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Everything posted by hipshot

  1. DITTO, what froggy said! i have outlived THREE , beautiful, intelligent, loving, germanshepherd dogs. EVERY one of them , left a great big hole in my life. if i outlive my current one "amos moses", there won't be anymore. it hurts too bad. just jt
  2. i thought my back was "going out", on me last friday, so i took it REAL easy, all day. Saturday morning, i just had a "BURNING sensation, across my belt line. by noon saturday, i had what felt like "high voltage electrical shocks", running down the back of my left leg. my son was home, for two days, so i had him put my monitor and keyboard, down here on the floor, so i could use them! spent the last three days, flat on my back, on the floor. TODAY, things are easing up , a little. when i walk, it feels like i'm stepping on a thousand thumb tacks, but that will soon wear off. has anyone else got a "ruined back"? now you all know why i use this little guy. just jt
  3. WOW ,Craig! i ain't seen you in a coon's age! hope all is well with you and yours! just jt
  4. VERY NICE bike! i haven't seen that color scheme, before! just jt
  5. SAME HERE , Randy! i hate "filling up", then seeing it twenty cents cheaper , tomorrow! lol just jt
  6. Brian! you need to take up fishing , or hunting, or something! you have ENTIRELY too much leisure time on your hands! lol just jt:crackup:
  7. Don't feel bad, juggler! it's snowing here , too! but at 87 degrees F, it melts about two miles up, so it never reaches the ground.:stickpoke::stirthepot:! lol just jt
  8. AT LEAST we know what his name is! ECK don't spell nuthin! lol just jt:stickpoke:
  9. VOICE OF EXPERIENCE:"when you remove screws, bolts, etc., either put them BACK where they came from, or put them in "sandwich baggies" and clearly label each baggie. if you don't, come re-assembly time, you will be scratching both ends, trying to remember which screw went where!":backinmyday::think::think: just jt
  10. so, Mike. is my "prize" coming by U.S.Mail, or PONY EXPRESS"!? YOU'RE WELCOME. :backinmyday:just jt
  11. hey Carl. were ya'll playing "monopoly"??? that sure is some funny looking money! just jt
  12. Robert. I for one , will not make light of your injury. i merely "bruised" my tailbone, a few years ago, and i can empathize with you. damn, it hurts!!! just jt
  13. STILL LURKING eh , rick! i figured i'd get some kinda response from ya! now all we have to do , is wait for REDNECK's input! ride/dive safe my friend. just jt:thumbsup2:
  14. NO! Bill! you can't have Lowell's "title", yet! you are turning into a great "ambassador trainee", though! lol keep up the good work. it's gonna get tougher, when the "cabin fever" sets in! just jt:backinmyday:
  15. Mike. WITHOUT the inline restricters, you will NEVER be able to sync, your carbs, or anything else. the restricters are there to MINIMIZE the vacuum. this keeps the rods from jumping around like "mexican jumping beans"! don't ask me how i know. lol just jt
  16. mike. i went out and dug around on my '86. your "mystery boot", is a cover for a soft rubber thing-a-majig, that is JUST forward and toward the LEFT side, directly behind the battery box. the little gizmo is a greenish blue color. it has 4 wires coming out of it, but i don't know where they go , or what the danged part does. if ya need a picture, let me know, while i have it all apart. lol just jt:backinmyday::fingers-crossed-emo found it in the tech section. squidley's cable upgrade. the red/white wire on the upper left of the wrench, is just touching the boot. i think . jt
  17. VERY NICE RIDE, Lou! NOW you can rate right DOWN there, with R.L.! i guess next, you'll take up "scuba diving"! lol. ALL b.s'ing, aside, i like it. don't WANT one, but i do like it! thanks for the pics.:thumbsup2: just jt
  18. the stator bolt tightens to the right. i had to HEAT the bolt, let it cool completely, then sprayed "deep creep", on it . i let it sit for two days, and STILL had to use a 14 inch cheater pipe on my 1/2 inch drive socket and "breakover bar. that was the "easy part". getting the stator off, was a whole 'nuther story. just jt:missingtooth:
  19. Jeannie! WELCOME to our house. i see you have already been "forewarned", about TWO of the MANY members here, that bear watching! lol oh, and since you are already family, you might as well bring George in too! justjt:happy65::backinmyday:
  20. ROFLMAO!!!!! man, you are a trip! i GOT to make it to the Arkansas,meet, just to shake your hand, and rub your "dyed" head! lol just jt:think:
  21. JEEZE! i forgot all about this post. let me try again. now they show up! lol just jt
  22. i vaguely remember seeing a picture of an OLD dude, in a blue sweatshirt, in the Ronald MC Donald, game room. in the second shot, i almost mistook his bald head, for a white bowling ball with sunglasses attached. then i noticed that they didn't have any bowling lanes!! welcome to "OUR HOUSE", snarley bill! jump right in and get your feet wet!(we might learn to accept ya as a family member in a few years)! just jt:stickpoke::crackup:
  23. NAW, Mike. you can't change to "damn redneck"! it fits too many other people! lol just jt:stickpoke:
  24. DITTO! long lasting marriages, are almost a thing of the past! here's to 27 more! just jt:beer:
  25. i have to agree with what everyone else said! you did GOOD, kid! when you have time , or get bored, lonely, feisty, whatever! drop in here, and hang out with us! you will ALWAYS fit right in, and be welcomed! i promise! just jt:173:
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