes over? my problem is, if i can't get my engine to idle, then 4 gallons of pure sea foam, isn't going to clean the idle jets, and other idle circuit components. just jt
  21. BRAD, you know that i was just RAZZIN' ya. i trust you, completely, with any and all $$$ transactions!!!! it's that little skinny "cheescake munchkin", that i would watch! lol so when are ya'll planning on being in Houston, this year? just jt:stickpoke:
  22. Looks like ONE place , that i DON'T need to be! weak hearts, won't last long around there! lol just jt:smile5:
  23. hey Mike! you got your wires crossed. i killed my big copperhead, with TWO pocket knives! lol first knife, i flipped at him, only caught the side of his neck.so i used my OTHER pocket knife to cut his head off!that is the Gods gospel truth! (and i aint got no stinkin' second gen!)i guess this QUALIFIES ME FOR A TRADE UP/down???? LOL JUST JT :crackup:
  24. you mean like a NAVAJO, and an ARAPAHO, and a DETROIT-ho? just jt
  25. HOW in the thunder did we wind up, with $.67??? i sent 54cents, so that means someone out there is "broker ", than me! lol just jt:think:
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