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Everything posted by Patch

  1. PS. post 34, looking thru the temp lens I see the blue connector looks big for the wire gauge?
  2. With regard to the thread you mention above Gearhead had quite the task ahead of him as did we trying to understand and connect the missing dots. He was patient tho and did do his best to paint a clearer picture for us. It was when he finally posted compression results that we are able to get a better picture of what had been going on thru many years of riding a too rich setup and no carb maintenance! That said and at that time I was under the weather and in and out of the thread. Later tho and in a thread by Duerron I think late December 2019 I added more theory as a lesson type post and just like that my brothers began ignoring me, again! If you can find it, are interested in the sequence of combustion and understanding the short falls it may be of benift to the learning curve.. In the meanwhile if I may suggest, take a mental vid of the throttle patesi n act while running thru the twist range. Gently slide 2 slides out of your way as you do so. For every degree of possition change you are allowing more air flow, that is both volume and velocity. This is important to develop the next step in understanding this mix of Constant Velocity carb! That slide you slid away operated via vacuum on these, tempers the action response at the sudden opening of the throttle, from there you will catch on why it does or doesn't work! There are other circuits in there to learn as well such as the enricher; designed to enrichen not run inplace of the pilot circuit, so make no mistake the bike is running lean cold not rich because the pilot is missing in action! Hope that helps overlook my english...
  3. Yes ReCycled we tend to go off track but not without cause. As you are new to the club this may be a bit of a surprise for you. What many of have found here at VR is a social group with a wealth of combined experience easily share when prompted, often with a touch of humor our. I have read a couple of your threads, what I see is a fellow with questions to solve, I enjoy your approach to the problems thus far. Turns out last night the brothers and I were discussing what you mentioned above (highlighted) we were of course not in agreement after all why stall out a good mental exercise. That said you mention container so in my mind I convert that to Vessel; now depending on the material of the vessel and of course shape you may or may not have had a tunable bleeder? That vessel also has a different applicable definition which broke down into cause & effect would become a readable tool. If any of that helps you find your way in developing the idea. You can also buy a sync gauge thru the forum, one of our members has been developing one for many years! So closing here, the measurements of what you are wanting to do in this thread, apply to both threads I read of yours! So that is what it boils down to, of course in these engines we only get a 5% +/- before Mikuni views it as a washing machine. A compression test in my mind on these bikes is still will remain the proper first step for at least till you know how the bike meets bench marks! PS. I hope Carl new I was talking Head Covers not heads last night? lol
  4. Chit you are so right Fool it slipped my shelving that that law came into being in 86! Who says ya gettin old?
  5. Now how do I ask the question iffin no body check cause you keep sayin not too! You really think you got all the smarts cause u was born ahead of me?
  6. I so worry about you Brothers! Like what are y'all going to do when u's drive me completely crazy and dey lock me up in a watctcha call rubberized room? Now lookit Puc, don't need no lathe to knock down an old sparky plug, just dooo it! Had mine goin on since still haven long hair, no biggy, just that I's knows when to use it. I don't do mowers so I agree iffin I did I might have a tadd of a learnin curve, ya got me beet der! But now da one thing I does know is how to make performance engine perform. Stic datder in your corn pipe and smokes it! Dat der goes for ya 2 Bum
  7. Brother I know it! I am so use to what my very much older brothers have forgotten that I almost feel lost when they aint pickin on me! Just so y'all know: they say I'm rattin on them when I tells Mama but, I just enjoy the whoopin thats a comin their way! Now pardon my french while I deal with Puc
  8. A leak own will tell you whether it intake, exhaust or rings after the compression test, on a gas engine. Now tell me I am wrong, I dare you... I double dare you....
  9. So for easy of use you a booster set but say just the red. to the relay which is a bypass of it... Now there was more to Bum's post so give it another looksee. Also you might look at smaller engine starter relays like Toyota as a matter of sizing.. Keep us posted we'll likely be sitting with Mama and the brothers in the Chat room if you need us Don't forget My Very Much OLDER BROTHER's comment on the closing of the start circuit, side stand .
  10. s I don't think it applies to me but; I might be prejudice in this opinion "C'est quoi être condescendant ?Une personne condescendante est donc une personne méprisante, qui prend les gens de haut, qui les traite avec arrogance. Les synonymes de condescendant sont, justement, arrogant, méprisant, hautain, supérieur, dédaigneux. On parle d'un ton condescendant, d'un air condescendant.Feb 26, 2018
  11. PUC YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING RIGHT? High limit is carbon related, rings go the other way towards low limits. Now I know that the Yam's have very good components so ware is extended or say duty cycles, no argument there. Every single valve stretches, over duty periods, so they get tight, lash lost. Stuck rings are in every engine that has sat for long periods, some free themselves, others buried in carbon won't. And I have first hand experience on such with these fours Write Mikuni, express your experience and disagreements with and regarding Venture engines. Makes no difference how many times you add incorrect procedures, they still add to the same unknowns! Now get your sneakers ready and catch over at Mama Cafe soonish PS. Freebird, nice to see you engage again
  12. For the record: I don't disagree with just syncing the carbs providing you know and understand what the differences are and why you can't achieve a cure-all thru just a sync. In fact I know that syncing is in and of itself a solid learning experience. But it is simply a step in the process of maintaining a sports machine. As for compression testing a sports unit that sits for long periods, well on that I cannot be persuaded. We often think we don't want to know the results when all they really are is a measure of existing condition. Stuck rings a perfect example, get them early and no problem. Above high limit is another example. These are common issues on these 4's and almost all engines. They are discovered thru compression checks. Another can be valves not seating tight. It has been part of the sport ever since I've been in it and beyond
  13. Non of that makes it the correct procedure! Calling me Frenchy aint going to get me to duck neither! Not checking compression is a well proven NONO! Much OLDER Brother!
  14. Well thanks for the heads up, listen how about you and Carl go out and party for your Birthday? Send both wives up here, and I will pay special attention to them! Yaknow I am a French Gentamn
  15. Always Picking on me:stickpoke: Mama can you please talk to the brothers, you know how, does whoopem
  16. VERY OLD SCHOOL LESSON there Bum! I am not going to turn the thread but that is how I test the TCI circuit as well! No matter the switching electronic or mechanical a path to ground or its interruption can be viewed by the flash of a simple test light, you just need to know what you are looking for. This was asked of m by Bongo some years back before I had to check out for a contract and so it never got answered, been bugging me ever since.
  17. Just for exchange of information: If you know the bench marks are equal then you could sync with a drill bit as a feller gauge! that you checked lash just 5K ago is good! But don't sell compression short it is what we count on The fact
  18. Another way because you live in an apartment block is to remove the spark plugs and do the test Bum mentioned. While letting it spin for say 30 seconds to warm it, then re install one plug at a time and repeat the test, the closer you get to a full deck the slower the starter will turn, representing load! Once you are at a full deck then you will see if the starter can spin it high enough to start. As far as I can make out tho you still have issues that we haven't addressed, like why is the power acc. not lighting? That could be problematic? I asked both Puc and Flynfool to drop by when they have time.
  19. OK Brother now I am following you thanks for the pm, tho I don't mind being embarrassed in the open, you could say my much older brothers pick on me all the time, for things like, having more girlfriends, better looking, taller, unique language skills..... you name it So sprayed thru 31 so the needle was out of the jet at the time, you sprayed thru and it came out around the perimeter of the jet housing! That is called the path of least resistance;) Remove it and have a good look at it, eve if you can post a pic of both it and the needle pls.
  20. And miss the learning curve? lol I know!
  21. Sure NO PROBLEM, Mama said they were brawless MELONS! First thing you asked, REMEMBER? It was just last night, after your massage! By the way did you give Marca my number like I asked? As for my language skills, that is Fools fault! I have been asking him for years to build me a universal translator, instead he just keeps working on our escape saucer, like we are ever getting out of here!
  22. Enjoyable to see your approach but, you need consider more of the picture then just the outcome of that measurement. You need take into account the fact that one less will equal more rpm. Try this, disconnect the two components from the layouts above, then look for what would be the individual demand challenges? So I am not going to dump the answer on your laps because you are a puzzle solver so cause and effect work that thru then see if that works out to gains or losses,,,, Let us know what you find
  23. well I see he's off line now so I'll say good nite Ben, catch up tomorrow!
  24. Well Ben his starter could be toast but he has power across the relay when he shouldn't. And yet nothing from the starter. So it could be that the stuck relay has to much carbon to pass power, and his starter was the cause, right.
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