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Everything posted by Patch

  1. What's going on? Too funny...
  2. Hmm I take it you 2 did not take advantage of the no clothes for 14 days. Well there is still time now that you know Jana is well enough to whoop you butt;)
  3. Wondering if you can give us more of an explanation as to what exactly the symptoms are like. Do you smell fuel, does it kick or pop, backfire, regain if you let up on the throttle. I agree with Puc that if your slides are rubbing then that can cause this. So too fuel starvation. Timing as well. Also if the pickup coil is faulty when hot: that means read resistance cold and then hot.
  4. Thinking unless you have a harness issue the most likely fault is the igniter. You mentioned after changing it out that she ran well, and consistent? I think it worth check the pickup coil now to be sure that it is in spec and not also on the way out.
  5. Late afternoon I was having a nap when suddenly I seemed to be surrounded by sirens, hmm? I got up and crossed over to the bedroom facing the street and sure enough there were firetrucks approaching from both directions then ambulances and police. I could smell smoke but in the confusion I couldn't make out from where. Then I caught glimps of a fireman guiding a man and woman from their house then banging on the doors on either side. Then like in a show the flame jumped perhaps 20' above the roof! The smoke was real thick by then but spread apart as tho being dominated by the flame or say getting out of the way. Certainly from my vantage it appeared the back of the house, was a blaze. I could see clearly the neighbors shaking and he at least was wet so I put my boots on and went through my closet to find a couple jackets. I am a tall fit build but them not so much. SK now he's 6' and 220 so I grabbed my amazing wool navy P-jacket for her and SK's lined denim hooded for him! I rushed thru the crowed lacking in social distancing and between he and the fireman helping him into the jacket; then thru the other end of the crowd to her. Now me being me, as I help her with the coat I mentioned that it was my favorite "chick pickup jacket;) " and so, when this was allover she of course owed me a date! I remembered the fireman staring at me as I was helping the fellow with the jacket as tho we knew one another? But what really struck me was the dirty looks I received from many of the spectators! Many of which I didn't know like new arrivals to the neighborhood. Last year we had a rush of that here and, old SK and I quickly moved to breakup the newly formed groups around us. I'll add this, I enjoy seeing a family settle regardless of where they hail from; bobby-pinned cars, brooms in their hands, the children lending a hand... looking to be accepted... you know what I mean, a fresh start for a family. But those that think we are push overs and show no courtesy to the neighborhood... chose the wrong neighborhood! But what really knocked me over was SK. I called him at work to let him know what was going on and that I had pulled one of his jackets.... 2 hours later he called back very upset? I should have asked him... The virus... SK and I grew up together, I had promised him Mom I would always keep an eye out for him. After his Mom passed SK soon found trouble back home and well was heading for a stretch. I and my company at the time made a deal with the courts and took charge of him. I cannot say I have had many moments of regret over the decision until last night that is. I washed the risk out of his jacket and rehung it last night, I'll be sending mine off to the cleaners but; my disappointments from last evening, not so easy to wash away. The fireman turns out we do know each other. Soap and water and, social distancing yes but - if a person falls beside you...
  6. I thought so! Bum started a rumor that you had decided to get dressed/undressed for us! Well not really but I thought I'd take this opportunity to get him in a little more trouble! true story Mama kinda
  7. I don't know where you are in Quebec but bring it to a tv/radio repair shop or ham radio repair shop, he will have the skills and part to repair it.
  8. You do know that both of your cloths may be contaminated, right?
  9. I linked over when I read the email, funny I don't see the link now in the post? Anyway I was struck by Hong Kong numbers hmm? I wonder how much of the stats will change after we find out what really happened in China.. Not sure this is the thread to post this thought on but, remember when China sparked the (came from U.S.) conspiracy a play right out of the 1918 history well it seemed to me they may have started disinformation over potential suits? I did read an unconfirmed report (somewhere) that a suit of trillions may be in the works? But more to the point is, if what they share with the world is not reliable the the tallies won't be as summarized. Meaning all models that include their input would be incorrect. Models after Italy, EU and North america would more resemble the effects.
  10. One thing I learned early on is that what one man ensembles another can disassemble;) Having said that tho there are times its just not worth the effort. When you first posted the pic of the tube jet I took pause to admire her physics. Yes the port would have to be downstream; the cylindrical shape dictates her performance and the height ensures even minimization all the way to the valve. That greatly reduces drag and air/fuel separation at its give rpm and flow rate (the bore wall effect). May not seem like much but from the butterfly's perspective and where the Plate will already be parallel to the bore, a nice mixed flow across the plate! (on a side note, some time ago a hobbyist playing with flow principles designed and machined the needle jet with a lift which greatly increased what again is mentioned above) Of course servicing would be best done thru a heated chemical cleaning if possible. As for installing it, well there are different ways to accomplish that. Because of what is mentioned above the seal around the jet must be 100% so contraction of the body makes the most sense to me. Also should such a jet design rotate or come off true center to the air flow then, it would cause a reverse pressure down the tube to the bowl rendering the design useless. Thanks for sharing the problem;)
  11. For the record, there is no doubt that my written English can be challenging to read. More often than not it is obvious to most I am a direct person which is also a sign of respect. That aside my reading is also very different, as is my comprehension, I am not one to be easily swayed yet my eyes and ears remain open. Your pension for conspiracy is also obvious however you missed the conspiracy in the link I provided this morning. That also says something! You see fire first where some us see the smoke before the fire and thus our reactions pose a different course and strategy. I too wish you well! I will not be found in any closet sucking my thumb I can assure you of this. I will be eyes open tho, waiting to hear a logic that can be supported by commonsense and by such a thinking man as you describe yourself to be. As mentioned the dived remains, one side has left the field.
  12. Hmm I thought Uncle you would have a stronger position then the above example! The fact on TB by WHO: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tuberculosis This from the U.S. if you want to say it is an over reaction perhaps you'll see why below? "Everyone in America and around the world who’s been paying attention in recent weeks is aware of the curves included in the chart. Importantly, on Tuesday, figures were added to the curves showing expected numbers of deaths with and without social distancing measures: 1,5 to 2.5 million deaths without social distancing, 100 to 240 thousand deaths with social distancing measures. " https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2020/04/02/accuracy-of-estimate-of-100000-to-240000-covid-19-deaths-hinges-on-key-assumptions/#39f20ada144e
  13. Certainly is! Less activity. Less social contact. And less a pollution.
  14. Jeepers Mr. Dawson I kind of got lost there? I must of gone thru a swarm of bugs that you obviously missed covering my entire windshield causing me to swerve into the back of the speeding truck bumper heading in the opposite direction!? The flaw is (in my humble opinion) that your argument is based fatalities, not impact;)
  15. Hang on Mr. Dawson you can't pick and choose, they are both averages therefore carry such baggage as averages do. This strain for all we know may mutate yet? For example look at the number of younger people coming down with it...
  16. I went thru the 96 manual carb section, 6-5 & 6-7 looks the same to me as far as jet layout. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?20228-97-to-01-Royal-Star-Service-Manual I checked also for a Dingy diagram I didn't find any so for the wiring you'll need to use the manual. Remember checking the ignition in place is a better option with the gap tester. This way you can move the harness and see when and what interrupts the sequence.
  17. I went on your comment that the plugs were firing. The best way to check the system is with a spark gap tester, about $5.00 at the auto parts store. This should be done before you strip the system down again. Did you correct the jet installations?
  18. thanks for everyones advice it help alot im new to the motorcycle fixing industry.i been fixing motorcycles for 2 years now . ive located the problem.my v4 fires right up no problem.my concern is should all four cylinders be combusting the air/fuel mixture.at idle. or does it combust only in the two rear cylinders when at idle and not the front two. my front two cylinders are not making any heat in the exhaust pipe like the two rear ones. after 20 mins of idleling while park. the two rear exhaust pipes where it mounts to the exhaust flange studs are hot. but the front ones are not hot they are still cold. and then thats were the poping begins after idling for a while. my two front exhaust pipes are leaking gas where it connects to the muffler. only the front two do this. if i go for a ride everything seems normal for a while. 30mins later i get the poping again it. it happens about every 5 mins until i turn it off. so far i had to replace worn intake boots, air filter, fuel filter, rebuilt carburetor with new gaskets, new float needle, new needle seat, new fuel mix screw. i have those screws at 1 and 3/4 turn out. i bought the bike used it had been park in a garage. had bad gas in it had to clean the carbs too.when i had the 4 carbs taken apart i noticed that the front two carbs had o rings in between the main jet and the main jet holder. but only in the front two carbs, the rear two carbs did not have these orings in it. when i ordered the rebuilt kit for 4 carbs the kit did not come with replacement orings. i still installed the original orings where i found them. this bike had so many probles it had been riding ruff the fuel mix screws were all turn out different turns none where the same. i check my spark and they do fire i used a spark tester. and i do have great compression. could some one explain how the v4 should be running at iddle. and how to adjusted there carbs to work properly. http://www.werder.ee/Manual/XVZ1300.pdf Page 6-5 item 22 & 21 No o-ring showing but usually there is a flat washer there. I have not worked on that model, they may have changed it but I don’t see why. Check the page 6-7 item 10 again no O-ring! The main jet is a metering jet for gas. In your case you are getting to much flow so I see 2 main possibilities: The main is not metering or the gate # 18 & 20 are not seating? If the floats are not operating smoothly that would also cause the needle to not close thus flooding the carbs! The carburetors are the problem! Now understand that even if you have compression, new plugs, new wires, 12+ volts at the coils,,,,,,,, If the cylinders flood the plugs will not fire, period. You mention “great compression” well what are the numbers? The cylinders need be dry before you check or the numbers are of no use at this point, if they are wet with gas. My advice is remove the carbs, reinstall the mains with correct washers that come in the kit; check the floats for proper settings and smooth operation. Page 6-8 & 6-10 It seems obvious that someone tampered with these carbs and guessed their way thru so it is time to get them back to proper order. This is not a syncing problem, and it is not an idle jet problem, nor a mixture setting problem, it is a flooding problem. I advise you to blow the cylinders out till dry, remove all plugs and with carbs off check compression not each cylinder at 5 revolutions then at maximum compression; post the results. Next bench sync the carbs if you do not know how we can explain that. Set your mix screws to 1 & ¼ turn out, then we’ll walk you thru.
  19. I wasn't aware of this thread, I'm a touch busy this morning but I have some time after lunch and can if you like put together a troubleshooting guide for you. A this point I would not continue to idle the bike! This fuel is also in a liquid state from what you describe (non compressible) which means there is no heat to ignite it! The carbs will need to be pulled, then we start the problem solving.
  20. Yup you was there alright. I rang the bell, hit the sneeze button.... waited, wandered around, waited sneezed again, then slammed the door behind me! Man you are a hard sleeper
  21. Pretty sure on my 93 I removed it pulling it straight out with small visegrips then replaced the O-ring a touch of liquid gasket set it to reserve and never touched it again.
  22. Very thoughtful of you Carl, jeez I wish I could help him more tooooo!
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