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Everything posted by 6pak

  1. Took the bike out for the day yesterday. everything was fine at 1st, but towards the end of the day, the clutch didn't want to work. The only way I could get it to engage was by pumping the handle before I started downshifting. Would an air bubble cause this? The fluid level at the handle is good. Also, I have a vibration at 70 or better while riding 2 up. would the superbrace take care of this? got a new pirelli on the front and a new dunlop elite3 on the back.
  2. Thank you to all who have served, all who are currently serving, and all the families left at home to wonder of thier return. Here in Oliver Springs, they have a small celebration on the Saturday of memorial day weekend. They block off main street and do vendors, games, bands and such (see Pic, I told you it was small.) Anyways I had some stuff to do saturday, but blew it off to hang out with the guys from DAV 526 here in town. They had the rafflebike sitting in front of the tent on a trailer and sold a lot of tickets. It never ceases to amaze me the stories some of these guys can tell. Most are from the vietnam era, but there are a few wwII guys there and a couple gulf war guys thrown in as well. Thier stories can make you laugh your butt off, but at the end usually end the same way. with somebody not coming home. Sobering. I'll stop my rambling now, I just wanted to say thank you.
  3. I know that I have seen lists of ebay listings on bikes that have sold in the last couple months posted here before. If anybody know how to do this, could you pull and PM me a list of 1st gens sold in the last 2 months? The Tax man said I will need this to get an average of what the Rafflebike donation is worth so we'll know what to claim next year.
  4. Very nice Mike. Now enjoy.
  5. Anybody in the Knoxville area going to davecbs m&e tomorrow?
  6. I dont remember the name of the store, but there is a yomaha kawi suz honda store just north if you at I40 exit 407. I'd love to help but gotta be at work @ 11:30.
  7. 6pak


    keeping the macs
  8. Yeah, but if it's cheaper to produce, I'll bet we wont see any decrease in production or consumption.
  9. I might have one in the garage, I'll let you know later.
  10. My brother used to work for a Dodge dealer here in Knoxville, he changed jobs 2 years ago and went to work selling cars for a Gmc, buick, pontiac store. The Dodge store that he was working for is one of the 4 in the area on the "going away list", Now he is waiting to see what happens to the place he works for now. With the knowledge that the pontiac brand will soon dissapear, and thats a 3rd of thier business, he's sweating. Hold on folks, this is gonna get bumpy...
  11. http://www.tricities.com/tri/special_sections/surname_ranking/ Our last name ranked 111119 out of 150000, we share our name with 147 other people in the country.
  12. Interesting, all good points.
  13. 6pak


    Hey folks, just a quick update. Ticket sales are going pretty well, and Liz told me the first two tickets from vr.org are on the way to the purchasers. One out by Salt Lake, the other in wisconsin. I have no idea who tho, I'm trying not to get too involved. I do know that since I donated the bike that the DAV has elected me to draw the winner on the 4th. Thanks for the support, You Guys Rock!!
  14. I have a pair of chrome covers that go over the clutch and front brake master cylinders for my '89. What I dont have is a set if socket head bolts to hold them down with, I do know that the thread size is an M10-1.25 about a half inch should be long enough. I can find the M10 socket bolts, but not in the fine thread. And If I look on the internet, Fastenel carries the one for the left side (clutch), but the one on the right is a left hand thread. (just like the mirror would be.) Anybody got a pair of bolts that would fit or know of a hardware store that carries such a thing? Lowes, Home depot, ace and true value are no gos in this area.
  15. Same thing here in east Tennessee. New to us bike in the garage,and forecast is rain for the next 7 days. By the time it quits, I'll have to cut grass before I can ride. Dogs are already disapearing in the front yard.But hey, it could be worse.
  16. 6pak


    Liz & I donated our '89VR to the Disabled American Veterans today. The DAV is going to raffle it off with the drawing being on the 4th of July. It was donated because we bought pilothawks bike, I can't ride 2 and it's too big for Liz. The Bike comes as pictured minus the backrest, luggage rack and macs. I replaced the macs with the stock pipes that were on the new to us 89. This is a chance to get a nice bike for next to nothing. Fly in and ride it home. The DAV is a non profit organization so sorry, no Paypal. Tickets are $10, and you can send a check or money order to DAV Chapter 26, PO Box 533 Oliver Springs Tn, 37840 Good Luck.
  17. The sad thing is that the dollar is worth less than it was then. You have less money left over after paying your bills ...... Left Over???
  18. Hey, I resemble that remark!!
  19. We are really leaning on asking for our money back (60-40 now) We both realize that this could have happened in any parking lot anywhere though. Yes, it could have happened anywhere, but it didn't. You know where it happened, and If you are approved for this 'club', you will always know that in at least one members mind that you're not welcome. I wouldn't even have to think about this. Politely ask for your money back, stating the reason above and Just tell them thanks but no thanks.
  20. Liz and I bought pilothawks '89 yesterday. Everything works except cruise. When I try to set it, I press the on button. I get all three lights on the dash below the key. When I try to set the cruise, the on light stays lit, the other 2 go out, but no cruise. Any Ideas? Thanks, Joe.
  21. 6pak

    Eagles Cam

    This pretty neat. someone has set up a live webcam pointed at an eagles nest. http://www.hancockwildlifechannel.org/staticpages/index.php/20090302200021473
  22. I'll take some more pics and keep y'all posted on when this happens.
  23. Liz and I are very seriously looking at another first gen. If we buy and we probably will, we are going to donate our current bike to the Disabled American Veterans post #528 here in Oliver Springs Tn for them to raffle off. Bike has 88000 on it, runs great. cruise and electronics dont work bike has new paint. Looks and rides great. I would imagine that they will be around $10 ticket. this is for a very good cause. So if this happens will anybody be interested is helping them out? You can be sure that it would be a legit raffle as my Liz is the chapter treasurer:feedback:
  24. Don, thoughts and prayers are with you. I know it's toughdoing like the drs say, but when they put the defibrillator in and told me I was no longer a truck driver, It was pretty hard. since then I've found a 9-5 job, taken up motorcycles again, gotten married to a great girl, Bought a house and moved on. I still miss the big truck, but got too much going on in my life to worry about it. So put it in Gods hands and it'll all work out. Don't worry about the site, as I'm sure we can behave till you get up for it again. Besides, we got the big brother/moderator thing going on. If I recall, the problem is with your eyes, so for now anything I post will have this big lettering so you wont have to strain your eyeballs. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s39/cowmoos/emoticons/communicate/get-well-soon.gif
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