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Everything posted by 6pak

  1. Painting the moneypit this week. Going to keep 2 tone lines that were on it. What was dark blue will now be black, light blue will be a bright silver like the 09 porsche. will have gold pinstripe to match the emblems. The emblems are now decals that were made by sign concepts in hinesville ga. I sent them the old emblems and the used a computer to copy them and removed all the blemishes. It will be a while longer before there are any pics, as I'm not going to hurry on putting it back together. The only other thing I need is a new windshield as the old one is hazed. By the way, if this guy will supply the paint, go for it. Paint for the moneypit alone, $323.46.
  2. I didn't bid on that one at all bob. I did however bid on the other one that was open. I backed out at $51 tho. Not about to pay that when whitney sells a new one that will fit for another $10. By the way bobcat, thanks for pointing them out. I've done quite a bit of business with whitneys, and never had a complaint.
  3. Mike, can you check again on the 2nd # that you posted? it came up as nothing. Joe
  4. Bob, are you looking at that for your '84, and if so will it fit? Don't wanna get in a bidding war with ya and if you can use it I won't bid. But I thought the earlier trunks were different. Including the chome rack on top. Joe.
  5. I've been watching ebay and craigs list for the last few months, looking for the rack that sits on top of the moneypits trunk. No such luck. I don't suppose anybody out there has one sitting on a shelf in the shed?? Mine is too pitted to do anything with, about my only other options are to have this one sandblasted and powdercoated. Or finish with paint and use rubber plugs in the holes in the trunklid til I find one. Dont wanna go either route, but running out of options.Thanks, Joe.
  6. Sometimes, we see or hear something that really makes you think. Like now.
  7. Trying to send a form from documents on the computer to an email addy, and it tells me that I'm getting an SMTP error. It asks me for a server name, says its an account POP3 error with an error # of 0x800CC0D. Any advice?
  8. Richard, I have a set from my '89 that should bolt right up to your '86. I have a set of macs on order, and my bike is apart for painting. (never ending story). Anyways, the stock pipes are in good shape, and yours if you want to pay shipping. Right now, they're just collecting dust. PM me if you're interested. Joe.
  9. I used to run a 1200 watt power inverter in the big truck while I was still trailer trucking. The company required an in line fuse coming off the battery. I finally tried a car audio store, and they had any size you could want. Some of the amplifiers these days draw a ridiculous amount of power. Radio shack also carries a pretty good line of inline circuit breakers, but you have to go to one that also installs car stereos on site. Another thought would be a cb shop at a truckstop.
  10. 6pak

    Dino and Pig

    Dino and Pig
  11. Hey Easy, there's a couple of us that I know of, I'm out in Oliver Springs, and there's another guy in Oak Ridge. There's probably more, but I haven't met them yet. Any questions gimme a hollar. Joe:beer:
  12. On the front cover I have taken the radiator loose and moved it forward. It makes it so much easier and less PIA. Another tip that I'll give is use RTV in the channel and push the gasket into it and let it set over night. This way when your tring to move it around it wont fall all over the place Like squidley said, move the radiator out of the way, use rtv to glue in the gasket and if ya don't bump it too much it'll make a much easier job.
  13. The moneypit has about 87000 miles on it. Is there a time limit on the life of the stator? Will be painting starting this weekend, and want to know if I should replace it before putting the bike back together. Also, is there anything else I should look at while it's stripped down? Any advice?
  14. 17 stitches and a severe cuncussion without one 5 years ago:255::bawling:Learned my lesson the hard way.
  15. 6pak

    Voyager price?

    I'll fill it out, even if it ends up being a waste of time:whistling:
  16. I was talking to a Honda Kawasaki dealer in Rockingham NC yesterday, trying to get an idea on a price for the new voyager. Liz and I are still trying to decide between a new wing, venture or voyager. The guy told me that as of yet they don't have any more info on them than what we've already seen posted here. He also told me that the way kawasaki is acting it looks like the voyager will be released as an early 2010 model. So that pretty much puts it out of the running for me. If the dealer doesn't know anything about them, then it's pretty much out as far as we're concerned.. Also I don't know what it means, but Honda corp sent me a form to fill out concerning what went down at the store in alcoa.
  17. Y'all be sure and post plenty of them there snow pictures in the upcoming season, it sure is tough riding at new years.
  18. 6pak

    Got Gas?

    There doesn't seem to be a shortage up here in Knoxville, however on the way to work this am, I did notice a lot of difference in price. From $3.39 to $3.79 for regular. Didn't even look at plus or super.
  19. :mo money:Bob, Check is in the mail, Thanx, Joe.
  20. Bob, consider the tank sold, pm me or call 865-730-6196 and we can figure out how to do this. Joe.
  21. Bob, Got the moneypit running this afternoon. Found out the fuel tank has a leak in it. All plastic is currently off the bike as am dragging my feet on paint. So shouldn't be too much work to change at this point. Do you have a tank, and will it fit my 89?
  22. I called Honda of America and have lodged a complaint. When I explained what occured, the lady told me that the Alcoa store is a franchise, and although they will send a complaint letter, there isn't a lot they can do with one complaint. She did say however, that they will also check to see how many other complaints they have had against the store, If there have been more than a couple, They will take some sort of action. She had no idea what. I can't decide if she was just blowing me off or not. She did take the name, addy, and phone #. So I guess we'll see. The funny thing is on top of all this, we received a Honda store credit card in the mail yesterday worth 5G. So, I guess that if I want to find a bright side of the day, It was about 80 outside with lots of sun today, and we had about a 100 mile round trip on the 78 wing. Pretty day, Old bike running happily along, Tennessee mountains in the background. Life is still good.
  23. :rant:So, Liz and I get up this am, and head for the bike shop and our new ride. I won't give the name, but it's a Honda store in Alcoa Tn, and there's only one in Alcoa Tn. Let me go back a few days. We stopped in there last wed, so that Liz could sit on a new wing, and compare it to the RSV. She liked it well enough that we did the paperwork and gave them $1000 down. We explained to them very clearly that that was our downpayment. No problem they said, we'll see what we can do. They called friday and said we were approved. My next day off was today, so we made an appointment to pick the bike up at 10:00.. So we get there at 10:00, they're moving bikes and atvs around and dont even look our way until almost 1030. When they get to us, the saleslady says have a seat, I'll go get the paperwork . When she comes back and sits down, she starts going over #s, Then says the total is 20000 or so, we are financing 13000 with your 7111 down, are you going to write a check for the other 6111? Excuse me??? what the ---- is this? We told her if they had just mentioned this over the phone, we could've avoided wasting our time. She says wait a minute, I'll go talk to the finance manager. So we go back and forth for a few minutes, and the wife and I are really getting POd. The excuse we got for not being told this over the phone was that they couldn't tell us about wanting a bigger downpayment because of the privacy act. Bull! Then, before they would give us our $1000 check back, we had to fill out a form stating why we weren't going to do business with them. It's probably a good thing that Liz filled out this form. So, there won't be a new bike this year, we're going to wait until spring. We told that to the folks at the Honda store and they had the cajones to ask us to come see them when we're ready to buy. Is this the normal way business is done when someone goes to spend this kind of money?? If so, the moneypit has probably got another 100000 miles or so in her.
  24. Hey, I had one of those in 85 to 87 while at ft ord. Lots of trips up and down the coast to Big Sur and most of the left coast. The pics bring back memories. Lots of miles, not a single problem. Enjoy your project, I'll bet the Mrs will enjoy it too.
  25. Smith State Correctional, Glennville. I sure am proud of that boy.
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