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Everything posted by Patch

  1. It is not about "freaking" at all Uncle. The virus blossomed under the suppression of Socialist big foot. Arriving then at our door, greeted by denials and political conspiracies and more denials of denials. If you want to refer to the thinking man as sheep cause the veils of deception are not amusing to us; then accept as well some of us choose not to turn cheek. We will keep the kettles whistling finding no amusement in overpaid self-serving bold face misleading incapable shepherds. Can we just stop not thinking for our selves till the next rally at least
  2. You know today's WH briefing, what was the Presidents comment/question to Pompeo about? 54:42 into the clip
  3. So That is the conspiracy Uncle? The American news media is trying to collapse the American economy first? Then all of the other Western Nations will follow suit.... I see - it must be Russia Russia Russia behind this, I guess hmm
  4. If you look at Italy the death rate is 8% as of yesterday. It should start to drop as people continue to drop of the planet.? Anyways as of today they appear to be showing something like 500 fewer new reported cases now that strict rules have been imposed. Here's a link I'm checking guys take care talk down the road a piece https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/world&link_location=live-reporting-story
  5. Sorry I haven't posted those pictures yet, I will tho. What is your next step on the bike? Have a manual? You will certainly need to check compression, best do it with the carbs off, all spark plugs out. Expect crazy numbers but we have a post here you can look up... A Case for fogging I have spare jets if you need, you will likely have switch troubles around the clutch and front brake handles. I swapped mine out for hydraulic ones, I can send a pick and part number for them. Don't get succored into the rebuild carb price on that bike, they are tough carbs and very doable..
  6. 100% and is the point of injection adaptive mapping.
  7. I don't disagree with either of you! It boils down to demographics which I haven't looked up or compared for both country's. The size of this months challenge would have been known thru testing which simply did not happen and; has caused people to speculate. Next month expect another jump in the numbers of positives and not just because more of the population will have been tested either; more like because people will be ignoring the mess believing its not their problem or its all a conspiracy. Yes the major concern at the moment is the infrastructure of the health care systems being over whelmed as that will cause additional deaths related to other life issues. I haven't read thru today's status yet to see if we have begun doubling or tripling the numbers but, I do know that the panic is a result of the inaction's - that is now history - and nothing is going to rewrite it. We need to know the size of the problem so we can plan.
  8. OK lets do some math. Italy has 28000 cases and in the last 24 hours 349 deaths . Lets call that 1.3% in just 24 hours. Here's a number, if 10M Americans were to get this virus in total and based on the average above,,, would be 130,000 that could expire. A day, a week, a month whatever, it is still a high number. If everybody ignored the spread of this virus and all 325M Americans contracted it, 4,550,000 would likely expire; based on what Italy is experiencing today. True, it could be less here, could be more too? Just maybe the virus is not a cynical political conspiracy to keep Republicans home while Democrats go out to vote or conspire against the White House Administration: because, if that were true think what would happen to them Dems come next vote. Americans are smarter than that, regardless of political stripe. hmm A thought;)
  9. Haven't heard back from Mr. Dawson? Just waiting on the Girls, are they going to be home or away?
  10. And so within this fog of chaos the tides begin to turn..hmm ""We know the Chinese government censor both the traditional media and the social media very, very tightly," Tsang said. "And practically nothing that the Chinese government terms unacceptable will be allowed to stay for any period of time. So if something stays, it's because it has been allowed to stay." A new conspiracy is coming to our shores. With the above comment in mind it likely appears that it will be said that the U.S. is or was ground zero. Hmm Well all we can do is view this freshly dyed linen blow in the coming winds. If China does persist to blame others for ground zero thru the use of conspiracy theories, asking the accused to disprove the accusations without presenting any science based facts and then, persist on this course of (saving face) we fight a common enemy without them. If you watch the clip on the video what is missing at the moment is the history of those cases that have tested positive to COVID 19 post-mortem. For example, when did they contract and succumb to the virus? Why then was the epicenter in Wuhan Province first, and then the EU? Unless this infectious disease was intentional I wonder if we need to distract from current events. Way too much manipulation in every moment of every day, these days. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-chinese-official-suggests-u-s-army-blame-outbreak-n1157826?cid=referral_taboolafeed
  11. As of yesterday and according to alberta.gov.ca there are 56 positive cases, Canada has 321 cases. Less than 9000 tests have been recorded. Ontario is running low on test kits!? Strange I think as they know better after the SARS experience. Now I realize Carl is having all his Harem tested before he grants them permission to visit so I get there exists an additional Strain an the system; but due to the density of their cities I would expect a better prepared leadership? from our .gov.ca "On March 15, 17 new cases were confirmed in Alberta. More concerning, 2 of the recently identified cases seem to have been acquired through community spread from an unknown source, and 7 cases occurred as a result of a single gathering in the Calgary area. We're now moving forward with more aggressive measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Alberta."
  12. ooops, I see Carl has already spoken on the issue....
  13. OH my Bum, she shouldn't have left you alone! What was she thinking? And knowing you have this addiction? Hope that helps;) The plants well, survival is the fittest; after all Bum, you survived her leaving you behind;) Bet Carl has some good ones...
  14. Thank God!!!!!! I thought I was suffering more brain shrinkage.......
  15. Yep it does. Guess I'm the "grasshopper" tonight;)
  16. Trying to follow you Sailor, in 1922 the markets and the world was on the up tick following the end of WWI and the Great Depression.. What am I missing?
  17. Ok I follow, somewhat and agree somewhat, I think:think: Like I agree that from a bleed port that there could in fact be an air pocket form after/previous cycles making that reading predictably unpredictable! Agree too that an inline tap would be better as we would be sure the brass thingy would be wet therefore predictably predictable! But,, it could spring a leak and that would be predictably bad for an otherwise predictable touring bike! So now that we agree can you please educate me on xr80/x100 = 10mm? Is it that xr/80 (100)/x = 10
  18. OK look I see an intervention is needed! Unless of course you prefer Carl share;) If you want thing back to normal, send some flowers now, let Wify know she is present in your thoughts, and, have a couple dozen ready for when she gets back home! That's the easy stuff.... But Bum don't forget this important sharing of experience, remember Wifey has a key!
  19. Great news Uncle, I found us a fitting theme song/tune/pinup Eyes right boys;)
  20. Maybe Puc we can talk into installing one in the sump? That would be fun hmm brother!
  21. Well let us know when you need help spending your money:) always happy to help
  22. So not to worry then, she's left you before and, always comes back! Got It!
  23. Now how did my name get dragged into this squabble? I'm just sitting at the table rolling my peas of the plate so as I can get dismissed! Finely my night (as kid brother) to not wash the dishes, too. Bum you know by now given enough time to think, he'll pitch a slow Carlball, is all
  24. WOW, see you have been honing your edges; that is a great choice and; will likely keep Dad off the scnt! Game on! Now what doya think about holding this conspiracy match at Mr. Dawson's spread? He's well stocked!!! If we move quick enough he won't need to trade althathere listed below HmmHmm! Sure hope he's on a septic system? Yaknow in case we run out of crap, to fill in the blanks with! We can call it a direct benefit of us being there;) And savin the best benefit for last HE HAS DAUGHTERS! Otherwise I'd suggest we tote Carl along
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