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Everything posted by 6pak

  1. Liz and I went on a poker run yesterday, She never really paid much attention before, but by the end of the day, she started looking real close at the rides that other ladies had.So maybe a 'hers' bike in the barn in the future? Of course it would be mine when it breaks.
  2. Does anybody have a horn cover laying around that will fit my 89? A needy person helped themselves to one of mine while the bike was parked this weekend.
  3. Got in about a hundred miles yesterday and went hiking at Ozone Falls (Rockwood Tn. About 70 yesterday. 75 today, but doing yardwork. It is supposed to get cool again tomorrow and tuesday (40s). 55 wed, and back in 60s by thursday.
  4. 6pak

    1978 goldwing.

    I just sold mine a couple months ago. I bought it from my ex's uncle in '01. he bought it new. Easy to work on and very dependable. a little underpowered as already stated. Didn't ride to bad but not near as comfy as the venture is. The one thing that you should know is that the old wings have the same characteristic as the ventures in that after you have ridden for a while then shut it off, if you go to restart it the starter will drag at first. They are very cold blooded, warm up takes forever. Don't try to ride it before operating temp as bike will NOT agree. Also, gl1000s run very warm. sitting in traffic, the bike will get hot. Not overheat, but very warm. If you can overlook this stuff, They are about the closest you can get to a bulletproof motor without actually owning a venture. When I sold mine the odometer had stopped working at 189000 miles with never having had the cases split. still didnt use any oil.
  5. 6pak

    83 Road Ready

    Oh, by the way, it is never really done.
  6. I guess I got lucky on this one. I had to slice 2 more slits in the end of one to get it to fit over the header, and the other I had to bend the mounting tab out a little as the pipe leaned in toward the rear tire. They arrived with no rust and no dings. I want to thank Condor again for dealing with MAC and their bs thru this ordeal.
  7. Saw this last night. Outstanding movie. If you don't have a tear in your eye by the end of this, you have no heart. It makes you wonder, does the public really know what's happening as was suggested in the movie? :thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  8. I never said it was modern!!!
  9. 6pak


    I went by the local stealership for a couple things on friday. While there, I walked thru the new bikes to see what was on sale. I thought I was at Walmart the way prices are falling. Brand new '07 V-Star 1300 $6999. Brand new '07 Road Star 1700 $7999. I don't know if this is everywhere or not. But they just got these out of the crates as they weren't there last time I was there. If anybody wants to take a look, check out Alcoa Goodtimes .com. Alcoa Tn.
  10. Thanks Don. Seller told me it was 25:1. That's what I run in the weedeater and I thought it was awful thick. Joe.
  11. '89 VR 1. Very comfortable. 2. Handles well for a large tourer. 3. Faster than most. 4. Paid for. 5. Paid for. 6. Paid for. 'Nuff Said'
  12. What Squidley said.
  13. This doesn't have anything to do with a bike, other than the fact that I traded my Old wing for a boat this weekend. The boat has got an early '80s model 25 horse johnson on it, and the guy I got it from had just gotten it himself. Therefore other than my test drive, he had never had it in the water. Question is he had no idea what the proper fuel mix should be. He had more than enough oil in the fuel. Does anybody know what the proper fuel to oil ratio should be? Thanks, Joe.
  14. Lot's of good roads, great weather, beautiful country. Free concerts every Saturday night at Smoky Mountain HD in maryville during the Summer. Enjoy!!!
  15. I hope nobody finds this political, & I hope it works. http://www.bornagainamerican.org/
  16. I recieved this this morning. It's one thing for these lowlifes to send out the nigerian lottery crap, and then it's bad enough sending something under the guise of representing the FBI (as seen last week.) I normally just spam these, but I had to respond to this one. I can't print my response here or Freebird would be on me in a heartbeat. I guess the next one will be about a foreign national who died in the WTC. Go to Previous message | Go to Next message | Back to Messages Mark as Unread | Print ReplyReply All Move... Flag this message COMPENSATION OF LOCKERBIE BOMBING VICTIMS BY LIBYA GOVERNMENT Friday, January 30, 2009 7:42 AM From: "Barrister Bayo.S" Add sender to Contacts To: undisclosed-recipients compliment of the day! COMPENSATION OF LOCKERBIE VICTIMS BY LIBYA GOVERNMENT You are reading from Barr Bayo ****tu (Esq) International human right activist/legal practitioner,attorney to late Eng Micheal Uwe a German American victim of terror attack blamed on Tripoli 1988 Lockerbie bombing that killed 270 people including women and children similler to 1986 bombing of a Berlin disco which killed 200 people.The attack also affected American/European/Asian and African companies and business opportunities in Tripoli and Germany. Under the agreement worked out between US and Libyan officials in August,Libya has agreed to pay the families and relatives of Lockerbie victims US$8m (4m pounds) each.This was made possible to compensate relatives of American and non American victims of UTA bombing and resolve other claims for property and personal damage from the Gaddafi International Foundtion for charity VIEW THE WEB PAGE BELOW FOR MORE UNDERSTANDING (www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/nov/21/lockerbie-libya) David Welch US diplomat who negociated the settlement adviced attorney's of the late victims to provide relative or family memeber of the victim to recive the compensation.Since my client Late Eng Micheal Uwe died along with his wife and only daughter Jessica who is supposed next of kin. I want to present YOU as the next of kin beneficiary to late Eng Micheal Uwe to recieve the compensation on agreement that the amount will be shared on ratio 50/50%,I would provide all the legal backing for this claim to make it legal and legitimate. If you agreed to partner with me get back to me for consideration to enable me file application of claim to the paying institution. Rimember to send your CELL PHONE NUMBER IN YOUR REPLY Thanks in Anticipated Co-Operation and Understanding. Barr Bayo ****tu (Esq)
  17. Thanks condor, I'll try it tomorrow morning before work.
  18. Changed the antifreeze in the '89 this weekend. I now have a leak at the elbow, that one will have to wait until the weedend as where the hose clamp is I can't get to it without pulling the radiator. the other is the drain valve. Is this thing supposed to spin round and round? I'm guessing that the O ring needs replaced, but cant get the thing to screw out. The bike never had any issues with leaks before, but the antifreeze had been in the bike since I bought it. So I guess that now I'm creating problems.
  19. :2cents:At this point in time, I think I'll stick with the '89 for a while. As some of you may recall, Liz and I nearly bought a new wing in september. After the beating that the dollar , the stock market and jobs in general took the last few months, I'm really glad that we walked away from that contract. I have a pretty stable job with decent benefits, but you never know what's around the corner. So for the next few years, We have a ride that's paid for , actually 3- her car and my pickup also. Anyways, we don't need to finance beer. I'm even in the process of trading the old wing for a bass boat, and you're gonna love the maker- VENTURE BOATS!!!
  20. I got the swame thing the other day, except that mine had a line stating "that since it was from the FBI, that I could be confident in the legitimacy of the corrospondence" or some crap like that. DELETE.
  21. Thanks for sharing this. Joe.
  22. Ok Don, quit messin' with us! The post counts are pretty good info as to who has a lot of time on thier hands, and who has a life.
  23. A PUZZLE FOR SMART PEOPLE.... I am sending this only to my smart friends. I could not figure it out and had to look at the answer. See if you can figure out what these words have in common. Banana Dresser Grammar Potato Revive Uneven Assess Are you peeking or have you already given up? Give it another try. Look at each word carefully. (You'll kick yourself when you discover the answer.) Answer: In all of the words listed, if you take the first letter, place it at the end of the word, and then spell the word backwards, it will be the same word.
  24. Excellent! Someone has more ambition than I do.
  25. 6pak

    Knife Test

    I hope ya'll can see this.
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