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  1. https://www.google.com/search?
  2. oh I thought 86 up,,,hmm
  3. The beginnings:
  4. WOW that Rocks and to think you held on to it all these years! In Montreal where I grew up we had street drags every Friday night, in those days I ran a Torino. They would let us race over in the warehousing district we called West Island for 3ish hours. Then they would swoop down line us up and then measure out the cars we raced. If the mods were still legal they would then line us up and escort us to the Trans Canada H.W. and turn us loose! If any of us spun out on the way we would be fined $10. a foot of patch lol, their way of saying enough! YA those were da days!
  5. What year is this bike?
  6. A for example, if you happen to get a brake fluid spill I and many of will flush that off painted area with WD then wipe! Is there a flim left? Yes a light one measured in microns, providing there is no debris of dirt/grease left behind. So driving rain can be an issue new or old bikes. Running a hose is much different then pressure washing around components. I am with you on the want for a clean shiny everywhere sports machine; but over the years we learn to lesson our risk. So I am going to share a related experience my boy and I had: We have a 90 poor mans Ferrari, well when we had the drive train out my son washed every mm. of it then prepped every thing for his color scheme on the engine! We did some internal mods but nothing to take away from its original status. He ran it a bit that summer, and parked it, the following season it would not start, no hell, no how, no way! So "I know a guy" right and it killed me to think I had to ask someone into my shop to figure out what I usually go to their shops for but he knew these engines and so... Well within the first 15 minutes I need to step out and run to get coffee, YOUT wow made no sense to me the track he was on! Now you know what happens when a mechanic starts opening boxes right, ding ding. Well I said no it can't be pug tracing, he said look we'll try it if I'm wrong then I won't charge you the plugs. So we got a free set of plugs 4 hours later we still where we started. I slept on the problem over night adding up my essentials asking myself what could I b missing? Don't tease this old guy when it comes to combustion, hmm. Remember the old mechanical mass air flow sensors? Very expensive stuff and hard to find, so I pulled it, opened it, called my boy over to the bench and asked, what were you thinking and what did you wash it with? We rebuilt it and re soldered all the connections including the entire board, put it in and presto! Just a washing! hope that experience helps, I would use plastic sheeting laid over 2x4's as a basin to trap and not spoil your concrete floor then have at it, finish up with low pressure soap and water, warm is better, wax and take pics
  7. Nice shop area! So I use WD buying it by the gallon, I use compressed air set as low as my setup allows about 50 lbs and coat the bike let it soak for 10 min reapply and using paint brushes of different stiffness I agitate the areas keeping the brushes in a partially filled can to keep the hard areas wet. I spot blow again with compressed air and a hand pump of wd son the final blow off is with clean fluid. I only clean rag the larger areas after most of it is down to a damp appearance. You don't want to spray directly onto electronic boxes or bearing with anything so keep that diligence up. You can however remove connection plugs and apply the same method they will come out looking nice and clean.
  8. Well I think you have a hot start problem:think: likely means you are up chits creek A couple years back I was trouble shooting a german car with the same problems. I was sure it was a vapor lock issue from leaking injectors. But in that case it turn out that it was a shaft/armature problem cause by heat expansion; a shim at the housing cured it! See the issue again is you need to check potentials off a list. First inspect all grounds and leads to make sure they are 100% which means pulling them and cleaning, it isn't easy to check for power/current loss thru the starter relay onless you have that type of meter for that high an amperage, you might read 12+ volts in and out but so what. Start with the cable connection, make sure your your plus are dry when under that condition/hot/no start. Check the solenoid switch by switching with another one known to work so long as the connects are the same, it just a switch from low amp to high amp. Then pull the starter bring it to a shop for testing; it really appears that when hot you lose a field happen to many starters. You can also try when hot removing a plug, then a second one that is similar to load testing a starter! Let us know
  9. Good Rock..
  10. Good Ole Boys
  11. American Graffiti and Mississippi Queen
  12. Well when the Bullitt is chasing you, who has the mindset to listen to a tune? The story is here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062765/trivia
  13. Ghost Rider's
  14. Eh that mono rockabilly not so easy on the ears when listing in a digital format! From the movie Christine
  15. Time for some Rockabilly? Second video and who do we find playing in traffic again? That Carl, always trying to wave a caution flag, you'd think he dress for the occasion
  16. a Robert, how long before the cat forgave you? I have a thread somewhere on the passing of my Ms. Snoop Kitty, seems like yesterday when she left us...hmm Well when you put somethin together post it over in our song thread, in the meantime you can still share the music you enjoy there.
  17. I've said it before I really wish I had more time to get to know him on a personal level!
  18. No not at all Puc it is fact! Riding is a skill that takes time to hone. Must guys running rockets rarely ever learn the ins and outs or even the basic physics built in, like as in this case why the bike kept running straight up until the wall impacted the front wheel.. visa versa You know too that the crank is again the driving force along with whatever mass is at the end of it. Rotating mass is not "as expected" getting to understand that whether through study or practice is where the confidence builds or as we say in the trades (never mind it doesn't convert well to english). So in effect and when adding all the rotating masses up there is a direction or heading involved one has to learn how to run with it!
  19. Thanks Bum, Puc! You know it was Fool that showed me last year how to do it in the chat room! We spoke about it last evening over my data concerns for loading the thread; he assured me that its just a link so little data demands for the forum! You know this is so far the only thread I haven't gottin into trouble with in a long time I got the idea from Dad while he was a holding open the door for me, Carl I think thinks it is a calming therapy for me!? Those two really get me lol I'll ask the boys how I can convert the list of video links to just tunes then load it to a chip, see if I can make it available thru the club. I couldn't match your Tune Puc but, I did find this video from the Cash show as an suitable offering
  20. Now hang Randy, If I recall Quebec has the highest insurance rates of the country for bikes over 800ish cc and, if you pause the clip at 2;18 (CTV ONE) (I knew her by the way she used to HOT) anyways you will see he remembers to point his knee tho not enough, a little late true but, I really think he saw something of interest yonder over that there wall!? I am almost possessive because his head and shoulders were in the upright position; has to be because the dive over, looked pretty sweet! Now we ask a couple more questions, like why was the police that near by, why bother to carry the registration and licence when one you can't afford insurance and therefore no registration can be issued, two, why have a drivers licence (for a bike it takes two one for cars the other..) when you know that it will only serve to identify you in the unlikely case of getting caught not being able to outrun stupid? See I think he just played the hand he had and that dive well wow man that was a sweet move, I think Just sayin don't judge harshly for a fool being just what he is
  21. then check the filter at the pump look for cracks in the tubing
  22. So Bob how did you connect those dots man? Purty good logicing of an ironic collision! Carl have you thought of writing a book about say "The Adventures of Puc" hmm?
  23. parking this one here now not because of it memorable tune but because of the work its creator patiently put together.. Up Town Funk by Mark Ronson
  24. Well not sure Mama, that could be either a hangup or a trip hazard? Hmm We also get to play some clips that we otherwise would dare on the main board. tonight we showed a 10 minute clip of.... chit I for forgot? Well that is the rule in the chat
  25. He could of handle it better you are right Puc. But it is a bad and old elevated expressway, way to rough the the speeds he was traveling. Those steel ties/expansion joints are hard riding as well.
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