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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. GREAT NEWS , WILLIAM! when ya get to TEXAS, give us all a holler! you can ride year round, here! just jt:dancefool::Venture:
  2. I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!! use the right kind of bait, and you can catch a "lunker/lurker", EVERY time! lol yep, i use a johnny cash special! i built this one from parts . starting with 2000, year model and going up to 2006 year models, i think! lol. as long as if is "functional", all else, fall into place! kinda like owning an old SLOW a$$ed second gen! just jt:crackup::crackup::stickpoke:
  3. Don , i appreciate ALL of your hard work, and ALL of the upgrades, BUT---.none of them seem to speed my old p.c. up. at all!got any more, ? lol just jt p.s. mighty thoughtful of ya to send me an E mail, yesterday.THANKS just jt:backinmyday:
  4. if ya have the $$$$$$$$$$$, just go get it. if she don't come up to speed, or don't like it, you can always sell it and recoup 3/4's of your money! just jt:think:
  5. i saw a NEW second gen, yesterday, in town, and recognized the driver! soooo, i tracked him down , this afternoon, and got the "lowdown", on his new ride. he went from a VTX1800, which HE loved, to the '08 charcoal RSV, which SHE loves. who'd a thunk it! bottom line, he was looking at an "ultra classic", she was looking at a goldwing, then by chance they stopped in at a yammy dealer, in Corpus Christi, and saw a blue/black rsv. THAT DID THE TRICK! She got her comfy "nest", and He got a touring bike that you can ride "from fill-up, to fill-up", without getting a tired butt! so , they came back to Victoria, and bought the charcoal model. i told him to get his hiney in here, and introduce himself. guess we'll see if i have any clout, left! if he don't show, i'll work on his BOSS HALF! lol :backinmyday: just jt
  6. YOU beat me to the SAME LINE, Dan! brilliant minds do think alike! lol:crackup: just jt:backinmyday:
  7. between and BEHIND the two "carb drain "hoses. just jt
  8. MAN!!! you must have the patience of Job! i would have done SHOT me a couple of people! just jt:mugshot:
  9. hey Strat! you can't fool me. ya'll have been playing some really hot gigs, and now you're both rich! lol or, you are long overdue for a job promotion! lol just jt:backinmyday:
  10. the brackets , i believe, are fabricated by old what's his name! oh, yeah SQUIDLEY! lol just jt:rasberry:
  11. Don. i don't know for sure, but i would think that if you covered the inside "reflective" surface, with "a/c/ duct tape", the aluminum type, you might get a lot more reflection, at a very low cost. just a thought! just jt:backinmyday:
  12. Lewis, this is a personal "thank you", for all you do, and have done in the past for the kids at "St. Judes", and for keeping Mark's name and presence, alive! you ARE "da man"! 'nuff said! just jt
  13. Bill. it's guys like you , who don't mind" going the extra mile", when an event such as this rolls around, that make me proud to be a member, here! i sincerely mean that! just jt
  14. i have to ask! who is that "OLD , BALD HEADED DUDE" with the leather chaps and blue sweat shirt, in the group photo??????????? down toward the left end! sure is a ugly old coot! - - - - bet he rides a honda. lol just jt:stirthepot::stickpoke::stickpoke:
  15. WOW. Don! with a $100.00 gift certificate, at a Harley shop, you could buy a "do-rag", or a "coffee cup", a bumper sticker, or some other "overpriced logo"! lol congrats, man! just jt:backinmyday::crackup:
  16. MAN! these type posts are getting to be an almost WEEKLY thing! i am happy that you had all your gear on, and are here to help "educate us". i also hope your insurance company takes her insurance company "to the cleaners". heal quick, and as pain free as is possible. just jt
  17. DAVID!!!!!! you forgot the "ooops pictures"!! lol now you IS one of us! lol glad you didn't get hurt, or mess up your scoot, really bad. just jt:backinmyday:
  18. You might find a three gang rocker switch set, at "Mack truck", "kenworth truck", or some other truck co. i know that they have them installed in a LOT of "dashboard/panel" type applications, but you would have to fabricate a way to attach them to your bike. just jt
  19. CONGRATS,Tate! why do corporate high-shots ALWAYS think "new blood, is more capable", than "seasoned "hands? hope you get ALL the benefits, of your past labor, that you should have been getting all along. just jt:cool10:
  20. could it be a "sloppy "clutch lever , out of adjustment? just jt
  21. i caught that one too! right off the bat! lol"dick fingers", no thanks!:rasberry: just jt
  22. Tom! i am appalled! where's your sporting blood? everyone knows "you only shoot ducks, with a 28Ga. double barreled shotgun"!!!! or if you want to go BIG, use a 20 gauge! lol congrats on your continuing improvement, with that PUNT GUN! lol what do you do , with that BLACK meat? i never knew anyone, who could eat wild duck! just jt
  23. Gary, i can't add anything to what has already been said, so i'll just chime in and say, "keep your chin up" and remember the good times more often than the bad times! i will be the first to tell you, it isn't "unmanly", to cry! i do it all the time! just jt
  24. hipshot


    GREAT NEWS, Bob! you seem to be on the "downhill slide", now. hope you continue to improve on a daily basis! OH! please give your DAUGHTER a big hug, for all of us. she kept us up to date, an informed, about your recovery until you were out of the woods. for that we are ALL thankful. just jt:backinmyday:
  25. I was so excited, last night, that i almost let the cat outa the bag. ! me too brother don! congrats and continued good reports!!!!! oh! my cell phone DIED, last night. battery just went belly up. got a new on today, so i'm good to go again! keep me posted . just jt:dancefool::dancefool:
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