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Personal Information

  • Name
    Chris Fox


  • Location
    Toney, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    06 Royal Star Midnight Tour Deluxe
  1. Hey all, Got a question that I could not find by doing some searches. Went and looked at a 1987 Venture Royale that was for sale today. The guy that was selling it could not start it using the start switch. Said that the starter solenoid was bad. But did get the bike running by pushing it off. What could be the issue with the bike that could cause this problem. He did not really seem to know that much about the bike, but said he had the starter and stator replaced before this issue. Thanks, Chris.
  2. Prayers sent. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  3. Prayers sent!! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
  4. Good one. Thanks goes to all those serving and who have served.
  5. Does anyone happen to know what size holes are used in the rims for the tire valve. In the RSTD and the RSV? I am thinking about using Bridgeport valve stems and don't want to go thru the trouble of demounting the tire to check. Was wondering if anyone has a front and rear rim they could check for me. Thanks, Chris.
  6. I don't think they have a sea-foam flavored ice cream.. :
  7. Having a strange problem with my bike. Was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. While riding about an hour or two into the ride I have to stop someplace for ice cream? This has started occurring almost every time my wife and me ride now. Any suggestions on what do?
  8. I was wondering if these would work on a 2nd gen? If anyone had tried them? Would need to find out what the hole diameter in the rim would be so the correct size could be ordered. http://www.bridgeport-usa.com/tire-valves.htm Need to select motorcycle valves at the menu. The ones I am referring to are the angled type top left icons. They were factory on my other bike. Do not know why they are not factory on all bikes. CFox.
  9. Had a idiot moment I guess, it was the side stand. Had the bike on the lift and was trying to start and put it into gear, my old bike did not have the safety switch on the side stand. Thanks again for the help.
  10. Will check later today. Thanks for the help.
  11. Having a problem with a 2006 RSTD. Changed rear tire and greased splines. I am almost positive I have the drive shaft lined up, when you rotate the diff and check in the access hole on the drive shaft the u joint is turning without binding. Got everything back together and when I stared the bike and put it in gear, it just shut down and will not restart until put back in neutral. Any ideas what may be I may have done wrong? Is there a trick to make lining up the drive shaft to the u-joint easier? Thanks.
  12. Found the problem. Working now. Thanks for the help Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. Sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family. Prayers sent.
  14. Have a question regarding the Mustang seat with back rest, just acquired one used, and the back rest was removed. Was wondering if this was removable or not as the base of the back rest has notches in it for some reason and feels loose in the seat when installed. Thanks, Chris Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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