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Everything posted by 6pak

  1. Thanks Dano, I took another look and I think you're right. I've got oil around the plug. I don't know which cylinder # it is, but at least I got lucky and it's the back valve cover. It's the one on the brake pedal side. I'm hoping that the valve cover gasket can be saved, but if it looks cut at all, I'll opt for a new one. I'll let you know what I find out. I guess the saying of a picture is worth a thousand words is right!
  2. I have done a little more research on this leak, but still dont know what the cover is called, see the pics. The first one shows the cover, and the second shows where the oil is coming from after removing the cover. I changed the valve cover gaskets a few weeks ago. It wasn't leaking until after I did this. I don't see any oil in the coolant, nor is there any coolant in the oil. Whats coming out of the hole is pure oil as near as I can tell. I'm running BelRay EXL 10-40 motorcycle oil. I don't remember the name of the coolant, but it was orange and wasn't cheap. Is it possible that I have a blockage and thats why it's leaking out of the hole? I have an air compressor and was considering blowing 30-40 psi into the hole where the oil is coming out to see if I can dislodge whatever it is. Or is this not a good idea? Any suggestions would be a help.
  3. Deleted- see new post
  4. I got in about a hundred mile ride yesterday. about 55 and sunny. For those folks that feb still means winter, I got this in an email this morning. read the text so that you will understand what you are watching. I've never seen this done before, but this is awesome! Pure Talent........... Don't miss this amazing Video Clip. First read it properly. This video shows the winner of "Ukraine's Got Talent", Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a different one, is mesmeric to watch. The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears and she won the top prize of about $130,000.00 She begins by creating a scene showing a couple sitting holding hands on a bench under a starry sky, but then warplanes appear and the happy scene is obliterated. It is replaced by a woman's face crying, but then a baby arrives and the woman smiles again. Once again war returns and Miss Simonova throws the sand into chaos from which a young woman's face appears. She quickly becomes an old widow, her face wrinkled and sad, before the image turns into a monument to an Unknown Soldier. This outdoor scene becomes framed by a window as if the viewer is looking out on the monument from within a house. In the final scene, a mother and child appear inside and a man standing outside, with his hands pressed against the glass, saying goodbye. The Great Patriotic War, as it is called in Ukraine, resulted in one in four of the population being killed with eight to 11 million deaths out of a population of 42 million. Kseniya Simonova says: "I find it difficult enough to create art using paper and pencils or paintbrushes, but using sand and fingers is beyond me. The art, especially when the war is used as the subject matter, even brings some audience members to tears. And there's surely no bigger compliment." Please take time out to see this amazing piece of art. Click on the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=vOhf3OvRXKg
  5. Had about an inch here in Hinesville last night, But was gone by this morning. Probably to chilly to play golf today, but 40s is still scooter weather. I still love the south!
  6. this looks like it should be in Jokes and Humor- had me laughing my a-- off!
  7. Been There, Done that, got the t-shirt.
  8. 6pak


    When I was a kid I had a friend that had a wombat.It was early 70s model, dependable fun to ride little bike. I think it was a 125 tho. I dont think Hodaka ever made much bigger than the 125. Good little bike, and I would think that if its beyond running but has some good parts that it could be parted out. they haven't made them in at least 30 years, probably closer to 40. Good Luck.
  9. 34 the first try. 22 the 2nd.
  10. I hope y'all enjoy this as much as i did. turn your speapers up! http://www.members.shaw.ca/grandmafaiths2/boogie.htm
  11. I thought that I would do a little better on this. After you take the test please post your score. No cheating and taking it again. I scored a 20. http://games.toast.net/independence/
  12. Bike sat in the shed. Spent the day on the golf course.
  13. Outlawrider, After you bottle it, you can drink it or save it for later. there's enough everclear in this to allow storage without refridgerating. the longer it sits, the more potent the peaches will get. I just reuse the apple juice or peach juice jugs. The reason I bottle it is that when I make the pie, I mix it in a stock pot, and don't want to store it in one. 6pak.
  14. These may not be the type of recipes that y'all are talking about but then I still think you will enjoy them. Shiny apple pie Gallon apple juice, 1/2 gal apple cider, 2/3 cup sugar, 6 cinnomon sticks. Bring to a boil then cool. Add a liter of everclear (or moonshine if ya got a connection). Bottle it then enjoy. Tastes just like apple pie, just be sure not to drive after dinner. Peach pie 1 and 1/2 gallons peach juicy juice. 3 cans sliced peaches, liter everclear. With the peach pie you don't need to boil it, just mix everclear and juice together with syrup from peaches. Bottle then add peaches to bottles. Enjoy. I like this one better than apple and it's less work. Be sure to eat the peaches after finishing the pie, they ferment pretty good. Happy holidays.
  15. Ok, fluid was changed this summer. I am going to scuff plates and put in a heavier spring. I'll let ya'll know what that does.
  16. Has anybody had a problem similar to this? I took about a 90 mile ride yesterday. the operating temp for the bike never got more than about 1/4 inch above the cold mark on the guage. If I got on the throttle hard the clutch would slip. It was fine under normal conditions. It has never slipped when op temp was up in normal range. (about halfway). Nor does it slip at higher temps. Is this something new developing with my clutch or just an oddity of the brand?
  17. Ok, I checked out the Grifter license plate storage, and I gotta ask, do ohio and wisconsin have different size tags than the rest of the world?
  18. hooaah!!!
  19. rode about 100 miles yesterday, got 2 toy runs coming up this weekend. Then one on the 12th. bike doesn't get put up down here. But it doesn't get ridden during the day much in July and august. a 100 degree 60 mph breeze is still 100 degrees.
  20. I've ordered a set of valve cover gaskets. The PO gave me a set of the heavy duty battery & starter cables but they were never installed. Should I put these on while I have things apart for the valve covers, and what problems can I expect to look for? I also have a new fuse block in the box.
  21. Here you go, I donated this to the DAV last summer.
  22. 6pak

    better than most

    This is one of the better videos that I've seen in a while. I don't know if its politically correct anymore, but It sure should be. [nomedia= ] [/COLO"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
  23. site asks for password?
  24. Nice looking scoot. Priced kinda high tho. Paid 3200 for min last april with 31000 on it. And mine is just as shiny. I do like the white though but I'll bet it's a bear to keep clean.
  25. 6pak


    I saw my exwifes neurologist using it at vet hospital in Johnson city. He spoke and it wrote everything he said. I was amazed, (but that's easy). He spoke very highly of it, said he had had it for a couple months, and the thing was easy to learn. Never talked about price tho.
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