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Everything posted by 6pak

  1. :fingers crossed:Here we go, will check the above and get back 2 y'all. If the return hole is plugged, I may have to change the line. Possibly new fluid being vacuumed through the old line broke something loose inside. Will keep ya posted. had the bike since April and haven't logged a thousand miles-the wing on the other hand---It's seen a lot of the road this season.
  2. Yamalube 15-40. As I have now had time to cool down a bit I'm wondering, could I have missed an air bubble, and would that cause this, clutch handle is stout. Are you at RB? Is the rok fab still in ludwigsburg?
  3. Well, it lasted a week- Went for about a 20 mile ride today- had to stop about 5 miles from the house and let the bike cool for an hour. The warmer the thing got, the more it slipped- Didnt matter what gear. It got so bad that just before I got off the road I nearly got run over pulling away at a green light. To refresh y'all- It's got new plates,boss,slave,rebuilt master and barnett kit. Anybody got any ideas? Or does anybody wanna buy an 89VR?- I've had about enough.
  4. :2cents:I didn't even know the bike had a fuel petcock-I just stop about every 2 hours as both me and the moneypit are thirsty by then and I always top off after riding.
  5. :2cents:I can do that too. While you wont see me do it, it's just nice to know ya can.
  6. In response to my moneypit statement, gearhead asked what I did to stop the clutch from slipping. I guess the easiest is to give ya a rundown step by step. First thing was oem plates, boss, and spring. That helped, but didnt fix it. At the time of install I also cleaned out master cylinder and made sure return hole was clear. Next was a new slave. That helped more, but still didnt fix it. I tried roughing up the metal plates, and adding my old spring in top of the new spring, that helped more but still didnt fix it. At this point I was tired of not fixing it:bang head:. I broke down and ordered a barnette kit for it and a rebuild kit for the master cylinder. Had a hard time getting the thing to take a bleed, but it finally seems right. So, in answer to your question of how did I get it to stop slipping, I guess all this stuff put together( a whole new system except the lines) is what worked. Remember, this bike has 85000 miles on it and sat for quite some time b4 I bought it. At this point I still don't consider myself an expert on the clutch, but I know the one on my 89VR almost intimately. On occasion I consider selling the thing, but when you get right down to it, I like to tinker with the thing as much as I like riding it. (It helps to have another bike that all it requires is turn the key and mash the starter button).
  7. :mo money:I realize now that I paid nearly twice what I should have for this bike, but there's no turning back now. The clutch is finally right, and the brakes are finally right. Even got venturecruise working. If I had looked at E-bay b4 purchase, I could have added about another grand and had a real nice ride. Oh, well-It's only money:crying:. Anyhow, on to the next project. I noticed that the fork seals are leaking pretty good. Almost to the point of why bother to wash it b4 riding. When I pull it apart, is there anything in particular that I should be looking for? Also, anybody got any idea how bad I'll get burnt by the stealer on parts? By the way, had to go to advance auto parts and rent a vacuum pump to pull all the air out of hydro line for clutch.
  8. I Had the same problem on my 78 wing. Had replaced everything, and you couldn't even wash the thing without having a couple hours for it to dry out. If I was lucky enough to get it started, it ran like doodoo. And forget running in the rain. Anyways, changed the coils and the thing can run in a tropical storm. Experience talking there. No problem with the venture there yet, but I figure with everything else it's just a matter of time. Never again will I buy anything that has been sitting for "a coupla years". Good luck.
  9. Ok, I know this has been explained here before. I put a kit in the clutch master cylinder on my 89VR thursday. I couldnt get it to bleed so I tried gravity bleed thursday night.-No such luck. I cannot get the thing to bleed. I filled line by removing bleed screw then filled until no bubbles just air comes out of hole. put screw back. When I pull handle with no line on it and my finger over the hole, I have very little pressure. It actually seems to have more when I release the handle as it gets pretty good suction. Anyways, when I hook it all together and pump the handle, when I hold in handle and open screw, I get about an inch and a half of fluid into bleeder line. Close screw, pumphandle some, open screw, I get about a quarter inch of fluid in line. close bleeder. Release handle and pump again, this time I get nothing. Am I not holding my mouth right here or what.
  10. will try tracing down tomorrow b4 work, I got a gremlin bell, but sometimes they make the bell not work.
  11. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to turn off this thing? I've got new pads front and rear, new rear rotor, new prestone 3 fluid, no air, lots of brake power. I still cant get the light to go out.Although it doesnt really bother me, I would rather the thing come on and tell me if there was a real problem.
  12. If it aint one thing its another! I think that murphy must have owned my bike at one time or another. Today I'm putting in a heavy duty clutch spring that I got from pcw, and decided to change the oil while I was at it. I been noticing a slight leak that has been steadily getting worse the last few weeks. A couple weeks ago it got bad enough to put a drip pan on the garage floor. So anyway, I pulled the filter cover off and took to cleaning it up. The oil filter cover has got a crack in it. I mean a piece fell off type crack. Anybody got one that will fit my 89?
  13. :confused24:I have an 89Vr. The cruise seems to have power, (the lights light up) but the cruise doesnt work. There is a plunger switch on the clutch handle that has a broken mount(plastic thats in the housing that clips into the handle bracket). Therefore, the plunger is always open. Would this be connected to the cruise somehow? If so can I bypass it? It doesn't seem to have any other function. If this isn't the problem, does anybody have any idea where to start? Electrical isn't one of my strong points.
  14. read the different threads on floating rotors. they all say that the disc rattles when the brakes are applied(unless I read them wrong). Mine only rattles when the brakes aren't applied. You can move the rotor from side to side a fair amount(enough to visibly see the rivets rocking back and forth) but it doesn't rock from front to rear. However, if the rotor is supposed to be that way, then why when I emailed ebc pictures of the rotor including showing the play in it, did they tell me a new rotor would be on the way within 24 hrs? If this is the way that it's supposed to be, then fine I just hope it goes away eventually, as I can't turn up the radio to drown out the noise. Radio is another project for the winter. Will someone please tell me if the rotor is ok with a rattle as I've described, or do I need to change it? By the way, it's a part # MD2049 from EBC.
  15. Gonna order new spring from John up in ny this week. He says his has 2x the pressure of a oem spring. Also going to do away with half disc, wire and steel ring in clutch boss and add replace it with a regular fiber disc. Will save oem in case need 2 double up. Calling MAW in the morning. will keep ya posted on how long it takes to get disc replaced.
  16. Has anyone had to return anything to MAW? I bought a rear brake disc for my '89VR from them about three weeks ago. Ran a couple hundred miles last saturday, and toward the end started hearing a clicking noise coming from the rear end. Couldn't find anything wrong on the side of the road, so eased to the house. Couldn't find anything then either. Today I got to looking a little closer, and half the rivets in that new disc are loose. move it back and forth and it clicks. I told Ya'll this thing was a money pit. One thing after another. Again, the bike has great potential but man.....By the way, I guess I'm gonna have to go with an aftermarket clutch spring. This one still slips, even though it's new. but if you dont crank hard on the throttle it dont slip at all. thank heavens the old wing never misses a beat.
  17. plates(cork and steel), clutch boss, clutch spring, slave cylinder,prestone dot3 in hydraulics, yamalube 20-40 in motor.
  18. Here we go again. We now have a new clutch, new slave, plenty of pull on the handle, no air in the lines, clear return hole, scuffed the metal plates, and still the thing slips. The only thing that isn't new on the thing is the pressure plate. The only positive is that it doesn't seem to slip quite as bad. Now I'm wondering, would it help if I replaced a couple of the (cork) plates with steel ones? Or do I go with an aftermarket clutch spring? As I'm at a complete loss of ideas, how about some more of that advice?
  19. Nathan, I bought an 89vr in early april. The bike was in ...fair shape? Anyhow, I picked up a yamaha shop repair manual on cd on ebay. Not a chiltons book, the real deal. Now this thing doesn't have a troubleshooting section, but the guys on this site are helpful and knowledgeable. If you have a little ability, post the symptoms, they'll advise, and then just go to the book. Actually I've probably printed about 80 pages so far. Oh and it helps to have a pretty fair set of tools. Anyhow, just wanted to put in my 2 cents. 6pak.
  20. The slave won't be in till friday, so I'll try that tomorrow.Since today is the 4th, and I'm staying off the roads today, I'm just gonna enjoy a beer or 12, and run the grill. Besides, I've still got the wing, although I try not to ride it too often. Tn. law says that with the antique tag I'm not supposed to ride it except to shows, parades or organized events. It's usual use is on patriot guard missions. I'll keep ya posted. 6pak.
  21. If the new slave dont work, I'll try that b4 an aftermarket pressure plate or spring. Now you've got me thinkin' about the free play being next to zero when the bike warms up. It'll have to wait for the new slave though, as I pulled the old one last night, and I'm not installing that agrevatin' thing but one time. I'll let y'all know. 6pak.
  22. Checked both holes in master cylinder-open. Roughed up metal discs with 220 grit sandpaper. Have a new slave cylinder on order from local dealer($67.82). It's gotta come from Atlanta, expected friday. That may give me enough time to get the old one out. Will keep ya'll posted.
  23. are you saying to just rough them up like with an orbital or a mouse sander? Not for sure what a non directional finish is. My guess is to just scar them up a bit?
  24. by the way, what is energy conserving oil?
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