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Everything posted by Patch

  1. I for one would like the chance to read the plugs in a way that mention which cylinder they come from.
  2. So there's a lot to cover: Yes @BlueSky sync time. Yes @CaseyJ955 you are right regarding the jets. Some time back I think in February when I came back to the forum we laid out some theory on carb syncing and some of the common miss conceptions that rookies tend to make, worth looking back to find that (I believe it was with regards to carb sync gauges) I am going to forget much of what I have floating around my head as I write, maybe I'll add a couple of posts. The UFO looks to me to be sealant that came loose? The one thing I would have done differently with regards to flush is to use a chemical flush, not just water. But that is not what I see as the problem, @cowpuc / Grasshopper was leading you in the right direction early in the thread. He also took his big clumsy foot off the peddle to soon as he I think was not wanting to push you past your comfort zone! I on the other hand am Canadian and there colder and more direct. Between 230 and 250 f is a good place, 400 @ idle is just not acceptable and is my opinion that running it at that will only shorten #1 life span. Somebody F*** with #1 and one is the first I would focus on. Having said that, it is possible that this has lead to some carbon buildup above the valve face (the bell shape area) this will reduce flow volume especially at higher rpm which will cause the mass to sync more heat then then natural coolent flow can absorb! Is why that mechanic mentioned it. Again I don't think that is the problem yet either.If it were me I would start with a "bench sync" you can do this with the carbs installed. Pull the side covers off the slides, 4 crews per There is a spring behind them, it is not going to fly just be aware they are there and be gentle with them, Eash cap gets its 4 screws and spring place together, then gently pull the diagram out placing it by the cap to each carb, Each set will go back t o the same carb it came from! Go to the hardware and purchase the longest 1/4 or 3/16 th inch drill bit, often you find the longest one have the carbide tip used for tile. Withe the air box removed and the slides out of the way: Set the # screw so that the throttle plate is just touching the shank of the bit, not resting enough to restrict it but just enough to let the bit slide smoothly! Repeat that for each carb, this is easy stuff and you will not get mixed up in parts order! You will likely find that each time you set one to the bit the other will change some and the "gap" between the carb bore and throttle plate will tighten or loosen, if so then you are winning! This may take 3 or for rounds before you are satisfied with the results. Once you are then we will walk you through the next very simple steps. YOU CAN DO THIS
  3. One of the kicks I get out of Utube is all the archaeology videos we can lookup. Has anyone seen or heard of "the giants" that some think walked earth? Or the smooth mountain dwellings that have been found with no chisel markings.... I seem to remember seeing a larger than man size foot print in what is now stone somewhere. Did we loose a post from @N3FOL ?
  4. Well just top of my head haven't looked up the 07 specs... 1st I think that model rind twin T's so yes you will boost quicker or should. Flows are difficult to explain, we must first conciser volume (s) and there are many changes on the way to the turbo, velocities also change, that is part and parcel to the driving force applied to the turbine. Velocity is tricky as this has much to do with shape. The turbos are computer controlled so we need to know what pressure data the ecm is expecting to read, at what throttle position, temperature,,,, with confirmation from the monitors it will then continuously adjust trims. I pretend to be a chip junky or know there brands and simplified settings but I do know that they have programming that twerks the ecm into running outside of factory perimeters. I am not suggesting that that is a bad thing for some that have specific requirements. But the 25 hp or 65 hp means nothing to me outside of it reads like a setting? For example, more boost more fill volume more fuel; HP should be fallowing as the amount of pressure above the piston increases, then so does the applied torque to the crank, then HP must be going up, right.
  5. Interesting Puc, Aliens was actually my next question. I know you and I never got to have that conversation tho we danced around it. I too found the fellow in the 1st video thriving on spooking himself, for me that is a strange behavior or trait for someone looking into the unknown. So I've had the opportunity as a young fellow to work in some very out of the way places that still if looked up on Gmaps are pixilated; that said I have encountered some strange moments perhaps fare to say strange encounters. One I can easily mention was in 90 while living off a lagoon in Quebec. That night we all living off the eastern seaboard had similar experiences and many pictures were in the news papers. That experience was at a few minutes too midnight I was attempting to put the key in the door when the large window all showed a blueish light and I could see clear into the house. My first thought was some one was fishing for the large German Carp that hid in the rushes or someone stuck out on the water so I turn looking past my wife who was hold our newborn, sure as all getup there this monster size disk was hovering of the bay its lower have tilled upward like a large fruit dish and the light finished wider at the top of the dish then the bottom, the light was most effeminately blueish, bright but not blinding and there was that honing sound like a pulse... May sound strange but it is what we saw. That was not as I mentioned my only encounter, and really I didn't sweat it. There were other tho, perhaps a better description of those were say, less playful
  6. Maybe? lol
  7. We have all heard stories of them, usually I pay no mind nor do I disbelieve what others say they experienced. Not sure why this popped into my recommend file but, I did get it to blowup to 500 and it does seem to match what the guy says about it... hmm @ 17:30 minutes
  8. So it's likely the floats, it may be just one carb, the fuel can make a mess.. Hopefully by tracing the overflow tubing you will see that one..
  9. I wonder if every Albertan bought one can and pored that into the pipeline if that might help get the oil flowing EAST or West?
  10. Regardless of bike my practice is to spray a bit of lube around the intakes at the base of the carbs, then a touch of up and down pressure on the carb body before the final pull up.. Can save the sealing boss of the intakes.
  11. From here,,, my take on what I think you are choosing to proceed with? Now just to get this out of the way: remember you are rebuilding a touring bike, reliability is very important! You will need a set of calipers to measure the cam lobs, follow the specs in the book and please let us know the units of measure. Where needed expect to replace the plain bearings this is a compromise as I would measure all and replace all. They are not expensiveness. Have you lapped valves before? Like the seats could benefit form a light cut, and if they rent them in your neck then the angle is to be found in the book. You will want to check the deck of the block again by the book then the head, zero sense in putting back together if either is below spec, right. the valves and cam in my opinion should be sent to a machine shop, look around and get a couple of quotes, a basic minimum by the right fellow will prevent you from reinstalling bad valves, or flipping/tilting adjustment shims. I the deck is good - and the head is withing spec then likely you can pull this off cheap. I the deck is bad, I wait for an engine to pop up at a good price. If the head is warped then I would not bother with any of it just find a head, they're out there.. Let us know before you start getting deeper and then limit your choices.
  12. For future readers I thought I'd mention that a broken or in this case missing tensioner and if all else seemed reusable, you would still want to inspect the chain drive gears, which also includes the one on the crank .
  13. There is a couple of ways to look at the blue highlights: Lets wounder back to the days of the old "flap choke" even in those day we had to design the flap to allow air to pass thru it or all we would get was a sudden flooding of gas which would pool not ignite. So while it is possible that the idle circuit is set to low to maintain rpm, it is not possible to "get out of the idle circuit" by using the idle adjustment screw. What will happen is that the throttle plate will open more which will allow for more passage of air, which will help lean out the enricher, but will not assist in atomizing the fuel more; that circuit is just not designed for it, and it is meant to add to the idle circuit not run in its place. If the pilot jets are plugged solid then they need to be removed for cleaning. The only other way is when the jets are slightly plugged say after one season of storage... Then it is possible that a chemical added to the gas may clean the jets. These plugs can get really hard and thus take a poke to clear them. What @FAAQ2 can try is to prove the idle circuits by say truning up the idle set screw 1/2 a turn clockwise then carefully turn the pilot screws a turn to the right see if she drops speed and then a turn then 2,3 to the left (counter clockwise) if she responds then there's passage thru that one circuit there are four carbs each need to respond, or they need to be removed.
  14. You're right, the post Puc ticked me off, usually I would bring more tack to the debate. AS far as your enforcer remark let me say this, 1st I was never with the mob, as for the rest of that background you have the story mixed up. I can't undue what I was born into but I am at peace with all the efforts to make right the wrongs I was taught. Why would you perceive Poof as a personal threat? What is rolling around in your thoughts? To the chair then: There has been so much misinformation fed us over the past couple of years it has become a challenge to keep up and walk a straight line. How did this become political was asked: too many mistakes up front I think is the answer. The cover up has made it political, my opinion. As Americans vote today I wish for them the patients to not over react to early counts. As you all vote the world is tuned in, this vote is a big one, but your founding Constitution hopefully will guide your country thru to a peaceful tomorrow.
  15. @cowpuc Puc you ere taking this too far. Chat is one thing but your opinion on this is harsh and I think you are beginning to lay blame on those that do not see it your way! In my oo\pinion Puc you are very wrong, and tho that does not make me right nor does it make you righter for lecturing against your on founding documents. Stop now or I will cause this to POOF!
  16. Regarding leaking: it strikes me that you use the term in the plural? After reading Bum's last post on the leaking, it dawned on me that the the velocity stacks. So lets think this thru a bit: we know the gasket is blown, but still I can't seem to find the math to make sense of what's going on. To put some order to these thoughts: if the coolant over flowing from the top carbs then that explains the crank overflow cause the air box has a direct contention to the crank case. What concerns me most from a budget perspective is the missing guide! A loose chain makes a real mess of the works,,,,,that's a long potential list. I 've done a lot of engine work on a lot of old bikes, have seen the cams before, same same thing. On the double lobe triangle that is a casting flaw. The chipping look is hot material under constant pressure which adds to more wear. A side bar: on my cams when I handle them I take the time bevel the shoulders of the lobes. That will limit the chipping which also means less floating metal. That said Bum is right those cams are closing there duty cycle, why is likely well too much heat. You cant see it in the pics now because the engine polished the lobes up but notice the texture on the long surface... The only way you see that confused patter buff in the shine is the first 5/8k or they've run dry at some point, the wear is a relatively new polish from the lash shims! Same note: from here I see the lobe max lift is way more a bright polish? Now you can after you measure them (specs in the book) choose to reuse them but like the man said they're likely going to tie you to too many valve adjustments way too often. Carl is right fun but hard on the pocket because there's going to be equal wear with all the plain bearing. I know that an output roller bearing certainly is a risk for 2 up to have a very bad day if that went dry. anyways enjoyed the pics thanks for sharing them
  17. Likely and a couple things come to mind: Take N.Y. a transport hub, same as TO. Vancouver they infected by border crossings from Washington, Que. well that's an easy one look at how we greet one another, smooching everywhere we go and for a good smooch the masks come off! @saddlebum Yes sir and we have the history to prove the statement as fact... And, if we look back at the Balcony days G.S.T. is temporary just long enough to pay off the debt. How many debt times have we paid? General revenue is what it turned out to be, the same will happen again with the failing Paris Accord, the West is not going to play along this time, and they know it. The only way it can be revenue neutral is if tax dollars cloak it.. Many years back I was asked by E.M.and Resources to join in a competition on developing a solar collection system which Canada would then donate to third world countries as part of our G7 commitment to under developed countries. Canada wanted to join the race for efficient solar collection which at the time CA. was marketing rather well. Mine out of all the entries won the competition. Here's the point: tax dollars paid paid for that as did corporations such as mine did and others as well. We were all committed to the project, all but the government that is. Every Canadian weather they new it or not wasted every penny spent. Collage students in Que. took up the challenge to design a carbon capture at the chimney they successfully built a prototype, it was to be tried at the old MTL. city burn dump, well what happened to it, suddenly pushed to the archives. Right here in this country we have the brain power to solve or at a minimum partake in solving footprint issues. AB. faces this with every shovel full we mine from the tarsands, we supported and developed many new processing technologies even building and experimental processing plant to prove the technology, after 2 years of doing so what did they do, deny us to prove it at a higher production scale. WTF more tax dollars flushed away. Federal Dollars: In 04 I agreed to build a project that was to incorporate Geo Thermal for heating and cooling, essentially turning the the concrete masses into a battery, then half way thru the developer decides to add to the project solar panels to the structure for domestic hot water. Are you kidding me I said, after engineering is complete? I went to see this so called Canadian built system, the same chit that we used in the early 80's, development went nowhere in 25 years. Why? Confusing, how does it relate? Well it was part of a federal subsidy still after 25 years we are subsidizing and old technology? Here's the best part: after setting up and getting the Geo planted building the parkade, issuing all the PO's for the construction of the project my contract ended, very glad to get out of Yuppyville to be honest, 4 years later and 2 years behind schedule I get asked to reengage.. I meet with the groups and listened to the mess they got themselves into, the project was broke. They could not get the subsidies promised because they could not manage the collections correctly, with a team of engineers too boot. Well this taxpayer only has grade 7 and the problems were very obvious to me; they on the other hand were blinded by the collecting of our tax dollars. We knew in the 80's what they were just finding out. So what's the answer? Smaller bites just like we Albertan's had to do with our tarsands. Tax dollars need investment and then royalties when used for development, it is not suppose to be used as treats for Lobbyist or those that will own the patents outright. Can we identify the problem? Leadership is the problem. Leadership is not about personal anything, with the exception of Integrity. They are suppose to be inspirational, set goals build educated teams and accomplish. Federal leadership is failing world wide with few exception say Like Germany. Yet smaller governments say SK. are performing better. Mr. Fancy Socks has had more scandels in the least amount of time than I can ever recall during his first 3 years than his predecessor. I would like to see a leader that knows what a sardine fork looks like or where they are kept. Next sliver spoon wantabe that feels the need to do us a favor by serving we the people please just go play with your own purse.. Well there you have it, the ramblings of an old Canadian simply fed-up of the soundbites and squandered tax dollars. Now if we could only find the delete button for daylight savings.. hmm
  18. These days and for more than just covid I haven't been going out much. I had all the signs of covid back in February my son arrived back from Spain. I unfortunately have had the "long hall" symptoms however I was also and am still recuperating/adjusting to other treatments. These days tho I feel pretty darn good, just completed my one year after tests, and one more small surgery to go, and I should be good. I get a lot of pushing from friends and family to get out there but quite frankly I haven't trusted myself since all these imbalances accumulated. During this time as many know from the chat room I had some local issues I became mixed up in (willingly) then Loose passed and suddenly things became solitary. One commitment That I had promised Loose was to reach out to my 70's Swiss Chick I end that when I fell ill and so I've been inching my way thru that. Yesterday Cindy pulled me from the house and we went to a large shopping center on the edge of town. Man was I surprised not one person was without mask, same for their children. Every store had a sanitizer and most had a clerk at the entrance. I came across some EU style shirts I really like, when that happens I typically buy a dozen but was not permitted to try one on, not permitted to use the changing rooms!! I had to go to the public washroom for the try on??? Not sure how that makes sense. Anyways I found the cooperation to the rules out this way striking.. Is this a Canadian thing well likely not. What Canada has that many other countries don't is a under populated over taxed land mass to support. So for me I think we see the rules less as infringement and more as a responsibility towards our neighbors and our systems... Our news representatives have a very small market to hold onto, get caught playing hockey with the facts here and you loose. We expect no party divides with our broadcasts, Barbra Frum is still our bench mark for integrity. This is something I believe (my opinion) we do better North of 49. So questioning the truth is just something Canadians are known for and when we find out we've been mislead well its just a whole different Hockey game. We also have a minority government at this time; even tho Mr. Fancy Socks is short on credibility for his silver spoon self servings, I for one think that this minority gov. is serving us better than a solid majority, simply put they have no choice.. Too my Ontario friends Ford has really stepped up, I can see him making a run for the big ticket
  19. So why is it that you get the "pantry" and I get the porch?
  20. Oh Tip n I are definitely voting for the right one Well WEll Puc so pleased you finally decided on Joe, I bet you will be so proud at what the possibilities will bring. Now what the heck is glowing at the lower right hand corner of my screen?
  21. I thought about the best way taking into consideration the 2 suggestions and will set that up this evening, I too am curious as too at what point the carb body will back flow. Made a purchase some years back from a fellow that was attempting his own repairs. We know that bowl volumes are very important for near WOT running; he was telling me that there was a leak from one of the bowl drain plugs. After stripping the bike down for mods what I found was an epoxy poor into the base of the bowl!? To us this is worth somewhat of a giggle right. But for him he was stuck on the problem of stopping that pesty leak which we would thru experience know the floats are stuck open, the contours of the casting is why he believed the leak came from the drain screw. Thing on pressure, I get where Ben is coming from and in my minds eye I see the correlation, the difference is is that I am taking into consideration a lesson learned along the way, the word "intuitive" kind of like assumption. Sometimes our experiences lead us to both. Nothing discussed here as not caused me to question my thinking, I've said this many times "I am a better man because I hang with U's" The scenario we've been discussing is possible under the correct conditions and I hope to find them. What tripped m was the implication of pressure. Break the problem down we have one cause and one result, but the physics in between don't add. Gravity is a form of pressure, in a cylinder the force of gravity apply a pressure that contains some type of mass this case fluid - measured at the base of the cylinder would be the total pressure or force. But the higher up the cylinder we measure the less force we find! Why does that matter, because the only pressure in this scenario is the fluid above the carb ports. This is why. the hand pump is applied to 15 lbs to simulate expansion pressures in a closed loop, this engine is not a closed loop, so the pressure drops, only the operator can choose to build more pressure, the pressure drop time is what we look to for clues on where the leak is coming. The leak is a restriction or say a resistance: a resistance to what? To atmosphere or A#1. So here's a surprise, crank journals in this case are a good comparison. The journals are pressurized to a something from 60-90 lbs depending on engine: the journals must maintain a control spill or leakage and that leakage is then accumulated in the sump. Remember that control leakage was just pressurized to 80issh psi, what then is the pressure of that thermal, liquid bearing material/oil? As it is near atmosphere the only pressure/force is gravity so the weight of the volume cooling in the sump. The very same printable applies here; the 15 lbs ceases to be relevant after it leaves the area of resistance (crack, failed gasket, hole).... The remaining force is only the gravity from the displaced fluid. What then takes over is balance, the fluid level will seek its balance, in this case rise up the intake and carb bore, the only force applied to overcoming resistance such as density and surface tension is the weight of that fluid above porting and it can not rise higher then the balance or set resting level, what ever that might be. The big question is can the fluid drain via overflow hose? Yes under the right contentions and @ atmosphere it could in theory drain a low as the top of the bowls spout, proving the bowl remains void of air.
  22. Thinking here while on hold.... I likely have 20ish CV carbs in the shop, heads, intakes... So what would be a fare setup for an experiment to demonstrate this one way or the other? And can we agree at least that 15psi is not reverent if as in all cases the Carb is open at the top to atmosphere? Let me know
  23. It is OK to pick sides Carl The best discussions do not always end in agreement but the exercise and efforts brought forward both in printable and theory serve the practical which in turn serves understanding and troubleshooting, my opinion. But simply put the enricher and costing circuits are up high then ported and valved. If the valve is closed then that forms an air lock in the riser/port (s) that to say a plumber for example may describe that as a shock/knock arrestor, the air in the passage is trapped the fluid then compresses the air turning it into a spring. The same applies for the costing circuit, both are high on the carb body, both circuits have valves, the designs vary but, both are designed for a lesser dense fluid meaning if closed they will stop a denser fluid easily. As I see it there is no driving force for the fluid, in an open loop, we can not maintain pressure. As the crank is not rotating then again there is no driving force to lift or apply lift or raise the fluid head past equalization. The idle jet also designed for a light/less dense fluid, so without gravity/fluid weight from volume, or a force behind the fluid, I have trouble visualizing the required back flow forces thru that very small jet. The air porting also is jetted at the top of the carbs so again.... The path of least resistance in the absence of a force is up and out the top of the bore to atmosphere. The rules of velocity caused by a restriction/narrowing (the throttle plate) creates a drop in positive pressure regardless of fluid meaning, we have to pick a force to displace the fluid, air pressure alone will pass thru the liquid/fluid because it is less dense; that's how I see this scenario What I think is the missing is a slide view as a result of a cracked cooling port that will as Ben says fill a chamber. That I agree with and think most of us have experienced, but that force will equalize after passing thru the cracked casting until, all fluids (including air) are displaced, for that scenario the fluid will continue to rise until the level of fluid diminishes, leaving only air pressure to pass thru, causing splash, again, once the fluid stop flowing the only so does the displacement..
  24. HAHA no, regardless of the hand pump pressure, the coolant is not going to enter the bowl. Lets overlook the fact that we know the coolant loop is open and that air is prescient in the open loop; once the 14 lbs reaches the intake valve it has to be at atmosphere. The only real resistance is the Bernoulli principle plays due to the position of the throttle plate and, to accept that there is some pressure behind the plate then we must accept the Law of Venturi right after the plate and at the very small opening of the idle circuit which is then reduce again by the idle jet. So Venturi says a low pressure exist after the restriction caused(in this case) by the plate and, that velocity has to increase as a result. Those are the rules. So in your scenario there should be enough lift to raise the fluid up and over the top of the carburetor, then that would be the only patch of least resistance. As you say the engine is not running therefore other than the suspect hand pump the fluid is static, the enricher valve is likely close and certainly the costing circuit has no reason to be open. Does that make sense? I cannot stress enough that if the cylinder is open to the coolant leak and that the intake valve is open, there can be no build up of pressure: unless there exist 2 other means of pressure available to displace the fluid, one would be piston travel the other circulating pump. Water in the bowls would be a result of water pumped from the tank or siphoned up thru the vents before the engine shut down. This suggests that the fluid in the blows is a result of the last running of the engine.
  25. Thought I'd share some easy blues This is a link to the fellow's page https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_tV0l4O8c6rki8DxFgKWGg
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